Sunday, October 24, 2010

Reverse Algorithm Generator

3- Il vincolo sportivo: un’anomalia italiana

Before getting to the heart of this story, I must mention the so-called "bond sport."
The Sports constraint exists only in Italy. It consists of an unbreakable bond, a time limit or variously given, but always unreasonable, between the athlete and the company affiliation, with the power of dissolution granted only to the latter. As a result of such lien, transfer to another company is impossible. If you no longer want to play for that team, in short, you can just stop playing.
constraint sports violates the following rules:
L ' Article 1 of Law No March 23, 1981 91 which reads:
" the pursuit of sport, whether carried out individually or collectively, whether professional or amateur is free .
L ' Article 18 of the Constitution which reads
"I Citizens have the right to associate freely without permission for purposes which are not forbidden to individuals by criminal law ... "
The Section 2 of ' Article 24 of the Civil Code which reads:
" The member can always withdraw from' Association [1373 cc] if he has not given an undertaking to make aside for a permanent ... "
L'' Article 20 of the Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 states that :
" No one may be compelled to belong to an association ..." [ Cassaz.Civ. , Sec. 1, 14, 1997, n. 4244 in Mass. egal. lav. 1998.18]

For years it comes to destroy, but in fact has been abolished only for professionals, that is restricted to the privileged class who derive their livelihoods from racing. It was felt, in short, that the only right of the player is to choose their own interest statement. Everything else - peace of mind, enthusiasm, satisfaction - do not count anything for the sports law.
The FIGC (Italian Football Federation) on 14 May 2002 deleted the bond for life, limiting the age of 25 years of age. In the release, the FGIC speaks openly of how this rule has unfortunately led to situations outside the law, with conflicts of interest especially for regional and complaints of attempted extortion.
Other federations have followed. Regulation of FITET (Italian Table Tennis Federation) now limits the sport to the completion bond of 21 years of age.
Until then, a child or a boy (because they're talking about, do not ever forget it) can go play for a team only and only if the team that holds his card - that 's was rationed - the signature cleared.

Then in the summer of 2005, the Tennis Angera - who had recently changed corporate structure, detected and dad raised five enthusiastic and passionate but still a bit 'lost in the maze of Federal Regulations - signing the required document to loan you the annual Luini player Jason David, aged 14.
E 'Jason's father, Robert, in his capacity as secretary of the TTA, a ship that no impediment to Fitet Texas (cardholders who ran until 2007) and personally deliver a copy to Mr Nicholas D 'Ambrosio, president of the TT Pieve Emanuele, and then counselor in the same Fitet Lombardia.
Roberto never imagined at the time of the procedure was wrong.
No one tells them and no one will tell him.

Bibliography on Link sports


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