Friday, September 19, 2008

Brown Cervical Mucus Sore Breasts

wet .....

" lucky fair ..." you say.

But I miss the hell!

A storm of biblical dimensions has broken out of 5 poor wretches, a horizontal rain, the scourge of every cosmic stand assistant!
The scenario is that of Arezzo.
The occasion, the Copyleft Festival .
The reason why we went there? Still not clear to me ....
fact is that, through the usual amazing network of contacts at school, four fearless cartoonists have been catapulted to work in the middle of a tornado.

hate stand outside.

would not be so difficult if we had not had to work on a story in 8 hands to the organizers of Copyleft. Instead, with the rain that was taken down on our heads mocking (and on our tables), everything became much more complicated.
Luckily, there was Vane give us a hand and stand behind the booth .... But I am

had the satisfaction of drawing in the library showcase Edison .....

And here we are, busily scribbling the story written by the group Kai-Zen : 8 pages should have been around, but given the technical difficulties and interruptions caused by storm, we arrived only half work. The rest we are completing these days, and within it you will find on the site of Copylet festival.

In the end, wet, tired and cold, we still had fun. A big thanks goes to Jonny Baldini, who has been behind every second, and we organized the stay and the number of lunches and dinners. And then I met

Christian Biasco ....

Never forget the rockin ....