Thursday, March 10, 2011

Letter Congrat Engaged

Libya - Speak clearly

Rossana Rossanda

the poster fails to say that Libya's Gaddafi is neither a democracy nor a progressive state, and that the attempt to ongoing insurgency opposes a family clan which hopes the fall. I do not think much to our correspondent, perfect person, sent in an embarrassing situation in Tripoli and that it could go - and wrote - only in areas which allowed the government, could not see anything or Cyrenaica, either in combat zones between Tripoli and Benghazi.
Why such caution on the part of a newspaper that has not hesitated to marry, to date, anche le cause più minoritarie, ma degne? Non è degno che la gente si rivolti contro un potere che da quarant'anni, per avere nel 1969 abbattuto una monarchia fantoccio, le nega ogni forma di preoccupazione e di controllo? Non sono finite le illusioni progressiste che molti di noi, io inclusa, abbiamo nutrito negli anni sessanta e settanta? Non è evidente che sono degenerate in poteri autoritari? Pensiamo ancora che la gestione del petrolio e della collocazione internazionale del paese possa restare nelle mani di una parvenza di stato, che non possiede neanche una elementare divisione dei poteri e si identifica in una famiglia? Ho proposto queste domande sul manifesto del 24 febbraio, senza ottenere risposta. Non è una Reply nostalgia for an era of some of us hoped that a neutrality in the narrows of the Cold War. Neither nostalgia is inexorable fate of the elderly: who is older is also seen as those most in changing the political and social power relations and is bound to be fewer illusions. And if more is commonly said, guided by its principles in their balance and fall when interest.
that not only we, poster, do not know how to get on in front of the movement of the southern Mediterranean. The French government has done worse. The Italian government gave Libya immigrants trying to land on Lampedusa and for which there is no trace. Europe, convinced until recently that meant to say say the Arab Islamist terrorist then, before he supported some alleged secular despots - Gaddafi still plays this card - then it was reassured to see the streets of Tunis and Cairo full of crazy non-violent, has welcomed support the same by the Tunisian and Egyptian army, and only feared an invasion of refugees.
But Libya is neither Egypt or Tunisia. The army remained on the side of power and the situation has run suddenly made dramatic. But who, if not the stupidity of Gaddafi, is responsible if the opposition has become fierce, separates the Cyrenaica, find weapons and the conflict became a civil war? Between forces and clearly disproportionate to weapons? And who but we should complain? Who if not us, should you leave or break away from the dilemma of whether to bomb or to call a third "humanitarian war", since the U.S. would not want anything else? It seems that the ability to reason has failed us. The left can not
much. The manifesto, as we are reduced to a flicker, can do nothing if not raise your voice clearly and unequivocally. There is a huge area that is struggling in his hard, bitter liberation, who needs to give itself a project - I'm not saying that we should organize the International Brigade, but impresses me that no one wants to offer these people help. Remember the race of the youth sixty and seventy years in Paris, Lisbon, Madrid and Barcelona? Across the Mediterranean in no hurry to go no one, except the tour operators eager to end soon. At least on those who give sympathy and encouragement, we should not hesitate. Not us.

Taken from: The Manifesto


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