Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Vga Out Hdmi In Not Working

11 – Ultimo capitolo

The news reaches us on the road: the meeting is over and the council has not decided.
Pare - news we have second-hand - that the action was not even on the agenda. They talk about it unofficially and informally instruct a federal prosecutor.
All wrapped in a fog that is hiding my son, because nobody sees it. Why nobody talks about it. He stews, Luini. I'm just poor, powerless, without charges.
The next day, Roberto attend the general meeting. The first person he sees, while entering the hotel, and D'Ambrosio. As the day approached by the prosecutor, who in turn has already been approached by Mr. D'Ambrosio. Want to find a peaceful solution, and calls for clarification. Robert explains everything in detail and in the end the prosecutor said that in this story is more than he thought. The prosecutor asks for documentation. Roberto send it by fax on October 1.
Also we would like to find a solution by common sense. But D'Ambrosio is the only solution is to have it both ways, apparently.

Meanwhile, the leagues have started and Jason does not play.
They open a disciplinary position Oct. 19. We do not know if the President of the Federation or the President of the Parish of Lombardy, it is not clear.
Robert also writes the Guarantor, the cones, because if we do not know which organ to enable the Federal Council does not act, slamming his head against the wall, because time is running out and we no longer know what to do to help a boy who seeks only to continue playing.
We send a friend to church, to document the camera with security breaches of the gym and send the video to the federation.

Friday, October 22, Nicola D'Ambrosio, president of the Parish version , writes on the website of the company's version of events, as you can imagine. Among other things in the family speaks Luini as ingrates who have never appreciated what the church has done for Jason. Then, in version President of Lombardy Fitet , is linking its work on the site of the latter.
Our lawyer tells Roberto to respond on the site of TTA Angera. But the officer Fitet press, to which the link sends Roberto, D'Ambrosio replied that, on his own version Fitet president of Lombardy, has refused to authorize.
That has denied Roberto Luini TTA and the right of reply.
E 'at this point that I started this blog, of which we are nearing the end.

Saturday 23, in Turin, D'Ambrosio seeks to bring Jason to talk about. The boy escapes.
Sunday evening Nicola D'Ambrosio send him a farewell mail. The title is really so: Farewell.
Io avevo letto solo le mail in cui disponeva, ordinava, dava ultimatum.
Per la prima volta l'ho visto nell'altra versione, quella di quando ha bisogno, e vuole sedurti, commuoverti, eccetera. E vi giuro che mi sono ritrovata inconsciamente a considerare quelle che elenca come le sue ragioni , io che ho vissuto la vicenda per intero, che conosco mio marito da 30 anni per la bellissima persona che è, che ho visto star male mio figlio…
Ho provato per la prima volta sulla mia pelle quell'effetto manipolatorio che ha tenuto lì mio figlio per 5 anni, credendo sempre che "stavolta dice seriously, this time is that good. "
The email begins:
Saturday morning in Turin for the last time in my life I tried to talk and possibly make you think, but you would not.
It's okay, life goes on anyway.
However, lest you are left with the idea that you are right and you are the victim of this whole affair and I wrong, I decided to write you in private, senza chiasso, ma semplicemente illustrarti i motivi per i quali è stato giusto non cedere ai capricci di un bambino di 18 anni.

Ma quello che mi imbestialisce è questo

Sin dal primo  momento ho cercato di farti ragionare e far rientrare la tua assurda richiesta che a noi sarebbe costato dal punto di vista tecnico un enormità.
Sai, con questa mail officially inform you that we exist, with our problems, dreams and aspirations and you are not alone in the world, so free to disregard or to account to anyone for your actions, but above all not to take account the consequences on others of your choice!
Just to let you know the technical damage that we were getting into, we list a few things that the company was losing agreeing to let you go:
- there was a lacking the fourth in A1 - now if one is hurt for us is a disaster!
- we were missing the number 1 in B1 and as a consequence now that league play to avoid relegation and we played with you for up to A2!;
- we were missing the team and the double U-21 Youth Championships Italians !!!!!
e questo solo per dirti le cose più eclatanti, ma ce ne sono altre ancora.
Tutte queste cose le hai mai valutate?

Vorrei ricordare a chi mi sta leggendo che questo è lo stesso uomo che ha detto più volte a Jason "non fai più parte dei progetti della squadra", che scrive a mio marito sullo stesso tono.
Vorrei anche ricordare che Jason non gioca più, quindi le conseguenze "a cui sarebbero andati incontro" sono le conseguenze a cui sono andati incontro, facendo molto male a un ragazzo.
The fourth in the A1, I stress again, do not hardly ever play. So, Jason or another does the same. And finally, what would this new product, which played without Jason to escape relegation?
Why, Mr. D'Ambrosio was not her on the phone to say "I do not need Jason Luini?"

Later, speaking to a boy of his father as the person is not lucid and ungrateful, of which there can be trusted. This did not comment.
After this message, Roberto - been really exhausted - going to church and points out a disturbing game. Against all his principles. Threatened with attack by the Vice-Cervi, call the firemen in front of them and D'Ambrosio lets out that Jason had been loaned. It tells the story by email to all members and D'Ambrosio wrote him a text message on Oct. 31.
This was made public too, today.
I read your mail again. What I think is that the difference between you and me is that it continues to say and write only small pieces of truth and I always tell the whole truth and only the truth for everyone, even Friday evening before the two fighters. For this reason I do not feel guilty. Obviously I have no intention of giving in to your "deeds" whatever they are. Please take this sms because when it's over this sad story I will be available to participate in a public debate by calling the same people who may have all experienced first-hand side of this story and I'll show in practice because you are biased, so unable to be objective in your reviews.

The truth, whole, without concealing the things that bring honor to me and my husband - including our own stupidity - I told I am here.
If Jason decided to go to church was neither for money or for glory.
He just wants to rediscover the pleasure to play, wants to find the serenity that the president of the church, he and he alone, has taken away every time he could win. Saying "there is no room for you" in the most difficult of his life, asking him to choose between the president and his coach Gigliotti, promising China when nobody asked him anything, only to disappoint.
Al Parish has grown as a player, it's true. But thanks to the coaches that have followed in recent years, to which both we and Jason are deeply grateful and to whom, if I read, I want to personally say thank you. They have always worked in very difficult conditions. And then my son is not the person that there is more malleable, I know better than anyone.

And we're really at the end.
Mr. Nicholas D'Ambrosio says that will not give up. I'm an analyst with words and tell you that the word he chooses - to sell - best of all because it tells us is doing so.
is playing and wants to win. Too bad that at stake is my son. Not only his career but his serenity. He decided to take away his passion, for nothing. A man of 60 years that ruined a boy. There are times when I can not believe it.
"Roberto Luini affect half the world wants the story," he wrote, today Nov. 3, Mr. D'Ambrosio on its website.
And we need to do, keep quiet?
accept his arrogance?
Lower the head?
accept that a man of almost 60 years, games those who have it longer with a guy? I must accept this and be silent?

"What else can take me away?" I asked my son last week. I do not know. For now, Jason is strong, it keeps the balance.
open showing you my son I was. I put the photos on the table or podium. I close with a picture that wants him, showing him once again at the table. Where dreams come back.
Thank you all.


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