Monday, October 25, 2010

Anime Mmorpg Like Trickster

4 - I primi mesi a Pieve Emanuele

Jason then goes to Pieve Emanuele. You away 80 km from our house, but will travel to train with the team initially once a week, accompanied by his father (never a delay, with all the weather, including snow) and - as before, the other 4 days he will train with Vili Angera. is an important step in its growth as a player. A church, will team up with a boy her own age who plays in the same category. Will train together, along with the double play in national tournaments together will form the team championship B2.
Questi, almeno, sono gli accordi verbali tra il presidente del TT Pieve Nicola D'Ambrosio e Roberto Luini, nella sua duplice veste di rappresentante del TTA e padre del ragazzo.

Che qualcosa non va, lo scopriamo quasi subito.
La società fornisce a Jason una tuta, due magliette e una borsa usata, abbandonata da un ex giocatore, e diversa da quella in dotazione ai suoi compagni. Nemmeno un paio di pantaloncini. Stringe il cuore vedere la squadra arrivare in palestra, tutti vestiti uguali, con la stessa borsa, tranne Jason. Una sciocchezza, pensiamo noi, ma  Jason ha 14 anni, Jason si vergognava, di quella borsa.
Anche l'allenamento non è quello che si aspettava. Appena arrivato, nel primissimo pomeriggio, Jason gioca con il suo compagno Frizzo Tatulli. Ma quando Patrizio Deniso, l'allenatore della prima squadra, si prende Tatulli.
Solo Tatulli.
E Jason spesso rimane ad allenarsi con le seconde linee.
Come se non bastasse, niente campionato di B2. Ma come, non l’hanno voluto proprio per questo, nostro figlio? Per fare la squadra con Tatulli e conquistare il passaggio in B1? Cosa è successo?
È successo che siamo in Italia. C’è un giocatore adulto che pretende di giocare e, secondo le voci non controllate che circulation, is a financier of the company. Say no, is to miss his contributions. Jason then was confined to C1, where he was needed and where the owners (all adults) do not want it between your feet.

So, Jason finds himself isolated, set aside. The light that has always been in the eye, often coming back to church by car is off. His father notices, but encourages it. The talk of the good stuff.
Because there are, of course. Pieve Emanuele is to train the Romanian Boboc, which saw its potential and takes him under his wing. A beautiful person, Boboc, I have known and appreciated, and more a trainer of high level, which will then be asked to coach a European team.
And there is her boyfriend, Frizzo Tatum. These two boys, despite the leadership of the team do its utmost to make enemies with an impressive treatment of a difference, can sneak away and have fun together. Wonderful capacity of youth.

But if the child tries to throw water on the fire, some explanation for the self Roberto claim. Nicola D'Ambrosio directly address, because it is clear that the directives come from him: Denise is an official training those who tell him to train. Roberto asked why that had been guaranteed at the time the loan is not respected.
- You know, he is on loan, the bond is precarious, we can not invest in him - the answers.
He knew even before, you say, and that's what I told myself.

But here I must introduce a twist: Jason is no longer on loan!
Angera The TTA does not know, we parents even less, but Jason is already the Pieve Emanuele. Because when Robert gave the Nulla Osta did not know - did not understood, did not read, who cares now? - Of having to also pass.
Nicola D'Ambrosio probably when he cleared out of the hands of Robert, was unaware that the TTA had not proceeded to the membership. But then he discovered, of course. As well as chairman of the Parish was also on the board of Fitet Lombardia. And what did he do?
He affiliated himself. Taking, in fact, the actual card. Without saying anything to the TTA, let alone his parents - the parents of a minor! - Indeed with all the supporting comedy to the effect that Jason was on loan. Jason actually tying up to 21 years, linking choice and move to its own discretion.
What should I think about this?
The law does not allow ignorance, of course, Roberto and the TTA have the wrong procedure. But there is something called fairness.

Jason Pieve Emanuele is then in effect, but - who knows why - is taken away by the first team. Meanwhile, the League of B2 is not going well ...


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