Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Barska Scope Any Good


Saturday, November 20 was held in Rome on the Federal Council. Among the issues on the agenda for action for Jason.
Saturday evening we were informed that the council had rejected the application for my son as it is not considered sufficient grounds. At the same time, we were required to remain on hold, as was the intention of the Federal Council requires as a "benevolent" the release of Jason.
We were at dinner by our friends, and there we were, in a warm room with fireplace. Then, alone at home, we looked into his eyes. And we slept badly. With a deep sense of unease.
Sunday morning, around 11, a phone call informing us that the Council had received the request and that is that when the decision of the Council was officially published on the site Fitet, Mr. D'Ambrosio would granted the clearance.
I reacted like any person of normal intelligence would react. I told my husband that the president of the church would come out great, with the official reason for his magnanimous gesture and doing.
I was wrong.

Yesterday, the verdict appeared on the site. Eccolo:
“Jason David Luini – Richiesta di svincolo per disagio ambientale
In ordine alla richiesta presentata da parte dell’atleta Jason David Luini tendente alla dichiarazione di sussistenza di gravi motivi di disagio ambientale e di disagio tecnico e della conseguente richiesta di svincolo anticipato dalla ASDTT PIEVE EMANUELE ai sensi dell’art.15.3 lett. c) del Regolamento Organico, il Consiglio ha rilevato che la gravità di questi disagi dichiarati non sia tale da concedere lo svincolo previsto dal Regolamento sopramenzionato.
Pertanto delibera di respingere il appeal by the athlete Jason David Luini.

Roberto obviously inform the following. Is told that he would have received an email from the president of the church and that only after his response would have been granted the permission.
The mail arrives in a few minutes.
box is that of society and there is no signature. But there's no need. Here:

"The company feels satisfied with the ruling made by the Federation Council.
Mai persone si sono dimostrate peggiori di voi.
Ultimo gesto sarà quello di toglierci definitivamente dai piedi delle persone che si sono dimostrate degli ingrati nei confronti di che gli ha fatto solo del bene.
Inoltrami la richiesta di nulla-osta e sarà un enorme piacere cancellarti dall'elenco dei nostri tesserati in quanto voi non siete degni di appartenere ad una società come Pieve Emanuele".

Roberto naturalmente risponde solo con il nome della società a cui inviare il nulla osta. Non firma nemmeno lui, and if you had asked me I would have to sign said.
This morning we finally have the final confirmation: the clearance is received. Jason is free!

But it's not over yet.
The President of the church published a note on the official website of the company.
I confess that I was shocked. In his place, I would not have lost the silver tray that was offered to me. I applauded the ruling, which gives me reason and I would have said but I just let go of the boy. In this way many people would have wondered if Luini case for these had not exaggerated.
But there are people unable to control his anger, and so is the anger that controls them.
Mr. D'Ambrosio is obviously one of them. Defines not only my son, once again, a child , implying a negative. No, not content: one that defines my husband does the figure of "poor fool" . Clarifying, in case anyone was still not convinced, as we can consider and treat people.

Now, I want to pass on everything except one thing, necessary because there are half of other people. That is, the coaches and players of the church. Look, the president speaks of "society", says "we", but it is a plural majestatis: mean himself.
But I do believe that a company with those who play and those who train. And I know for sure that those campaigning in Pieve Emanuele knows the truth and it has already been shown in still very good relations with their now former teammate Jason Luini. We never had anything against the team from Pieve Emanuele, in fact my son told me a week ago that if the mesh is really heard him.
When this story ends, I would like to reiterate our gratitude and our appreciation for all those who worked with Jason.

For us, the story ends here. The application for membership of illegal underage is continuing its course as far as I know there's already been a referral.
Slowly the deep discomfort that this story has put the soul is stempererà.
Our aim - to see Jason again serene and see him play - is reached. Not clear in the way we had hoped, of course, but for once, concedetemelo, what matters is the final result.

Thanks so much for supporting us. I will not forget.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Movies En Espanol Free

Quale verità?

Roberto has published on the TTA website downloadable PDF that tells this story as it has appeared on this blog. For those who prefer to read the story below .

PS After writing these pages, on November 3, Nicola D'Ambrosio public on
site Pieve una risposta in cui tra l’altro parla del tesseramento di Jason. Copio:
“Il secondo punto su cui bisogna dire la "vera verità" è quello del tesseramento/prestito
..... Tu potrai crederci o meno e veramente non mi interessa affatto la tua opinione ma a me
interessa la solo mia coscienza; allorquando rientrato nella società, sono entrato nel sito della
Federazione per il rinnovo dei tesseramenti, that is after just one season after your
agreements, to renew all cards "automatically renewable" Well I did not even
carefully considered such names was renewed and the issues that could be
behind as I looked at that stage only the names that I had not renewed.
..... So, to return to automatic renewal of membership, there was no reason
say any more on the renewal of his identification card.
..... Finally questo argomento, la "vera verità" è che nel rinnovare il tesseramento
nell'estate del 2009 entrambi non ci abbiamo pensato semplicemente perchè non esistevano
motivi per chiederci alcunchè; tuo figlio viveva e giocava volentieri a Pieve Emanuele.”

Ho già raccontato a lungo di come mio figlio stesse bene nel Pieve. Non intendo in ogni caso
rispondere. Mi limito a mostrare uno stralcio della mail di Roberto con cui rispondeva nel 2009
a una delle tante bozze di contratto mai andate in porto:

As you can see very clearly, Roberto Luini denies the ability to assign the label of
Jason. Without knowing that it is no longer hers. And once again, no one will tell him.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Vga Out Hdmi In Not Working

11 – Ultimo capitolo

The news reaches us on the road: the meeting is over and the council has not decided.
Pare - news we have second-hand - that the action was not even on the agenda. They talk about it unofficially and informally instruct a federal prosecutor.
All wrapped in a fog that is hiding my son, because nobody sees it. Why nobody talks about it. He stews, Luini. I'm just poor, powerless, without charges.
The next day, Roberto attend the general meeting. The first person he sees, while entering the hotel, and D'Ambrosio. As the day approached by the prosecutor, who in turn has already been approached by Mr. D'Ambrosio. Want to find a peaceful solution, and calls for clarification. Robert explains everything in detail and in the end the prosecutor said that in this story is more than he thought. The prosecutor asks for documentation. Roberto send it by fax on October 1.
Also we would like to find a solution by common sense. But D'Ambrosio is the only solution is to have it both ways, apparently.

Meanwhile, the leagues have started and Jason does not play.
They open a disciplinary position Oct. 19. We do not know if the President of the Federation or the President of the Parish of Lombardy, it is not clear.
Robert also writes the Guarantor, the cones, because if we do not know which organ to enable the Federal Council does not act, slamming his head against the wall, because time is running out and we no longer know what to do to help a boy who seeks only to continue playing.
We send a friend to church, to document the camera with security breaches of the gym and send the video to the federation.

Friday, October 22, Nicola D'Ambrosio, president of the Parish version , writes on the website of the company's version of events, as you can imagine. Among other things in the family speaks Luini as ingrates who have never appreciated what the church has done for Jason. Then, in version President of Lombardy Fitet , is linking its work on the site of the latter.
Our lawyer tells Roberto to respond on the site of TTA Angera. But the officer Fitet press, to which the link sends Roberto, D'Ambrosio replied that, on his own version Fitet president of Lombardy, has refused to authorize.
That has denied Roberto Luini TTA and the right of reply.
E 'at this point that I started this blog, of which we are nearing the end.

Saturday 23, in Turin, D'Ambrosio seeks to bring Jason to talk about. The boy escapes.
Sunday evening Nicola D'Ambrosio send him a farewell mail. The title is really so: Farewell.
Io avevo letto solo le mail in cui disponeva, ordinava, dava ultimatum.
Per la prima volta l'ho visto nell'altra versione, quella di quando ha bisogno, e vuole sedurti, commuoverti, eccetera. E vi giuro che mi sono ritrovata inconsciamente a considerare quelle che elenca come le sue ragioni , io che ho vissuto la vicenda per intero, che conosco mio marito da 30 anni per la bellissima persona che è, che ho visto star male mio figlio…
Ho provato per la prima volta sulla mia pelle quell'effetto manipolatorio che ha tenuto lì mio figlio per 5 anni, credendo sempre che "stavolta dice seriously, this time is that good. "
The email begins:
Saturday morning in Turin for the last time in my life I tried to talk and possibly make you think, but you would not.
It's okay, life goes on anyway.
However, lest you are left with the idea that you are right and you are the victim of this whole affair and I wrong, I decided to write you in private, senza chiasso, ma semplicemente illustrarti i motivi per i quali è stato giusto non cedere ai capricci di un bambino di 18 anni.

Ma quello che mi imbestialisce è questo

Sin dal primo  momento ho cercato di farti ragionare e far rientrare la tua assurda richiesta che a noi sarebbe costato dal punto di vista tecnico un enormità.
Sai, con questa mail officially inform you that we exist, with our problems, dreams and aspirations and you are not alone in the world, so free to disregard or to account to anyone for your actions, but above all not to take account the consequences on others of your choice!
Just to let you know the technical damage that we were getting into, we list a few things that the company was losing agreeing to let you go:
- there was a lacking the fourth in A1 - now if one is hurt for us is a disaster!
- we were missing the number 1 in B1 and as a consequence now that league play to avoid relegation and we played with you for up to A2!;
- we were missing the team and the double U-21 Youth Championships Italians !!!!!
e questo solo per dirti le cose più eclatanti, ma ce ne sono altre ancora.
Tutte queste cose le hai mai valutate?

Vorrei ricordare a chi mi sta leggendo che questo è lo stesso uomo che ha detto più volte a Jason "non fai più parte dei progetti della squadra", che scrive a mio marito sullo stesso tono.
Vorrei anche ricordare che Jason non gioca più, quindi le conseguenze "a cui sarebbero andati incontro" sono le conseguenze a cui sono andati incontro, facendo molto male a un ragazzo.
The fourth in the A1, I stress again, do not hardly ever play. So, Jason or another does the same. And finally, what would this new product, which played without Jason to escape relegation?
Why, Mr. D'Ambrosio was not her on the phone to say "I do not need Jason Luini?"

Later, speaking to a boy of his father as the person is not lucid and ungrateful, of which there can be trusted. This did not comment.
After this message, Roberto - been really exhausted - going to church and points out a disturbing game. Against all his principles. Threatened with attack by the Vice-Cervi, call the firemen in front of them and D'Ambrosio lets out that Jason had been loaned. It tells the story by email to all members and D'Ambrosio wrote him a text message on Oct. 31.
This was made public too, today.
I read your mail again. What I think is that the difference between you and me is that it continues to say and write only small pieces of truth and I always tell the whole truth and only the truth for everyone, even Friday evening before the two fighters. For this reason I do not feel guilty. Obviously I have no intention of giving in to your "deeds" whatever they are. Please take this sms because when it's over this sad story I will be available to participate in a public debate by calling the same people who may have all experienced first-hand side of this story and I'll show in practice because you are biased, so unable to be objective in your reviews.

The truth, whole, without concealing the things that bring honor to me and my husband - including our own stupidity - I told I am here.
If Jason decided to go to church was neither for money or for glory.
He just wants to rediscover the pleasure to play, wants to find the serenity that the president of the church, he and he alone, has taken away every time he could win. Saying "there is no room for you" in the most difficult of his life, asking him to choose between the president and his coach Gigliotti, promising China when nobody asked him anything, only to disappoint.
Al Parish has grown as a player, it's true. But thanks to the coaches that have followed in recent years, to which both we and Jason are deeply grateful and to whom, if I read, I want to personally say thank you. They have always worked in very difficult conditions. And then my son is not the person that there is more malleable, I know better than anyone.

And we're really at the end.
Mr. Nicholas D'Ambrosio says that will not give up. I'm an analyst with words and tell you that the word he chooses - to sell - best of all because it tells us is doing so.
is playing and wants to win. Too bad that at stake is my son. Not only his career but his serenity. He decided to take away his passion, for nothing. A man of 60 years that ruined a boy. There are times when I can not believe it.
"Roberto Luini affect half the world wants the story," he wrote, today Nov. 3, Mr. D'Ambrosio on its website.
And we need to do, keep quiet?
accept his arrogance?
Lower the head?
accept that a man of almost 60 years, games those who have it longer with a guy? I must accept this and be silent?

"What else can take me away?" I asked my son last week. I do not know. For now, Jason is strong, it keeps the balance.
open showing you my son I was. I put the photos on the table or podium. I close with a picture that wants him, showing him once again at the table. Where dreams come back.
Thank you all.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Average Salary Pilot Canada

10 - Senza via d'uscita

Roberto arriva a Pieve con Jason e la sua ragazza, Elisa. Il presidente si materializza nel parcheggio. Saluta come se nulla fosse, e comincia a parlare con Jason di contratti, trattative per il prossimo anno, eccetera.
Roberto lo blocca immediatamente. Prima, deve spiegargli come mai si è preso il cartellino di Jason senza informarlo.  – Io ho solo seguito il regolamento – risponde.
La frase va sottolineata, perché da questo momento sarà il leit-motiv di tutte le risposte di Nicola D'ambrosio.
Della sua personale interpretazione del regolamento, abbiamo now accumulated a lot of evidence. One can be found on Youtube, and it is disturbing, because here it comes to physical security. I leave you the link below.
But this man seems to ignore a fundamental assumption: there are no regulations, it is true, but there are rules that are above, not even mentioning that the legislators because they are granted, because without them there is no civil society.

But back in that parking lot, on that summer day. Robert maintains his proverbial calm, and said that any negotiation can not be separated from its clearance. Jason should be able to decide freely the offers it has on the table, including that of the church, if you are submitting.
But it can not, must not be the only one.
At this point, D'Ambrosio says - I want 1350 €.
Roberto does not have time to think, to assess what would we give up, because the president adds: - But it soon for a year. And if it goes in a big team, I want more money, ask them to them.
Faced with the prospect of a never ending story, which would also involve companies that are interested a Jason, decidiamo di dire no, di non cedere a quello che a me, sinceramente, pare un ricatto. Poi mi diranno in molti che nell'ambiente sportivo è così, che non c'è niente di strano. Beh, permettetemi di dire che io ci trovo molto di strano.  Non era questa la mia idea dello sport giovanile, quello che tiene i ragazzi lontano dalla strada, dalla droga eccetera.

Ci ritroviamo quindi con un problema sul tavolo. Nostro figlio è prigioniero di un club.
Gli parlo io, a questo figlio, io che non ho mai messo il becco nella sua attività. Gli chiedo di valutare con me le alternative. Lui mi dà una response from the young man who has become in recent months: - There is no alternative - he tells me. - I need calm. I want to go to train peaceful, play, fun, feel good. The idea of \u200b\u200bentering the gym at church for me now is a nightmare.
with Roberto, we decide groped all roads. D'Ambrosio is the ping pong Parish, and this is clear. But often for periods of time, at the head of his company puts other people. A certain Mr. Pulice was elected president in 2009. Roberto, Pulice is convinced that the president and feel you have a chance, the phone calls and an appointment.

Meeting Pulice is surreal. Receives it, but now says he was "resigned" - the word is his - in April. Then he tells freewheel that he accepted the assignment with the intention to put a little 'order and regularity in society, but it could not. It tells, without stress, his son, D2 player, which randomly surfing the Internet he discovered he had played and lost a game but that no one had ever played.
We can not control the claim, but seeing that Treviso-Parish was held on the site and Fitet is not disputed, it is easy to believe him.
However, these "secrets" do not mean that should help. Show with Robert the minutes of the board of directors which is precisely resigned. But it shows it to him for a fleeting moment, refusing to give him a photocopy. Roberto has time to see only the signature of the secretary. Comes out of there without even knowing if the new president and D'Ambrosio.
not give up, though.
knows the secretary, is the father of boys playing table tennis. Go and talk to him. She asks him just who was elected president at that suggestion, if D'Ambrosio or someone else.
- Non lo so – risponde, allargando le braccia.
Roberto trasecola: come è possibile? C'è stata una riunione del consiglio della società, c'è un verbale d'assemblea che lui ha firmato…
- Quando ci sono queste cose – replica il segretario – D'Ambrosio viene da me con il verbale, mi citofona, io scendo e lo firmo.  
Avete letto bene.
Ora, nella mia vita io ho anche analizzato migliaia di bilanci societari, mi sono letta verbali, relazioni eccetera. Ho una fervida fantasy, which eventually led me to write novels, and as I read the financial statements it made me think of a certain number of people sitting in a room. I never imagined that a president intercoms to the Secretary, that this spring the soup in the pot and goes to sign without knowing anything.
Robert Pulice will review a second time. Doing violence to her and my ethics, and asked to sign a clearance dated April, that is, when he was still president. Do not let us be proud, we can only say to our justification that we are exhausted and demoralized. But still refuses Pulice.

On July 2, Jason received an email from D'Ambrosio.
"Since this issue / request had already been fully covered, my ultimate position and your position is not negotiable at this. First, give me a check for € 1,350 with the relevant letter of justification for my part the request and receipt of payment) as reimbursement of part of your course of study paid my check with a private, only after it is cashed, I'll give the green light in favor of Angera. This is because with your choice to terminate a bond existing federal to the company, you are actually stopping a project that the company had done on you. "
Prosegue dicendo che a quel punto potranno anche parlare di un altro contratto e che non è più disponibile a ricevere mail né telefonate da chicchessia".
La mail arriva alle 17,16 del 2 luglio.
Cinque minuti dopo, io sto chiamando lo studio legale.

Il nostro avvocato scrive a D'Ambrosio il 6 luglio, chiedendogli formalmente il rilascio del nulla osta. D'Ambrosio risponde prima con un sms a Jason che riporto integralmente:
"Ho ricevuto una lettera da un avvocato. Unico commento che mi sento di fare è che da questo momento rispetterò le regole federali al 100%".
La risposta ufficiale, con cui rifiuta la concessione del nulla osta, arriva il 15 luglio per mail.
Noi siamo in Francia, ma Roberto gli telefona per cercare ancora una volta la via del buon senso. Gli risponde sgarbatamente che non ha tempo adesso. Roberto mantiene la calma e gli chiede di richiamare.
La risposta testuale è questa: "Io non chiamo nessuno, io non ho bisogno di Luini Roberto né di Luini Jason".
Se non ha bisogno di Luini Jason, dico I, why not let him go?

Roberto Meanwhile the road test of the Federation. He asked for clarification on the corporate structure of the church, and we have no answers. Send a mail-memory on each other, while on July 18 Jason is to write to the Federal Council for clarification of its membership. We have no answers.
At this point the lawyer's decision to start the official procedures. Then, by registered letter, Jason asked the chairman of the Parish clearance.
arrival of the obvious negative response, on August 11, Jason has before the Federal Council.
The process is regional, so it is sent to Milan. The offices are open. Is received on 12, 16, retired from a counselor and the President of the Lombardy Fitet 18. On 26 August, when asked what happened to Robert, is not registered. Involved back-dating all letters and so on, but on 31 August, the action finally moves on.
I show the letter from the President of the Federation shall inform the President of the Lombardy Pieve Emanuele company submitting the application. Look at the name of two presidents, one to which the letter is sent and the that this letter was signed.

Now, I when I saw it I realized that we would never have received justice.
Do you think it will just be wrong? I ask Robert. Or that does not have enough friends among the colleagues of the National Council to ensure that everything is stretched to fall into oblivion?
I do not know them, these other gentlemen, but Robert and yes I think he still has a bit of confidence.

The regulation provides that the Federal Council shall act on appeals to the first meeting, which in our case is 25 September in Rimini, the day before the General Assembly.
Load up the RV and head, the two of us. But however confident he decided to fight, I am very worried.

Watch video: security in Pieve

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Herpes Spots On Stomach

9 – L’inverno e poi la primavera

autumn of 2009, we find a church Gigliotti. Indeed, he was appointed Head of the gym.
Although the relationship between him and Anthony have always been marked by ups and downs, he is heartened by Jason. To give him courage is also moving to Milan to his girlfriend, Elisa, also table tennis, going to train and live in the apartment in San Donato in Pieve, paying rent to D'Ambrosio. As I said two, clean and bleached at our expense.

On September 21, 2009, after a tournament in the 2nd category in which Jason did not shine, D'Ambrosio comes in the gym, take away the boy and tells him that his future in the church is not insured, that to remain must demonstrate its value. It also informs that there will be no sparring for training but only the first Chinese team, Cheng Jia.
With this player, my son has a total incompatibility: Cheng Jia, does not love to train with who is under his level and, for each error Jason, picks it up heavily. Jason discourage you, it depressing.
With Zhilong there are no incompatibilities, but not particularly feeling. Gigliotti, however, probably for the same contrasts with Cheng Jia, is dedicated to the younger guys.
Jason feels a part of anything. He trains a lot, hours and hours, but things are getting worse. In the game never manages to get in, seems overwhelmed by a sense of inadequacy and fear. He lost his light in his eyes has no passion, play to finish the games.
to train more, is not attending school. That school is still waiting for the data of the Company, the program of events and training sessions and asked them to us, because the other side is not answered.
We find out in November, because it tells us Elisa, already tried that before parlare con Zhilong e il presidente, ma senza avere aiuto. Invano cerchiamo di intervenire.

Che la situazione è molto seria, lo scopriamo un venerdì sera. Siamo in camper, stiamo andando a Terni dove il giorno successivo arriverà Jason con il Pieve per un torneo. Siamo quasi a Genova quando suona il cellulare. È Jason, ci dice che a Terni non verrà, che Gigliotti gli ha comunicato che può restarsene a casa.
Aggiunge che la partita di campionato è andata malissimo, ha perso tutti gli incontri, che lui ne ce la fa più, di non chiamarlo e non cercarlo, se ne starà a casa da solo. E chiude.
Ci fermiamo a una stazione di servizio, Roberto lo richiama, sta un’ora al telefono, poi chiama Antonio Gigliotti, ma Jason non si sposta di un millimetro: a Terni non va. Giriamo il camper e rientriamo. Con che animo, lo potete immaginare.

Tutto continua a peggiorare, il Pieve in serie A2 sta andando bene, ma Jason – che è il terzo giocatore – è l’ombra di se stesso. Antonio non lo porta al 2° Categoria di Terni e poi perde nel girone all’Under 21 di Sermide.  
A gennaio, ci comunica che si ritira definitivamente dalla scuola. Vi risparmio la pantomima che è seguita, con noi stretti tra la preside e il presidente, con le rate che si dovevano comunque pagare e il ragazzo che un giorno poteva rientrare a scuola e sostenere la maturità e il giorno dopo non più, perché era tardi.
La sera, io e Roberto ci guardavamo in faccia e ci chiedevamo: ma la gente, oggi, è tutta così?

Andiamo avanti.
A marzo, D'Ambrosio comunica a Jason che non fa più parte dei progetti della squadra.
“Se vuoi puoi anche rimanere – gli dice – ma a spese tue, tranne per i tornei e i rimborsi”.
Jason e Antonio Gigliotti sit and talk and make a decision, which the Chairman gave its blessing: Antonio and will not Zhilong to train Jason in view of the Italian championship and sit in the corner during matches.
The situation changes completely, the boy takes strength and confidence.
Just before the national tournament in Castel Goffredo (2nd category) of 03/04/2010, D'Ambrosio is still talking to Jason, not confirming the interest of society. It expresses its deep regret and asks him to tell the team name that do have cleared. This is the very first time that D'Ambrosio is betrayed: Jason does not mind. Robi do not know, because the guy at that time, his father is ashamed of what feels like a failure.

But the turning point is imminent.
On April 3, 2009, at the national tournament in Castel Goffredo, Jason finished third.
in Terni, the Italian championships, won the Under 21 Mixed Doubles title with Lisa Ridolfi and the bronze medal in individual men.
16/05/2010 Jason becomes the regional champion in the Under 21 single men.
At this point approximates Jason D'Ambrosio. This time she invites him to remove the noise. Back to say "we, shall we say, we will sign," is back with its proposals, awards, internships, the same old things.
But Jason has completely changed, recent months have gained tremendous for him. He is thinking for the first time in its future, and D'Ambrosio, after five years, no longer believes. He does not want to hear about future premiums, when the president has not even given the 280 € tournament and won with Championships category. Do not even want to hear about another year to train with Cheng Jia, especially since this time the departure of Gigliotti's for sure.
So clearly says that the non intende rimanere a Pieve: del resto è tutto l’anno che sa – per bocca del presidente stesso – di non rientrare nei progetti della squadra.
La risposta di D’Ambrosio lo lascia di sasso: se te ne vuoi andare, mi devi dare 4.000 euro.
Rimaniamo di sasso anche noi, non riusciamo a capire come pensi di costringerci a pagare.
A questo punto, stabiliamo in via definitiva che nostro figlio da lì deve venire via.
Il 13/6/2010 - sempre con Lisa Ridolfi – Jason vince il titolo italiano doppio misto di 2° categoria e la medaglia di bronzo nel singolo maschile. E 'the last act of the season.
My husband - in his capacity as leader of TTAngera - called the Federation in Rome. In view of the exchange rate of the loan, would like some clarification on the timing and validity of the clearance.
's the end of June, and Roberto was told that the card belongs to Jason David Luini Pieve Emanuele.

Here I must make an aside important. The Article 13 paragraph 2 of the Regulations states:
13.2 Athletes under the age of 21 years are bound up in the season they become 21 years of age and no later than the end of the four Olympic events. An athlete, then, that on 30 June of the year in which you play the Olympics has gained under the age of 21 years must, in any case be considered released.

The Federation has advocated the whole procedure of the enrolled in 2008, Olympic year. In that year, sent to Rome TTAngera cleared. So, asking you to verify the documents, the clerk's confirmation that the practice of Jason is cleared of the TTA, completely useless because the property was the parish church.
Now Roberto wrote, asking the grounds that, arrival of his clearance, in the Olympic year, no one has called to verify the apparent anomaly. To date, there has been no response, despite the Federation itself has repeatedly called for by anything other trifles.

But Roberto, although angry at being duped and even made fun of, yet does not think he ended up in a quagmire. Do not ever, ever think that D'Ambrosio refuses to let go of the player. So, he went to talk to Pieve Emanuele, in absolute calm.

Friday, October 29, 2010

What Does A Wax Look Like

8 – A volte ritornano

In February, the Circles libertà si eclissano e si interrompono i finanziamenti. La cosa finisce sui giornali, perché a Roma i giocatori campioni d'Italia restano senza stipendio.

A Pieve Emanuele succede come al congresso di Vienna dopo Napoleone: ritorna al comando   Nicola D'Ambrosio. Il quale non gradisce assolutamente l'attaccamento che i ragazzi hanno sviluppato per Antonio Gigliotti. 
Perché? Non lo sappiamo. Io suppongo - But it is my personal idea - because it violates the principle of divide et impera so dear to absolute monarchs.
I see before me an e-mail sent to the chairman Roberto 6 February 2009. Gigliotti says that he created his own small clan into the club and that - quote - "in America that would be punishable by five years in prison."
Why write this strange given to my husband?
Simple: because Jason and Roberto have expressed their appreciation for the work of Antonio. The workouts are great now, and Jason is peaceful.
D'Ambrosio writes (I quote): "The money to financially support the growth of your child puts the company and not the coach and is always the company that has a chance to decide whether it is worth or not to continue to invest in a boy the coach simply the task of working to better the choices made by others for this latter purpose (managers). "
goes on to say that Mr. Gigliotti if they should go after this season and "if your child should feel particularly attached to him the only thing you can do is go with him."
then introduced the proposal, effective no later than February 6, 2009. "If by then I receive an official response to my proposal will be withdrawn and your son will have to find a system other than the Pieve Emanuele.

Here is the proposal (and I always literally):
"1 - The coach will Zhilong Jiang
2 - Your child will play in Series A2 (unless your son and his fellow relegation appposta)
3 - Your child, in addition to the contract already in your hands, will be paid by the company this summer for three weeks / one month in China
4 - We had talked about added to the contract already in your hands € 1,000 in prizes, which confirm here. Lineup prizes to be agreed. "

of all this, it happened that Zhilong became coach and Jason played the season in A2. China and premiums, once Jason has agreed to remain, there has never even spoken.

A separate deserves the contract.
D'Ambrosio talks about "contract already in your hands." Robert received 15 January a draft deed, on letterhead of such a PingPong Pievesi ASD, which we never had to do neither we nor our son. The opening sentence is: "I signed Francesco Franzese, President of the Amateur Sports Pingpong Pievesi ..."
asked my husband what the hell it means, the Chairman replied that it is only a facsimile, to give the 'idea of \u200b\u200bthe proposal. Maybe, but there is the name of our son over there. Among other things, at the end, the voice signatures, there is the name of Jason, as it were to sign him, which is still a minor. However, after the mail on 6 February, the contract ends in the same place in China and 1000 €, that is, in many of the waste paper basket this story.
In April we will get another contract, on the letterhead of the Pieve Emanuele time. And that too, passes and goes into the usual place.
And you get to May 5, 2009.

On May 5, 2009 Jason has just returned from the Championships Italian Terni, where orphaned Tatum, could not defend his title in the doubles but still won a silver in the junior mixed doubles. Nicola D'Ambrosio appears in a gym with a contract.
This .

When gives him the paper and asked him to sign it, Jason at the outset that it has not yet 18 years: the president replied that there 'is no problem, so it's just a proforma. The boy then looks at him and sees the header. Reads a few lines. And then wonders why there is the name of another team and another president: D'Ambrosio answers can not be done with the church because the leadership is changing and everything is locked, not to worry, everything's okay.
Jason signature.
note, for absolute clarity, that Jason has never played for the ADS PingPong Pievesi, nor have we ever had to do, neither the team nor with the President. On the contrary: we know nothing about this team and are completely unfamiliar with Mr. Francesco Franzese, who affixed his signature to the contract at a different time and following that in which it was affixed to my son.

A month later, we call our son in tears and begs her father to take him away from church.
The group that was born around Gigliotti is unraveling, as expected. His great friend Shi goes to Messina, the first-team players - they are not paid, it seems - much less than before attending the gym, Denis has been ready to pack and so Gigliotti. Jason has lost all short references.
Roberto convinces him to take time until after the European championships. There is much at stake, including the change of new school. So Jason leaves for Prague, without a shred of serenity. And yet, despite a reservation in Prague, is able to "team" with his companions, to be crucial - if not for the numerical results - at least for the morale and eventually finished seventh, the best result of the national youth forever.