Thursday, May 14, 2009

Car Transfer Ontario Parking Ticket


It starts to Jesi, dolls, that Saturday Moie Maiolati Spontini (???) CISTandem awaits us, another competition in which I and the good dr. Cancellara will take part.

me mouth to the wolf to me.
Hello, eh ..
Hello to you too!
Oh, then you feel when you come back?
Oh, yes, we will be destroyed but we make it a drink, come on!
Ok, then bon voyage!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Wedding Program Concert Poster

"... A Long Time Ago, as man on track .."

"... Walking thirty miles with a sack on His back And he put down His load Where He Thought It Was The Best Made a home in the wilderness .."

which basically has nothing to do with the topic of the post, but this hour ( beautiful, God forbid) piece of Dire Straits around my head, and somehow I had to throw out.
It 'a lot that I do not update the blog, but it was a period full of "exciting events ".
The main, which lead me to freshen up the blog this evening, there is the Odyssey of Lancaster.
and racing to the post office to be able to deliver the work for the competition.
and subsequent telephone calls.
E Italian Post's apology that I had lost the package.
And then the reappearance of the package a few days later.
AND balls going around, giravanoooo

.. So, long story short, I have delivered PI with 4 days of delay the designs of the competition, now out of time.

I also stoner " Wine, Vignette e.. Flowers", because at the time of delivery I realized that ... it was ugly!

Ma le ultime sembra siano partite in tempo, e non ci dovrebbero essere problemi. Non mi ricordo il nome del concorso, ma il tema era " Darwin e l'Origine della specie ".

Il Cance è stato a Napoli , ha spargere il verbo di Apocalipse . Apparentemente senza grossi risultati.

Ora ci metteremo a lavoro sul Project Contest.
Intanto vi mostro le 4 tavole realizzate per Lanciano: la storia è ovviamente del Cance.

In coda, la vignetta di Bordighera che non è mai partita....

Ps: the boards of the Lancaster will soon be in the "Show on the Web" site
Pps: the verses of the song are taken from " Telegraph Road, "Dire Straits, album" Love Over Gold " Keep rockin '
