Thursday, December 25, 2008

Camcorders For Filmmakers

I wish you a merry Fckn 'christmas ....

Monday, December 22, 2008

Cube Field Iphone Descargar

compacted against the 133! Sketches from

I had already mentioned this initiative some time ago, someone had the opportunity to participate. This is a publication that is following a group of students from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities in Florence: 133 strips against 133 . Cance good and I have contributed three strips, and many will probably by January. I renew my invitation to all those who have not had the opportunity or time to participate in the initiative, as the delivery has been delayed until January: required only a strip!
Come on, I'm 10 minutes of your time, do not be lazy!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Where To Find Maternity Pads In Shops

Comics Con ...

elapsed since a little 'time since my last update. The situation has not changed much ...

2008 is always a crap.

But I got some of the sketches I did during the sessions dedicated to "Project HOPE" at Lucca Comics , and I wanted to post ....

So ...

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Breakfast At Tiffany Invitation Templates

2008 good reasons for wanting this 2008 ends soon ...

Non so voi, ma io di 'sto 2008 son proprio stufo...

Troppe brutte cose stan succedendo.

E meno male che da alcune me ne son tenuto ben fuori.

Comunque sia, di cose da dire ce ne sarebbero tante, ma di mettere in piazza i miei guai non ne ho voglia. E neanche Voi di ascoltarli. Perciò passiamo a cose ben più importanti: come ad esempio Lucca Comics...

Ma anche no.

Quest'anno non è stata particolarmente esaltante.
Cioè, non è che sia cambiata Lucca, ci mancherebbe. It 's the usual chaotic, disorganized and Lucca humid all year. But in this round, not having a stand to be my base camp, but having to run left and right (and who was there knows that the first two days was not easy, with the flood that has hit people like us poor demented, was devoid of umbrella), I just enjoyed the little son.
In 4 days I am not able to do NOTHING! Needless to see the exhibits .... Nor
the stands.

But a couple of good moments we have are: lunch with old comrades in adventure LaSalle (the few survivors) and my session dedications ( aahhh, what I like to say ) booth " Project: H.O.PE." , in quella bolgia terrificante da girone dantesco che è il Games .

E poi quanti calci in culo da gli editori....

Vabbuò, a Mantova spaccheremo tutto.

Ah, ci mancherebbe pure che me lo dimentico : chi è fra i miei contatti di posta già lo sa, ma per chi ancora non ne fosse a conoscenza, stiamo reclutando disegnatori per realizzare un volume di strip dal titolo "133 strisce contro la 133" . Si tratta di un'iniziativa di un gruppo di studenti della facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia di Firenze , assieme some students International School of Comics. The goal is to disseminate, through a medium of mass communication such as comics, the reasons for the student protest on the school reform and the Decree-Law 133.
an indication we need the accessions within the next week, and the strips by December. All we need is also a contribution of a single strip. Get avantiiiii!


So, without regards.

Why I'm not going to make them tonight.

cheers in blue

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Quotations To Write In A Wedding Card

Trashed ..... Fair

One of those words that no one likes to hear ...

.. But sometimes it happens.



And to say that I liked a lot "The Ceneritore !

was an INS-approved for the advertising campaign for the Quadrifoglio ashtray in the center of Florence ...

But he is not "polite " not even a little '.

Ps: this place just because I'm working like crazy and have no time to show you the new stuff. Before you go to Lucca to sell it to some editors, then we'll see ......

Friday, September 19, 2008

Brown Cervical Mucus Sore Breasts

wet .....

" lucky fair ..." you say.

But I miss the hell!

A storm of biblical dimensions has broken out of 5 poor wretches, a horizontal rain, the scourge of every cosmic stand assistant!
The scenario is that of Arezzo.
The occasion, the Copyleft Festival .
The reason why we went there? Still not clear to me ....
fact is that, through the usual amazing network of contacts at school, four fearless cartoonists have been catapulted to work in the middle of a tornado.

hate stand outside.

would not be so difficult if we had not had to work on a story in 8 hands to the organizers of Copyleft. Instead, with the rain that was taken down on our heads mocking (and on our tables), everything became much more complicated.
Luckily, there was Vane give us a hand and stand behind the booth .... But I am

had the satisfaction of drawing in the library showcase Edison .....

And here we are, busily scribbling the story written by the group Kai-Zen : 8 pages should have been around, but given the technical difficulties and interruptions caused by storm, we arrived only half work. The rest we are completing these days, and within it you will find on the site of Copylet festival.

In the end, wet, tired and cold, we still had fun. A big thanks goes to Jonny Baldini, who has been behind every second, and we organized the stay and the number of lunches and dinners. And then I met

Christian Biasco ....

Never forget the rockin ....