Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Connecting Old Lenses To Digital Camera

Honduras - Declaration of the peoples of the earth and sea

We men and women of indigenous peoples and blacks Honduras: Pech, Tawahka, Chort, Tolupanes, Lencas, Miskitu, Creoles and Garínagu, from land and sea \u200b\u200bAutoconvocate Durugubuti community of San Juan, Tela, Atlantida, on days 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24 February 2011 , to unite our thoughts, feelings, words, and installing our constituent assembly multinational and multicultural, issued the following statement:
1. We declare that we met in various events of our spirituality, to receive the energy and guidance from our ancestors and ancestors, to strengthen the resistance of our people for thousands of years the defense of life and mother earth.
2. declare that the regime continuer of the coup of June 28, 2009 , intensifies the invasion of indigenous territories and blacks, through the granting of the rivers to build private dams, as the project called PATUCA 1, 2 and 3, as the many dams built on rivers which claims the territories lencas, where he is leading a historic battle, such as mining, militarization of our territories, projects attractions such as the Bay of Tela, the implementation of city-model, enclaves that may undermine the sovereignty of Honduras as a country, to serve of international drug trafficking.
3. We declare our solidarity with the peoples who inhabit the Honduran Moskitia are affected by repression, militarization and looting of nature by the oligarchy and the multinationals , also express our support categorical all'autodemarcazione appeal of the area. Assume the statement of the peoples of Moskitia UPINH, and even now, Autoconvocate the following working sessions of our multi-national constituent assembly in multicultural Miskitu indigenous territory.
4. declare the urgency they Honduras as a state, his face the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, as part of the legal procedure.
5. declare our condemnation of the regime, which encourages the privatization of education, health, running evictions of indigenous communities as the people of Nueva Estanzuela Maya Chort that allows the murder of indigenous tolupanes, as well as leaders of other nations, crimes which remain unpunished.
6. declare our concern at the attacks and threats against the media community, which violate the right to free expression of thought and the right of our peoples to create their own alternative media, as established by the International Labour Organization ILO 169, and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and Blacks.
7. declare that this assembly will be permanent multinational multicultural constituent and will last until the enactment of a new constitution, which allows the re-establishment of Honduras.
8. We declare our support for Honduras' First Garifuna Hospital, functioning in the community Ciriboya, in Irion Hall, Colon, and denounce the poster sabotage by the regime. Nor does it require incorporation into the fund for public health.
9. Dichiariamo la nostra solidarietà con gli insegnanti honduregni in lotta per la difesa dell'educazione pubblica e la difesa dello Statuto del Docente, solidarizziamo col movimento contadino colpito dalla deroga del Decreto Legislativo 18-2008, solidarizziamo con le famiglie delle vittime assassinate dal regime golpista, esigiamo il ritorno incondizionato e sicuro degli esiliati, tra cui José Manuel Zelaya, Presidente dell’Honduras 2 006-2010 .
10.  Dichiariamo l'autoconvocazione della grande assemblea di donne indigene e nere dell’Honduras, che si realizzerà in Copan Galel nel prossimo mese di maggio.
11. We 1800 delegates from participating in the assembly constituent multicultural multinational, we express our gratitude to the community of San Juan Durugubuti, Canvas, Atlantis, the Garifuna people and its Black Fraternal Organization of Honduras OFRANEH , for the hospitality, brotherhood and joy with which we have accepted.

Issued in the community of San Juan Durugubuti, Canvas, Atlantis, February 23, 2011


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