Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Average Salary Pilot Canada

10 - Senza via d'uscita

Roberto arriva a Pieve con Jason e la sua ragazza, Elisa. Il presidente si materializza nel parcheggio. Saluta come se nulla fosse, e comincia a parlare con Jason di contratti, trattative per il prossimo anno, eccetera.
Roberto lo blocca immediatamente. Prima, deve spiegargli come mai si è preso il cartellino di Jason senza informarlo.  – Io ho solo seguito il regolamento – risponde.
La frase va sottolineata, perché da questo momento sarà il leit-motiv di tutte le risposte di Nicola D'ambrosio.
Della sua personale interpretazione del regolamento, abbiamo now accumulated a lot of evidence. One can be found on Youtube, and it is disturbing, because here it comes to physical security. I leave you the link below.
But this man seems to ignore a fundamental assumption: there are no regulations, it is true, but there are rules that are above, not even mentioning that the legislators because they are granted, because without them there is no civil society.

But back in that parking lot, on that summer day. Robert maintains his proverbial calm, and said that any negotiation can not be separated from its clearance. Jason should be able to decide freely the offers it has on the table, including that of the church, if you are submitting.
But it can not, must not be the only one.
At this point, D'Ambrosio says - I want 1350 €.
Roberto does not have time to think, to assess what would we give up, because the president adds: - But it soon for a year. And if it goes in a big team, I want more money, ask them to them.
Faced with the prospect of a never ending story, which would also involve companies that are interested a Jason, decidiamo di dire no, di non cedere a quello che a me, sinceramente, pare un ricatto. Poi mi diranno in molti che nell'ambiente sportivo è così, che non c'è niente di strano. Beh, permettetemi di dire che io ci trovo molto di strano.  Non era questa la mia idea dello sport giovanile, quello che tiene i ragazzi lontano dalla strada, dalla droga eccetera.

Ci ritroviamo quindi con un problema sul tavolo. Nostro figlio è prigioniero di un club.
Gli parlo io, a questo figlio, io che non ho mai messo il becco nella sua attività. Gli chiedo di valutare con me le alternative. Lui mi dà una response from the young man who has become in recent months: - There is no alternative - he tells me. - I need calm. I want to go to train peaceful, play, fun, feel good. The idea of \u200b\u200bentering the gym at church for me now is a nightmare.
with Roberto, we decide groped all roads. D'Ambrosio is the ping pong Parish, and this is clear. But often for periods of time, at the head of his company puts other people. A certain Mr. Pulice was elected president in 2009. Roberto, Pulice is convinced that the president and feel you have a chance, the phone calls and an appointment.

Meeting Pulice is surreal. Receives it, but now says he was "resigned" - the word is his - in April. Then he tells freewheel that he accepted the assignment with the intention to put a little 'order and regularity in society, but it could not. It tells, without stress, his son, D2 player, which randomly surfing the Internet he discovered he had played and lost a game but that no one had ever played.
We can not control the claim, but seeing that Treviso-Parish was held on the site and Fitet is not disputed, it is easy to believe him.
However, these "secrets" do not mean that should help. Show with Robert the minutes of the board of directors which is precisely resigned. But it shows it to him for a fleeting moment, refusing to give him a photocopy. Roberto has time to see only the signature of the secretary. Comes out of there without even knowing if the new president and D'Ambrosio.
not give up, though.
knows the secretary, is the father of boys playing table tennis. Go and talk to him. She asks him just who was elected president at that suggestion, if D'Ambrosio or someone else.
- Non lo so – risponde, allargando le braccia.
Roberto trasecola: come è possibile? C'è stata una riunione del consiglio della società, c'è un verbale d'assemblea che lui ha firmato…
- Quando ci sono queste cose – replica il segretario – D'Ambrosio viene da me con il verbale, mi citofona, io scendo e lo firmo.  
Avete letto bene.
Ora, nella mia vita io ho anche analizzato migliaia di bilanci societari, mi sono letta verbali, relazioni eccetera. Ho una fervida fantasy, which eventually led me to write novels, and as I read the financial statements it made me think of a certain number of people sitting in a room. I never imagined that a president intercoms to the Secretary, that this spring the soup in the pot and goes to sign without knowing anything.
Robert Pulice will review a second time. Doing violence to her and my ethics, and asked to sign a clearance dated April, that is, when he was still president. Do not let us be proud, we can only say to our justification that we are exhausted and demoralized. But still refuses Pulice.

On July 2, Jason received an email from D'Ambrosio.
"Since this issue / request had already been fully covered, my ultimate position and your position is not negotiable at this. First, give me a check for € 1,350 with the relevant letter of justification for my part the request and receipt of payment) as reimbursement of part of your course of study paid my check with a private, only after it is cashed, I'll give the green light in favor of Angera. This is because with your choice to terminate a bond existing federal to the company, you are actually stopping a project that the company had done on you. "
Prosegue dicendo che a quel punto potranno anche parlare di un altro contratto e che non è più disponibile a ricevere mail né telefonate da chicchessia".
La mail arriva alle 17,16 del 2 luglio.
Cinque minuti dopo, io sto chiamando lo studio legale.

Il nostro avvocato scrive a D'Ambrosio il 6 luglio, chiedendogli formalmente il rilascio del nulla osta. D'Ambrosio risponde prima con un sms a Jason che riporto integralmente:
"Ho ricevuto una lettera da un avvocato. Unico commento che mi sento di fare è che da questo momento rispetterò le regole federali al 100%".
La risposta ufficiale, con cui rifiuta la concessione del nulla osta, arriva il 15 luglio per mail.
Noi siamo in Francia, ma Roberto gli telefona per cercare ancora una volta la via del buon senso. Gli risponde sgarbatamente che non ha tempo adesso. Roberto mantiene la calma e gli chiede di richiamare.
La risposta testuale è questa: "Io non chiamo nessuno, io non ho bisogno di Luini Roberto né di Luini Jason".
Se non ha bisogno di Luini Jason, dico I, why not let him go?

Roberto Meanwhile the road test of the Federation. He asked for clarification on the corporate structure of the church, and we have no answers. Send a mail-memory on each other, while on July 18 Jason is to write to the Federal Council for clarification of its membership. We have no answers.
At this point the lawyer's decision to start the official procedures. Then, by registered letter, Jason asked the chairman of the Parish clearance.
arrival of the obvious negative response, on August 11, Jason has before the Federal Council.
The process is regional, so it is sent to Milan. The offices are open. Is received on 12, 16, retired from a counselor and the President of the Lombardy Fitet 18. On 26 August, when asked what happened to Robert, is not registered. Involved back-dating all letters and so on, but on 31 August, the action finally moves on.
I show the letter from the President of the Federation shall inform the President of the Lombardy Pieve Emanuele company submitting the application. Look at the name of two presidents, one to which the letter is sent and the that this letter was signed.

Now, I when I saw it I realized that we would never have received justice.
Do you think it will just be wrong? I ask Robert. Or that does not have enough friends among the colleagues of the National Council to ensure that everything is stretched to fall into oblivion?
I do not know them, these other gentlemen, but Robert and yes I think he still has a bit of confidence.

The regulation provides that the Federal Council shall act on appeals to the first meeting, which in our case is 25 September in Rimini, the day before the General Assembly.
Load up the RV and head, the two of us. But however confident he decided to fight, I am very worried.

Watch video: security in Pieve


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