Friday, October 29, 2010

What Does A Wax Look Like

8 – A volte ritornano

In February, the Circles libertà si eclissano e si interrompono i finanziamenti. La cosa finisce sui giornali, perché a Roma i giocatori campioni d'Italia restano senza stipendio.

A Pieve Emanuele succede come al congresso di Vienna dopo Napoleone: ritorna al comando   Nicola D'Ambrosio. Il quale non gradisce assolutamente l'attaccamento che i ragazzi hanno sviluppato per Antonio Gigliotti. 
Perché? Non lo sappiamo. Io suppongo - But it is my personal idea - because it violates the principle of divide et impera so dear to absolute monarchs.
I see before me an e-mail sent to the chairman Roberto 6 February 2009. Gigliotti says that he created his own small clan into the club and that - quote - "in America that would be punishable by five years in prison."
Why write this strange given to my husband?
Simple: because Jason and Roberto have expressed their appreciation for the work of Antonio. The workouts are great now, and Jason is peaceful.
D'Ambrosio writes (I quote): "The money to financially support the growth of your child puts the company and not the coach and is always the company that has a chance to decide whether it is worth or not to continue to invest in a boy the coach simply the task of working to better the choices made by others for this latter purpose (managers). "
goes on to say that Mr. Gigliotti if they should go after this season and "if your child should feel particularly attached to him the only thing you can do is go with him."
then introduced the proposal, effective no later than February 6, 2009. "If by then I receive an official response to my proposal will be withdrawn and your son will have to find a system other than the Pieve Emanuele.

Here is the proposal (and I always literally):
"1 - The coach will Zhilong Jiang
2 - Your child will play in Series A2 (unless your son and his fellow relegation appposta)
3 - Your child, in addition to the contract already in your hands, will be paid by the company this summer for three weeks / one month in China
4 - We had talked about added to the contract already in your hands € 1,000 in prizes, which confirm here. Lineup prizes to be agreed. "

of all this, it happened that Zhilong became coach and Jason played the season in A2. China and premiums, once Jason has agreed to remain, there has never even spoken.

A separate deserves the contract.
D'Ambrosio talks about "contract already in your hands." Robert received 15 January a draft deed, on letterhead of such a PingPong Pievesi ASD, which we never had to do neither we nor our son. The opening sentence is: "I signed Francesco Franzese, President of the Amateur Sports Pingpong Pievesi ..."
asked my husband what the hell it means, the Chairman replied that it is only a facsimile, to give the 'idea of \u200b\u200bthe proposal. Maybe, but there is the name of our son over there. Among other things, at the end, the voice signatures, there is the name of Jason, as it were to sign him, which is still a minor. However, after the mail on 6 February, the contract ends in the same place in China and 1000 €, that is, in many of the waste paper basket this story.
In April we will get another contract, on the letterhead of the Pieve Emanuele time. And that too, passes and goes into the usual place.
And you get to May 5, 2009.

On May 5, 2009 Jason has just returned from the Championships Italian Terni, where orphaned Tatum, could not defend his title in the doubles but still won a silver in the junior mixed doubles. Nicola D'Ambrosio appears in a gym with a contract.
This .

When gives him the paper and asked him to sign it, Jason at the outset that it has not yet 18 years: the president replied that there 'is no problem, so it's just a proforma. The boy then looks at him and sees the header. Reads a few lines. And then wonders why there is the name of another team and another president: D'Ambrosio answers can not be done with the church because the leadership is changing and everything is locked, not to worry, everything's okay.
Jason signature.
note, for absolute clarity, that Jason has never played for the ADS PingPong Pievesi, nor have we ever had to do, neither the team nor with the President. On the contrary: we know nothing about this team and are completely unfamiliar with Mr. Francesco Franzese, who affixed his signature to the contract at a different time and following that in which it was affixed to my son.

A month later, we call our son in tears and begs her father to take him away from church.
The group that was born around Gigliotti is unraveling, as expected. His great friend Shi goes to Messina, the first-team players - they are not paid, it seems - much less than before attending the gym, Denis has been ready to pack and so Gigliotti. Jason has lost all short references.
Roberto convinces him to take time until after the European championships. There is much at stake, including the change of new school. So Jason leaves for Prague, without a shred of serenity. And yet, despite a reservation in Prague, is able to "team" with his companions, to be crucial - if not for the numerical results - at least for the morale and eventually finished seventh, the best result of the national youth forever.


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