Monday, March 7, 2011

Kitchen Wall Grease Removal

India - The BKU launches peasant protest

India Bhartiya Kisan Union (BKU) The Bhartiya Kisan Union (BKU) has threatened to launch a major offensive on March 9, blocking all roads in national Delhi to isolate from other states.
Rohtak: The simmering discontent among the Indian farmers against the policies of the government, is preparing to pour into the streets as the Bhartiya Kisan Union (BKU - Union of Agricolltori Indians) has threatened to launch a major offensive on March 9, blocking all roads to isolate domestic Delhi from other states.
The BKU is angry about the continued neglect of the agricultural sector by the central and state governments and the policies that have proved disastrous for the economic conditions of farmers. Farmers oppose acquisition of fertile land and demanded the implementation of the recommendations of the Swaminathan Committee report.

Farmers have planned roadblocks on seven national highways such as Delhi-Rohtak (NH 10) near the village of Jhajjar district Asaudha, Delhi-Chandigarh (NH1) near the Rai village in Sonipat, Delhi-Jaipur (NH8) near Gurgaon, Palwal-Delhi Highway (NH2), Delhi-Saharanpur (NH58) near the village of Mundola in UP, Delhi-Ghaziabad (NH24) highway and Delhi- Noida.
The head of the state of Haryana BKU Singhha Gurnam told the Times of India, "the central and state governments have developed policies anti-farmer. They ruined the agricultural economy. We are ready for a prolonged battle with government on our demands, "he threatened the peasant leader. He said that their block will continue until the government does not call for a high-level meeting to discuss their demands.
By listing their demands, Singh ha affermato che il governo non dovrebbe acquisire terreno fertile per le Zone Economiche Speciali (ZES) e i progetti industriali, mentre la terra per le strade o altri servizi essenziali devono essere acquistati ad un premio del 50 per cento rispetto ai  tassi di mercato prevalenti. "Il MSP (Minimum Support Price – il prezzo pagato dagli operatori statali) per la produzione agricola deve essere fissato secondo le raccomandazioni della relazione della commissione Swaminathan. Agli agricoltori deve essere fornita assistenza sanitaria alla pari con quella per i dipendenti del governo. Ci dovrebbe essere una finanziaria separata per l'agricoltura come succede per il preventivo ferroviario e tutti i tipi di debiti degli agricoltori dovrebbero essere zero.

The BKU leader said it was unfortunate that the agricultural budget in the tenth five-year plan had been cut to below 10%. "Indiscriminate land acquisition has closed the farmers in the corner. The peasants have almost no support or otherwise from the government even if the agricultural land is shrinking. These policies have led to food shortages in the country. "
Rakesh Tikait, BKU spokesman said that farmers in Haryana, Punjab, UP, Rajasthan, Uttrakhand have participated in the mobilization 'Halla Bol' ('Make Noise') to since March 9. "If the government does not give ear to us, then we will call a mass rally in Delhi," he said.

Taken from: The Times of India


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