Monday, March 29, 2010

Reverse Gingivitus At Home

Black China

First let me say that I LOVE THIS MAN!
And by "this man " I mean Ryan Ottley. For those not familiar, Ryan Ottley è il disegnatore di Invincible , della IMAGE. All'inizio ero un po' scettico, Cory Walker mi piaceva tantissimo e quando arrivò Ryan, storsi un po' il naso. Però, più che andava a vanti, più che mi intrigava il suo stile così duro, ma nello stesso tempo così espressivo. Andatevelo a leggere, perchè è un figo.
Detto questo, siccome sono anni che mi dicono che non so inchiostrare, mi sto esercitando ad inchiostrare i lavori degli altri, e dopo la cacciatrice di Benes , mi sono cimentato con Invincible. Questa spread è tratta dal numero 63. Prossimamente anche una cover...


Invincible Ryan Ottley Tommaso Campanini 63

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

How Long Does Alazopram Take To Work


"... But do not be worried, we are people who end up worse, jail or hospital .."

Hello my dear, you just left.
It 's very place that I have neglected my dear beloved blog post due to lack of material. Graph is "literary" (big word for the ravings of an unemployed ..). But slowly I'm trying to pick it up, and you break the balls to get you back to my comment and my Paturnie sclera. Meanwhile, I do a little advertising, announcing the initiative ultimately, from April 14 part of a cycle workshop on comics , edited by myself, at the CG Gavinuppia in Florence . Last weekend I presented the initiative at a party in the district: a part of the pride of finally being able to make one small exhibition of works ( seven years in the comics I've never been given the honor of even a small drawing little beat ......... ), I enjoyed total freedom in designing, testing. And the result are these semi-colored sketches 4: yes, I have a little 'taken down the Copic (they are so cool!).

"... we are always at a point from the best."

Let the good ....


ps: 2 of those characters (do 3, but one is famous ..) you have already seen if you followed the blog. A beer to whoever guesses!