Thursday, October 28, 2010

Bearded Dragon Cage Plans

7 –I molti misteri della stagione 2008-2009

In this episode I'll have to use several times the conditional. Between June 2008 and June 2009 captain in fact some things that we can interpret with certainty.

summer of 2008, the first event nebulous. The so-called Freedom Circles Dell'Utri invest in some Italian table tennis teams, including AS Pieve Emanuele. So are reported to be the father of Jason D'Ambrosio himself, who tells him also that from that moment he is no longer the president of the church. Instead his successor as representative Mr. Fenini.
Fenini And it is in fact to make the proposal to Robert Jason should be transferred in Pieve Emanuele, in a house made available society. The same company will pay a private school (Jason has nearly 17 years, goes to the 4th high school) and 200 € monthly. With him he should move Frizzo Tatum, his teammate, but - from what we know - the family is opposed. After all, the guy lives 10 minutes by road from church.
For Jason is a different matter. In our "career" as parents we have always followed a philosophy: to help our children to see the pros and cons of each situation, but then let them choose for themselves. And once you have chosen, support them.
Jason then takes nine months and 16 years and even made to leave his home, his school, we. The bought a desk, a chair, a TV, we help to pack up and accompany him in his new life.

I would be able to describe the house. I do not think of power. Imagine a neighborhood far from the village, lost in the fog between tangential and state. At the entrance of the neighborhood, squalid buildings started and never finished. The apartment itself is also beautiful, spacious terrace with a pretty good. But living there for years players Parish, who comes and who goes, all boys. It has never been cleaned. say never. What's in the kitchen, behind the refrigerator, under cabinets, is described and do not find him immediately. That day I see swimming in the limit of decency, and the toilet seat will buy it then Jason. Around in the closet, bathroom, terrace, there are shoes abandoned by those he left, sacks of used clothes from who knows ... well, before my son pretend to anything, but just in car blast into tears.
no longer speak to the apartment, so I add that Roberto has blanched at our expense and that we clean from top to bottom. I would also add that, since after the summer of 2009, Jason has found a honeycomb on the balcony. There was no way to convince the leadership to call pest control for which my son took up the issue by only running a serious risk. And in autumn 2009, will remain long without heating.

School. I thought, silly I am, there were specific agreements between the school and society. That collaboration was tested. That they were behind the many problems we had with the old school. Instead, Roberto is forced to go in person to talk to the principal several times and find a wall. No elasticity of time for the sporting commitment, no question programmed, no help for the absence of commitments at the national team (although in class are only 7!). On the other hand, claim that the boys attend in the afternoon, tuition paid by the teachers themselves. Like all other students, not because he had need. Beyond the obvious ethical considerations (I imbufalita), Jason had not moved to church to go to school full time. We found ourselves looking for another school and found one in downtown Milan. On this return, speaking of the terrible winter of 2010.

Now we are still autumn 2008. And the tension is high in the gym. The reason remains a mystery. Boboc Party, who moved to France to coach Denis and Patrick were Antonio Gigliotti.
Rumors of a big fight broke out in June in the year-end pizza party, including coaches and president, but we do not know if this is true even today.
After the initial trip to Treviso, another event still shrouded in mystery. Mate Jason, Frizzo Tatum, disappears. No longer appears to training or matches. Jason loses contact. What has happened, do not know. But Frizzo the Pieve Emanuele closed forever.
Antonio Gigliotti takes its place in the team of A2.
It begins a period that is unbelievable. Relationships with Jason Antonio enhance and binds of friendship to another teammate, Chinese Shi Xiauoyu. But he trains with the strong Stoyanov and the other of the first team.
These kids are isolated in some way from the stresses of leadership and play, play and still play.


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