Thursday, March 3, 2011

Tingling Hands And Autism

Libya - Stall Somali

Foto deserto Giampaolo Casts Novati
basis of the finding - and its possible interpretation - that the unrest in North Africa reached a first milestone has been animated and basically decided by a coalition of young people and improper military , we can better understand why the mechanism in Libya is jammed. Both Tunisia and Egypt in the "square" has had its epicenter in the capital and good national and social cohesion has given itself to protest the youth of Tunis and Cairo a general representation. In Libya Tripoli and Benghazi first move is still seems in the hands of men and the forces of Gaddafi. The revolt is likely to be perceived or to become the "revolt of Cyrenaica, not of Libya. In Libya, the army does not have the same function of substitution at the institutional level because of the lack of a tradition embodied state or guaranteed by the armed forces. However, unlike the Tunisian and Egyptian armies that are differentiated by the leader as soon as possible in disgrace, the Libyan army, whose recruitment has followed the criteria in part of such clans, it was divided. The same ethos of the Italian resistance to the occupation is based on a guerrilla 'incorrect', focused once more among the people and landscape of Cyrenaica. Even in Algeria, the locus of power is derived from a war of liberation, but beyond the national dimension of the mobilization led by the FLN, the summit has set the framework of the General Staff who had not participated as such to the maquis and had in fact prepared in rear bases in Morocco and Tunisia to be independent of the army in Algeria.
The stalemate that has arisen create lends itself to all possible solutions. The revolt could turn into a civil war and civil war would be designed to consolidate and strengthen the differences not only between Tripolitania and Cyrenaica but also between the different components that is used to define the tribe until the dreaded "somalizzazione. The prolongation of the crisis, meanwhile, has certainly intensified the interference of the powers, which, if there have been in Tunis and Cairo, there were used to expedite a conclusion to the effect of stabilization by removing any remaining space to Ben Ali and Mubarak. At least formally, in the 'succession' in Tunis and Cairo, the military and civilians on the ground have maintained management responsibilities and continuing, especially in Tunis, a dynamic challenge that gives the impression of an ongoing process where the high and low have continued to confront. The UN sanctions imposed against Gaddafi and unanimously, with the most intense effects as already looming conflicting opinions, any military intervention differently motivated for "humanitarian" take their neutrality to external factors.
Even the no-fly zone which is spoken too lightly in Italy is an operation that heavy, even from the air, can affect the movements on the ground as the concentration of forces or the anti-aircraft equipment. Neither Italy nor Europe have the means should be suitable and ricorrere come minimo alla Nato. Sarebbe un epilogo ben miserevole per le «primavere» appena incominciate.

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