Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Best Crossfirex Motherboard 2009

Con il popolo libico e contro il nucleare

Alfiero Department
What is happening in Libya is scary. Beyond thought. The Guns of Light Beccaris protesters seemed an incredible episode, part of another era. Now the planes of the bloodthirsty dictator Gaddafi bring the horror beyond the darkest imagination.
must deal with far too many opportunities and that there were mistakes in dealing with this and other dictatorial regimes. You must choose a decision to side with those who are fighting for end of this bloody regime paying a high price in human lives. Alleged economic advantages may not come before the rights and lives. Obviously, the Libyan
upheavals are coming home to roost, over Tunisia and Egypt, issues such as energy supply and as usual the dominant stupidario too often find new opportunities for expression, such as raising the opportunity for nuclear power as it did some right-wingers, new Dr. Strangelove.
What does the nuclear crisis with Libya? What remedy can never be, without any other consideration, be less than replace any oil or gas energy source with a Libyan come il nucleare che nell’ipotesi più ottimistica sarebbe pronta non prima di 10 anni ?
In questi 10 anni di attesa che facciamo ? Giriamo i pollici ? Sarebbe molto più serio fare un discorso di verità sulle risorse disponibili e semmai preparare un piano immediato di risparmio energetico con adeguati incentivi e preparare il superamento graduale delle fonti fossili da sostituire con le fonti da energie rinnovabili.
Non solo il risparmio energetico è potenzialmente l’energia “rinnovabile” più importante perché farebbe risparmiare molte centrali di produzione, ma è anche quella che può dare risultati più in fretta. Purtroppo questo è il Governo who tried to scuttle the tax incentive of 55% for energy saving in buildings.
also produces nuclear electricity is only about 20% of total energy consumption and is not able to replace the main power sources for vehicles or heating. For example, the power can and should be a source of energy used increasingly in transportation but to do so requires first investment and policy choices of which for now there is even a shadow.
the first signs of crisis in North Africa speculation in prices of petroleum products entered in the field immediately, even before you actually put an il problema. L’aumento improvviso del prezzo del petrolio e del gas si basa fondamentalmente sul timore che accada qualcosa nell’approvigionamento futuro, non su qualcosa che è già accaduto. E’ la solita storia. Sono i ben noti “futures” che sulla base di previsioni determinano i prezzi ora. La previsione serve per fare accadere effettivamente la previsione. Del resto la speculazione era da tempo a stecchetto e ora rilancia alla grande.
Anche in questo caso il Governo ha nulla da dire ? Ha convocato i fornitori principali, che proposte ha fatto ? Si è fatto un’idea sulle cose da fare, su cosa proporre a livello europeo ? O come al solito ascolta e annuisce ? Se l’aumento dei prezzi dell’energia would trigger an inflationary spiral in the lives of people and the Italian public debt would be serious trouble, very serious. Then you need to immediately combat the inflationary spiral-speculative. Otherwise, what the government called pompously economic recovery (point of GDP if all goes well) will end up before birth. At national level the Government can and must decide beyond a certain level of oil prices, such as $ 100 a barrel, operates a mechanism already defined by fixing a ceiling on the relationship between time and then excise duty and taxes so the Government would forego gain more tax revenues by increasing prices of petroleum products. A national and European level should be a mechanism to reintroduce control of prices of petroleum products (or other administered prices) because the public interest comes before the interests of oil companies, including that owned by the Italian State.
In fact, the Italian government is a specialist in the trailer. It should be a trailer of the events, and more. The rest is too busy trying to avoid the processes of the President of the Council to have time for other things and ideas.
What could we do? You may first raise an energy policy based on saving and renewable energy. No earthquake in other countries can block the sun, wind, water. This is the real field of action for achieve greater energy independence of our country. Nuclear power is like oil: it uses a fuel that will last for a limited period of years and makes us even more dependent on foreign, even more oil. But the wind is already competititvo with fossil energy sources. The solar heat as well. The PV according to the Germans will in a few years, provided the investments are multiplied to lower costs, seeking solutions diffuse into the country by mobilizing private investment and research and using the first installation on the roofs of buildings, from public ( schools, hospitals, etc.).. Just use the 10% of the roofs, without any influence on the areas to be met to achieve extraordinary results.
The government in energy policy is cross-eyed, as it was in cultivating alliances with bloodthirsty dictators like Qaddafi and now insists on the wrong line and the old nuclear power. Just when the jolt of northern Africa should rather spur us to redouble their efforts to invest in will save energy and renewable energy sources.


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