Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Barska Scope Any Good


Saturday, November 20 was held in Rome on the Federal Council. Among the issues on the agenda for action for Jason.
Saturday evening we were informed that the council had rejected the application for my son as it is not considered sufficient grounds. At the same time, we were required to remain on hold, as was the intention of the Federal Council requires as a "benevolent" the release of Jason.
We were at dinner by our friends, and there we were, in a warm room with fireplace. Then, alone at home, we looked into his eyes. And we slept badly. With a deep sense of unease.
Sunday morning, around 11, a phone call informing us that the Council had received the request and that is that when the decision of the Council was officially published on the site Fitet, Mr. D'Ambrosio would granted the clearance.
I reacted like any person of normal intelligence would react. I told my husband that the president of the church would come out great, with the official reason for his magnanimous gesture and doing.
I was wrong.

Yesterday, the verdict appeared on the site. Eccolo:
“Jason David Luini – Richiesta di svincolo per disagio ambientale
In ordine alla richiesta presentata da parte dell’atleta Jason David Luini tendente alla dichiarazione di sussistenza di gravi motivi di disagio ambientale e di disagio tecnico e della conseguente richiesta di svincolo anticipato dalla ASDTT PIEVE EMANUELE ai sensi dell’art.15.3 lett. c) del Regolamento Organico, il Consiglio ha rilevato che la gravità di questi disagi dichiarati non sia tale da concedere lo svincolo previsto dal Regolamento sopramenzionato.
Pertanto delibera di respingere il appeal by the athlete Jason David Luini.

Roberto obviously inform the following. Is told that he would have received an email from the president of the church and that only after his response would have been granted the permission.
The mail arrives in a few minutes.
box is that of society and there is no signature. But there's no need. Here:

"The company feels satisfied with the ruling made by the Federation Council.
Mai persone si sono dimostrate peggiori di voi.
Ultimo gesto sarà quello di toglierci definitivamente dai piedi delle persone che si sono dimostrate degli ingrati nei confronti di che gli ha fatto solo del bene.
Inoltrami la richiesta di nulla-osta e sarà un enorme piacere cancellarti dall'elenco dei nostri tesserati in quanto voi non siete degni di appartenere ad una società come Pieve Emanuele".

Roberto naturalmente risponde solo con il nome della società a cui inviare il nulla osta. Non firma nemmeno lui, and if you had asked me I would have to sign said.
This morning we finally have the final confirmation: the clearance is received. Jason is free!

But it's not over yet.
The President of the church published a note on the official website of the company.
I confess that I was shocked. In his place, I would not have lost the silver tray that was offered to me. I applauded the ruling, which gives me reason and I would have said but I just let go of the boy. In this way many people would have wondered if Luini case for these had not exaggerated.
But there are people unable to control his anger, and so is the anger that controls them.
Mr. D'Ambrosio is obviously one of them. Defines not only my son, once again, a child , implying a negative. No, not content: one that defines my husband does the figure of "poor fool" . Clarifying, in case anyone was still not convinced, as we can consider and treat people.

Now, I want to pass on everything except one thing, necessary because there are half of other people. That is, the coaches and players of the church. Look, the president speaks of "society", says "we", but it is a plural majestatis: mean himself.
But I do believe that a company with those who play and those who train. And I know for sure that those campaigning in Pieve Emanuele knows the truth and it has already been shown in still very good relations with their now former teammate Jason Luini. We never had anything against the team from Pieve Emanuele, in fact my son told me a week ago that if the mesh is really heard him.
When this story ends, I would like to reiterate our gratitude and our appreciation for all those who worked with Jason.

For us, the story ends here. The application for membership of illegal underage is continuing its course as far as I know there's already been a referral.
Slowly the deep discomfort that this story has put the soul is stempererà.
Our aim - to see Jason again serene and see him play - is reached. Not clear in the way we had hoped, of course, but for once, concedetemelo, what matters is the final result.

Thanks so much for supporting us. I will not forget.


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