Saturday, October 23, 2010

Custom Cars, Cereal Logos

1 - Jason

But that vile little story I have to tell, so trivial as usual and many
That does not even deserve two columns in a newspaper, or a music , or words a bit 'rhymed
(Frank Sinatra)

The child with bright eyes that you see above is Jason. My son.
Luini Jason David will be 19 , Dec. 10. In the photo above, had not yet 5. It 'was taken in the gym of the club tennis top Angera. How and why he started this sport, and who saw his talent, I tell you in this blog. So how do you tell the abuse, tainted by arrogance, conflict of interest and inability to make decisions that for months prevents him from playing with the real nightmare of never being able to compete.
Ve I will tell this story. This will document with copies of emails, contracts, letters of recommendations.
I, his mother. Who are they and what do I do in life, is easy to find out: I'm here with my name. Just type it on Google. I could have told before, this story, but I did not want. So far I've watched, listened.
Now I understand that trust is useless. That justice does not prevail. The storia di mio figlio è una piccola storia, perché lui per fortuna è vivo e fisicamente sta bene. Ma resta una storia di sopruso e di arroganza, in cui chi non detiene il potere viene schiacciato senza pietà. Anche se è un ragazzo di diciotto anni, a cui hanno tolto la luce dagli occhi.
Io non ho armi, tranne le parole. Le parole fanno paura, dice Saviano.
Proverò a rompere questo muro. Almeno un mattone.


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