Saturday, October 23, 2010

Wellness Cat Food Toronto

2 - Come si finisce nel rullo compressore dello sport agonistico?

I remember very well that night. We are sitting on the sidelines of a building on Lake Iseo. The regional championships are played in the field there and my eldest son. Jason has five and a half years and is sitting in our midst. Since he discovered the gym. with his father and his brother, took the game.
Approaches Lisa Piantanida, then president of the TTA (Table Tennis Anger).
– Vorrei parlarvi di Jason – dice.
A me passa un brivido gelato nella schiena. Lei continua. – Non so spiegarvelo meglio, ma lui ha un talento naturale. Sente la pallina. Io vorrei seguirlo.
Accettammo, e da quel momento Jason divenne la speranza del TTA.
Non avrebbe giocato in tornei e campionati fino agli 8 anni, come da regolamento, ma si allenava come se dovesse andare in campo. Non arrivava al tavolo, ma era incredibile quel che riusciva a fare anche grazie alla sua allenatrice, Velislava Veleva (Vili).  E a casa, davanti the table of the room, felt the jokes without bats and without the ball.
can only play in small tournaments, social, and here he is on his first award (the youngest).

Then, just 8 years old, he began.
was 1999 and played in the TTA until 2002. In those years, and several tournaments, won two silver medals at the Italian Championships, the men's doubles young.
On the occasion of the second success in Terni, his father was approached by the president of the company Iron Crown of Monza, Robert Savoy, and by the coach Stefan Stefanov that Jason asked to borrow for a year.
accepted, and Jason began a new phase.
Monza, from our house, is about an hour and a half drive. Jason went there once a week, fresh out of school. The other four days of the week, continued to train with Vili in the gymnasium of the TTA. A Monza 2005 and remained until the dispute Championship D2, D1 and C2. 2005. Won a bronze medal at the Italian Championships, star kids and other tournaments, but also makes the transition from childhood to adolescence that for an athlete is even more delicate.
In 2005, at Terni, during the Italian championships, my husband was contacted by TT Pieve Emanuele, one of the most successful club in Italy, which have borrowed the boy.

Once again, we said yes.


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