Friday, March 4, 2011

Beach Bathing Suit Mishaps

Italy - Referendum for water and anti-nuclear - The government is afraid of the Italian vote

Il ministro Maroni vuole far votare i referendum il 12 giugno , a scuole chiuse, per evitare il quorum.

 Il ministro Maroni ha dichiarato oggi che al prossimo consiglio dei ministri proporrà il 12 giugno come giorno per lo svolgimento dei referendum.
Come è noto, si tratta dell’ultima data consentita dalla legge (che prevede che i referendum si svolgano tra il 15 aprile e il 15 giugno ), altrimenti avremmo potuto anche rischiare di dover andare a votare a ferragosto.
E’ chiaro infatti che la scelta is not random: the June 12 schools will be closed already and the beginning of the summer season will be an incentive for those who can afford to go out of town. At least, the wishes of the minister and the government to which it belongs, evidently Once the referendum is concerned that this may reach a quorum and you win.
The fears of the government are based - even if they do not justify the decision - as evidenced by the 1.4 million signatures collected to the questions on ripubblicizzazione water, a result never achieved before. For this
Maroni has chosen the path of the boycott, aware that the normal dialectic policy among supporters of Yes and no loser would see it.

Better then using other means, while making it difficult to free expression of the will of the people.
the minister should also be noted that it was on its proposal that local elections in 2009 were merged with the European Union. Then he was concerned that no public money is wasted unnecessarily (calculated a saving of € 400 million) with more than elections. Today, despite it being in the middle of the economic crisis, the concern is gone.
The organizing committee for the referendum ripubblicizzazione water and the anti-nuclear campaigners have long started a petition which has collected thousands of signatures to demand the unification of the dates of administrative and referendum. They requested a meeting to the minister to explain the reasons supporting the unification: economic reasons but also to guarantee greater participation.
The answer was that we learn from agencies: a comparison of the absolute closure to the arrogant indifference to the possibility that cities and citizens are put in the best position to exercise their right to vote.
Already in the past there were those who said "all at sea" and went badly. It will happen this time too.

Rome 3 March 2011



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