Thursday, October 21, 2010

Arm Equipment On Ellen

Belen is always the number one

Belen Rodriguez Belen on the crest of the wave: a line of costumes that bears his signature, a film shot in Africa and the rapprochement with Fabrizio Corona. The Argentine model also reveals an unsuspected passion for writing: "I keep a diary but I do not I ever read."
Belen Rodriguez has designed a line of costumes for "Pin Up" because what you wear to the sea "is to enhance the feminine beauty." The ad was she, of course, that gives users a backstage Tgcom breathtaking. A natural beauty because, he says: "Fewer and more beautiful you dare." Its corpo dice di non amare qualcosa in particolare ma di apprezzare la proporzione armoniosa.

Ma con tutti gli impegni che ha dove trova il tempo di disegnare? "In aereo dove passo decine di ore. Lì, sopra le nuvole mi piace anche scrivere parole al vento". Un vero e proprio diario, dove Belen annota gli stati d'animo delle sue intense giornate trascrivendo l'altalena del suo umore: "Se leggi questo diario ti sembro una pazza". Però il contenuto è top secret, la soubrette lo fa leggere solo a suo padre.

Tra le pagine tante sono dedicate agli amori ma…loro non lo sanno. Solo a Fabrizio ha concesso di leggere qualche pagina. Perché riscoprire la lentezza della carta, per la romantica Belen, vuol dire rediscover a more intimate than sending of the sms.Ma Rodriguez has no intention to publish his thoughts hidden collecting them in a book. "Even if - say - now that I do everything I could even become a writer."

Soon cinema screen, Belen talks about his experience as an actress: "There's the hunchback as on TV, you have to study really." He adds: "With Panariello fine but I found myself acting in plays is not easy because you have to have the perception of comic timing."

Belen speaking of his colleague Elizabeth Hurley says he is not envious but shows her beautiful smile mischievously when he refers Corona: "He's not Clooney." The shapely mannequin is admitted, is deeply in love again because she "love must never become routine and Fabrizio is the man for me."


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