Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Does Wella Have Semi Color?

6 – Dall'agosto 2006 al settembre 2008

I'll tell you in this chapter the following two years.
that the problems have remained the same, it is clear from the first meetings after the holidays.
Jason always goes to church once a week, always accompanied by his father, leaving the first school to be there more. But once in the gym, Frizzo is called by some, to work with the best players of Italy (Mondello and Piacentini), Jason should be the other, with the second lines. Even at one stage, are made to travel separately.
Jason suffers heavily this unequal treatment. Has 15 plus years, many problems in school where teachers do not accept his absences for the national team open and his early exits. It is increasingly closed and angry. In exchange for many sacrifices and many problems, not only the stimuli are given, allowing some time to play with the samples, but it happens to be constrained by new coach Antonio Gigliotti to play with boys much less strong and invited him to get dressed and leave if you do not "train well." If we think that it was first released from school and he and his father had done 80 km on a hellish road (Ring Road Autolaghi and Milan), it makes sense? And above all what it means to train well in these conditions?
I have always stubbornly kept my children away from the victim and the black chick Calimero syndrome. Indeed, when they came home from school complaining that this or that teacher will target them, or when blamed others for their mistakes, he gets double punishment.
But at certain moments in this story was really hard for me not to give in, not see the persecution (also unexplained) in certain behaviors.

Roberto tackling the issue with the president only asked to invest a bit 'more about Jason, however, since the results are good, without taking away anything to anyone. D'Ambrosio gives two answers.
The first is that Denise does not want to train a boy who sees only once a week, is not his method.
The second, that's incredible, is as follows: - Jason is on loan, I can invest with a bond so precarious.
Roberto non può immaginare di essere preso in giro. E come potrebbe? Pensate che è il Tennis Tavolo Angera a far fare a Jason tutte le visite mediche necessarie per l'attività!  
Quindi il padre insonsapevole assicura il presidente che se la società si fosse comportata correttamente Jason ci sarebbe sempre stato, come del resto è accaduto per cinque anni.
E prende la decisione di portare Jason due volte, con enormi difficoltà. Immaginatevi come la prendono a scuola!
L'allenatore Bobocica, che da tempo ha intuito le potenzialità di Jason, propone al presidente di farlo venire ad abitare Pieve Emanuele since September 2007, one of the guest quarters of society. But the president drops, has no money, is not interested, there is no place .
But already we are heartened, because when the season starts to take Denis to heart Jason and gradually insert it in the best group. Gigliotti also improve the relationship. There is also good to see that our son is very used to do sparring with what they see as the new young emerging from their nursery, we believe it is the right thing, to do for another what is being done for him. Sport must also educate, no?
Only D'Ambrosio are still problems. In all these months, the attitude of the President in respect of my son (and our) does not change: when he needs the courts, promises " we do, we build, we will sign ..." (and we never signed anything) and just got the result it aside. Continued, and will continue until the end, not to pay the fees for him to tournaments. The pay us, and I feel like paying the duffer because of his son go to camp . whereas my son to success of his team colors!

Jason disputa tutti i tornei regionali, non solo quelli più prestigiosi, o solo i nazionali: gli abbiamo insegnato che è una questione di rispetto verso la sua squadra e verso coloro che lavorano per organizzare questi eventi. E anche verso se stesso: più gioca, più cresce.
E difatti cresce, i risultati sono lì a dimostrarlo.

Ma è inutile chiedere, parlare, cercare un dialogo. Orrmai noi abbiamo capito come lavora D'Ambrosio. Imprenditore capable and visionary, we can admit this, but in his philosophy the company he and only he, the rest are extras. Until such time as he needs you: then you talk, you own storyteller, the company magically transforms in the Family, with a capital "F, and appeals to your loyalty.
Now, after hearing this.
E 'winter, are the Malpensa airport. The national youth is leaving for Hungary. I somehow doubt that the Federation had done everything right, because Jason does not have a passport. But Roberto reassured me: they will have a town permit, no?
not have it, no one We thought Jason and Frizzo, only have an identity card, are blocked for boarding. Since I was very unexpected, I brought my passport, which they appear on my children. In other words: if I get on the plane too, Jason can go. The place is, they are on vacation, no problem.
But the problem is: Frizzo, the friend and companion, who will remain on the ground. We consult, but the decision is obvious: Jason will be home with her partner.
So for those who the company is a family?

Results for Jason in the past two years:

Italian Champion in the Junior Men's Doubles
Silver Junior Men's Doubles
Silver 3 rd Category Men's Doubles
Silver Mixed Doubles 3 rd Category
3rd in National Championship Series B2

Italian Champion in the Junior Men's Doubles
Italian Champion Junior Team Men
Bronze Junior Mixed Doubles Bronze
Under 21 Mixed Doubles
5th in the National Championship Series B1
7 th European Championships in Prague
Tournament 3 to Nat. Under 21 Terni
Tournament 3 to Nat. 3rd-Cat Dual M. Cortemaggiore
2 to Naz Tournament. 3rd-Cat Dual M. La Spezia
Tournament 3 to Nat. Junior Este (PD)


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