Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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Palestine - On March 15, will be the day of reconciliation

I giovani palestinesi non sono insensibili al profumo di gelsomini che arriva dai paesi arabi in rivolta. Mentre negli altri paesi la mobilitazione è cominciata con i giorni della collera, in Palestina i giovani affidano la speranza di portare in piazza pacificamente la popolazione alla giornata della riconciliazione. La divisione tra il governo di Gaza gestito da Hamas e quello cisgiordano và avanti da ormai 4 anni, paralyzing every aspect of institutional life and delegitimizing all parties at the time of dealing with their Israeli counterparts. This situation is unacceptable in the eyes of Palestinians. While young Tunisians, Yemenis. Egyptians in Baherin paraded the slogan "Al Shaab iurid isqat the nizam" (the people want the end of the scheme), March 15 Palestinians in West Bank, Gaza and the diaspora will be under the government buildings and diplomatic missions with the Palestinians slogan "Al Shaab Yuridia at Inha inqisam" (the people want an end to divisions). We have reached by telephone Saftawy Assad, a young activist in Gaza between the promoters of the day of reconciliation:

the Palestinian street on March 15 will move to assert its will in the face to both parties, Hamas and Fatah, and then ask for an end to the divisions. Will move people from Hamas, Fatah, other political parties. Young independent or linked to any movement, together peacefully waving the Palestinian flag just to confirm my willingness to drive. It will be the first time after four years of division. On March 15, will begin a permanent garrison will not be dissolved until we get what we want. We call on all parties and sections of Palestinian society to take to the road and stay there if it were necessary to days or even weeks until the parties will not be granted for the end of the division in accordance with the will of the people. After all Palestinian citizens may spring up before the rulers and say "there is nothing without me," the Palestinian people as the only source of institutional legitimacy, the authorities are there to serve the citizens.

Q: What has changed in the lives of Palestinians in Gaza after the Egyptian Revolution?
The Egyptian revolution of young people has given hope to the children of Gaza, the 'enthusiasm needed to return to the streets after four years and ask for an immediate end to the divisions. Honestly, the Palestinians have always been an example of the revolutionary spirit of mobilization, commitment to national unity. After the apathy of recent years is time to return to the streets to say No to the division, no division, no divisions. This is our only demand, we have requested with regard to 'the PLO, with Fatah or Hamas or anyone else, there's only one simple request.

Q: The events of March 15, the day of reconciliation, not only will be held in the occupied Palestinian territories ...
Certainly, protests are planned in at least 22 countries including Europe, Africa, America and Asia. There will be manifestazioni di fronte alle rappresentanze dell’ OLP in tutti i paesi per annunciare presidi ad oltranza e la richiesta ai apesi che ospitano le rappresentanze diplomatiche palestinesi perchè possano fare pressione sulle parti per porre fine alla divisione nel più breve tempo possibile. Vorremmo vedere manifestazioni di solidarietà in ogni parte del mondo, anche perchè tra Gaza e la Cisgiordania vivono il 50% dei palestinesi, noi vorremmo che partecipassero tutti i palestinesi inclusi quelli della diaspora affianco alle persone solidali con la causa. Questo ci darebbe una grande carica per scendere in piazza un giorno, due tre e tutte le volte che serviranno, questa solidarietà sarà una esaltazione della volontà poplare e della Palestinian democracy, and that is what we want ottenenre to overcome divisions.

From: Amisnet


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