Sunday, October 31, 2010

Herpes Spots On Stomach

9 – L’inverno e poi la primavera

autumn of 2009, we find a church Gigliotti. Indeed, he was appointed Head of the gym.
Although the relationship between him and Anthony have always been marked by ups and downs, he is heartened by Jason. To give him courage is also moving to Milan to his girlfriend, Elisa, also table tennis, going to train and live in the apartment in San Donato in Pieve, paying rent to D'Ambrosio. As I said two, clean and bleached at our expense.

On September 21, 2009, after a tournament in the 2nd category in which Jason did not shine, D'Ambrosio comes in the gym, take away the boy and tells him that his future in the church is not insured, that to remain must demonstrate its value. It also informs that there will be no sparring for training but only the first Chinese team, Cheng Jia.
With this player, my son has a total incompatibility: Cheng Jia, does not love to train with who is under his level and, for each error Jason, picks it up heavily. Jason discourage you, it depressing.
With Zhilong there are no incompatibilities, but not particularly feeling. Gigliotti, however, probably for the same contrasts with Cheng Jia, is dedicated to the younger guys.
Jason feels a part of anything. He trains a lot, hours and hours, but things are getting worse. In the game never manages to get in, seems overwhelmed by a sense of inadequacy and fear. He lost his light in his eyes has no passion, play to finish the games.
to train more, is not attending school. That school is still waiting for the data of the Company, the program of events and training sessions and asked them to us, because the other side is not answered.
We find out in November, because it tells us Elisa, already tried that before parlare con Zhilong e il presidente, ma senza avere aiuto. Invano cerchiamo di intervenire.

Che la situazione è molto seria, lo scopriamo un venerdì sera. Siamo in camper, stiamo andando a Terni dove il giorno successivo arriverà Jason con il Pieve per un torneo. Siamo quasi a Genova quando suona il cellulare. È Jason, ci dice che a Terni non verrà, che Gigliotti gli ha comunicato che può restarsene a casa.
Aggiunge che la partita di campionato è andata malissimo, ha perso tutti gli incontri, che lui ne ce la fa più, di non chiamarlo e non cercarlo, se ne starà a casa da solo. E chiude.
Ci fermiamo a una stazione di servizio, Roberto lo richiama, sta un’ora al telefono, poi chiama Antonio Gigliotti, ma Jason non si sposta di un millimetro: a Terni non va. Giriamo il camper e rientriamo. Con che animo, lo potete immaginare.

Tutto continua a peggiorare, il Pieve in serie A2 sta andando bene, ma Jason – che è il terzo giocatore – è l’ombra di se stesso. Antonio non lo porta al 2° Categoria di Terni e poi perde nel girone all’Under 21 di Sermide.  
A gennaio, ci comunica che si ritira definitivamente dalla scuola. Vi risparmio la pantomima che è seguita, con noi stretti tra la preside e il presidente, con le rate che si dovevano comunque pagare e il ragazzo che un giorno poteva rientrare a scuola e sostenere la maturità e il giorno dopo non più, perché era tardi.
La sera, io e Roberto ci guardavamo in faccia e ci chiedevamo: ma la gente, oggi, è tutta così?

Andiamo avanti.
A marzo, D'Ambrosio comunica a Jason che non fa più parte dei progetti della squadra.
“Se vuoi puoi anche rimanere – gli dice – ma a spese tue, tranne per i tornei e i rimborsi”.
Jason e Antonio Gigliotti sit and talk and make a decision, which the Chairman gave its blessing: Antonio and will not Zhilong to train Jason in view of the Italian championship and sit in the corner during matches.
The situation changes completely, the boy takes strength and confidence.
Just before the national tournament in Castel Goffredo (2nd category) of 03/04/2010, D'Ambrosio is still talking to Jason, not confirming the interest of society. It expresses its deep regret and asks him to tell the team name that do have cleared. This is the very first time that D'Ambrosio is betrayed: Jason does not mind. Robi do not know, because the guy at that time, his father is ashamed of what feels like a failure.

But the turning point is imminent.
On April 3, 2009, at the national tournament in Castel Goffredo, Jason finished third.
in Terni, the Italian championships, won the Under 21 Mixed Doubles title with Lisa Ridolfi and the bronze medal in individual men.
16/05/2010 Jason becomes the regional champion in the Under 21 single men.
At this point approximates Jason D'Ambrosio. This time she invites him to remove the noise. Back to say "we, shall we say, we will sign," is back with its proposals, awards, internships, the same old things.
But Jason has completely changed, recent months have gained tremendous for him. He is thinking for the first time in its future, and D'Ambrosio, after five years, no longer believes. He does not want to hear about future premiums, when the president has not even given the 280 € tournament and won with Championships category. Do not even want to hear about another year to train with Cheng Jia, especially since this time the departure of Gigliotti's for sure.
So clearly says that the non intende rimanere a Pieve: del resto è tutto l’anno che sa – per bocca del presidente stesso – di non rientrare nei progetti della squadra.
La risposta di D’Ambrosio lo lascia di sasso: se te ne vuoi andare, mi devi dare 4.000 euro.
Rimaniamo di sasso anche noi, non riusciamo a capire come pensi di costringerci a pagare.
A questo punto, stabiliamo in via definitiva che nostro figlio da lì deve venire via.
Il 13/6/2010 - sempre con Lisa Ridolfi – Jason vince il titolo italiano doppio misto di 2° categoria e la medaglia di bronzo nel singolo maschile. E 'the last act of the season.
My husband - in his capacity as leader of TTAngera - called the Federation in Rome. In view of the exchange rate of the loan, would like some clarification on the timing and validity of the clearance.
's the end of June, and Roberto was told that the card belongs to Jason David Luini Pieve Emanuele.

Here I must make an aside important. The Article 13 paragraph 2 of the Regulations states:
13.2 Athletes under the age of 21 years are bound up in the season they become 21 years of age and no later than the end of the four Olympic events. An athlete, then, that on 30 June of the year in which you play the Olympics has gained under the age of 21 years must, in any case be considered released.

The Federation has advocated the whole procedure of the enrolled in 2008, Olympic year. In that year, sent to Rome TTAngera cleared. So, asking you to verify the documents, the clerk's confirmation that the practice of Jason is cleared of the TTA, completely useless because the property was the parish church.
Now Roberto wrote, asking the grounds that, arrival of his clearance, in the Olympic year, no one has called to verify the apparent anomaly. To date, there has been no response, despite the Federation itself has repeatedly called for by anything other trifles.

But Roberto, although angry at being duped and even made fun of, yet does not think he ended up in a quagmire. Do not ever, ever think that D'Ambrosio refuses to let go of the player. So, he went to talk to Pieve Emanuele, in absolute calm.


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