Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Small Sand Rail Plans

5 – Per il bene della squadra

No, the league B2 is not going at all well.
If this continues, the goal of B1 is unattainable. Indeed, the team may not even enter in the playoffs. The young Frizzo Tatum wins, is in a period of great form, but his teammate, the one adult, one who has been sacrificed Jason, has lost all the matches.
With impeccable timing, admittedly, the President called Jason D'Ambrosio. After all it took to make the team that will be B1, no? So my son finds himself in what must have been from the beginning his place, with some responsibility in the highest load shoulders.
Jason leaves all the disappointments behind him and enter into Frizzo team and won a place in Terni.
not enough: April 16, 2006 - Easter Sunday - Jason resoundingly won the national tournament for the fourth category. Beside him, in the gymnasium of the cones, that day there are only his parents. On the bench, while playing, there is no one of Pieve Emanuele, but his friend Simon Leto, friend from the Iron Crown of Monza . Registration for the tournament we have paid us, as we have paid all subscriptions to all tournaments, snow shoes, tires, frames, and travel. And the sparring partner that his father pays to train the boy personally.
But Jason wins. The weekly training with Boboc, in addition to those with Vili and the sparring, are bearing fruit.

And after this victory comes the first international call-up for an open in Spain. His first major international commitment.
Jason finally returns to smile, we can say that it is crazy to the happiness, and who would not be at her age? Too bad that this tournament is in conjunction with the playoffs in Terni.
The company is opposed to his departure, he needs him to win promotion to the B1, but no player can reject a call in the National Assembly.
How was really, who telephoned Who, what channels were activated, we do not know for sure.
What is certain is that Jason's father got a telephone call by the coach of the national team, Stefan Stefanov, who asked him "please" by declining the request, which was required for this high office directly from the Federation and that Jason it would acquire a "credit".
For the sake of Pieve Emanuele, Jason, 14 years and some months, he refused his first international call-up, his first trip abroad alone. Imagine yourself with that spirit.
telling this because what is important today, Mr. D'Ambrosio, and Jason accuses us of being ungrateful. A party that is not true, because we have always recognized the merits of the company and its coaches on the results of Jason, but we have also returned. Jason, as well as us.

Jason then goes to the playoffs and is contributing to the team that wins B1.
Not only the Italian championships, he and Tatum Frizzo students to win the title and third place teams in the junior men's doubles. And Jason, in single, became regional champion and junior students.
Roberto, who is grinding km going anywhere, he had to accompany the team to the playoffs in Terni, asks for a reimbursement of expenses to D'Ambrosio.
- Cercatevi another team - is the answer.
But offers to pay for a pizza for the whole family to celebrate the victory. We declined the offer.
So ends the 2005-2006 season. Jason, who in July 2005 was the absolute number 1004 in the national rankings, is now number 477.

The following year, the season starts just below the usual desirable: Pieve Emanuele dispute the championship of B1, but Jason is still with the team in less than B2. In front of his disappointment, his father and I try to make him mind, convincing him that is very young, that's another year of paying dues will be useful.


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