Sunday, March 13, 2011

Recovery Time For Cervical Polyp Removal

Moviola 10 ^ Day

The tenth day of the championship began with the direction of perfect race of rock in Brescia-Inter. The episode of the penalty for not discussing Brescia, Cordoba running tap Brescia striker, discipline and expulsion indisputable. Also interesting is the collaboration of Iannello as seen from the images.

protests of the Cagliari's first goal at Udinese but Conti accentuates a very light touch of Benatar, the occasion seems to me that BANTI take the right decision, correct the other networks.

BERGONZI half of Juventus when there is not very lucky. We start from the penalty awarded to Cesena: Buffon out late Giaccherini hitting on the leg behind him Traore is that I believe would not have avoided the net, so strictly ok but lacks the expulsion order for the Juventus goalkeeper. Ejecting Motta: some spoke of compensation, but I think in both cases, the yellow are sacrosanct, the first for action hard from behind and the second for a foul against a very dangerous opponent hitting him in the head.

Episode difficult Genoa-Palermo on the goal that decided the game, first there is no hand ball by Daines (ROMEO raises her arms to show that he saw) he touches the ball to Palacio that he was in position offside even if slightly. Ok the episode is difficult, however, I wonder why there is always half of Pugiotto. From the pictures I noticed that the sky assistant No. 2 Petrella did not look very fit, often static in movement. Race

not easy even for PERUZZO in Lecce-Bologna well supported by two assistants and Barbirato Galloni, especially the first well when he sees the ball thrown by Jeda slams on the crossbar and then go on line not crossed the goal line in full, first However, Oliveira seems to touch the ball with his arm. Bravo Peruzzo when canceling a goal to Lecce for a foul on the goalkeeper and there is certainly important collaboration gallons.

perfect performance Brigadier Milan-Bari who runs with uniform technical e disciplinare sanzionando sempre con precisione tutti gli interventi fallosi, attento in area di rigore valuta bene ogni situazione chiamato a giudicare. Sacrosanto il rosso a Ibra infatti uscito senza protestare. Perfetta la prestazione di Romagnoli che considero ancora uno degli assistenti più forti degli ultimi anni. Bene anche Nicoletti che sbaglia nel primo tempo una segnalazione di f.g. di Ibra nel primo tempo.

Ottimo MORGANTI in Parma-Napoli, bene sempre dal punto di vista tecnico fischiando veramente poco quando si può. Sacrosanto il rosso a Galloppa e il giallo a Maggio che protesta come un matto per una spinta che non esiste. Grave invece l'errore dell'assistente Rosi in occasione del primo gol del Napoli perchè Hamsik si trova in posizione netta di fuorigioco.

Non ho visto ROMA-LAZIO quindi lascio a voi il commento su Tagliavento. Ho visto solo la testata di Radu senza discussione il rosso e il rigore che mi sembra corretto cosi come l'espulsione di Ledesma.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Can Dependant Buy Ira

Serie A Serie A - ^ Back Design 10 Series B

ROCCHI (Firenze)
BIANCHI R. (Lucca) – IANNELLO (Novi Ligure)

BANTI (Livorno)
PADOVAN (Con.Veneto) – ALESSANDRONI (Roma 1)
IV: TOZZI (Ostia Lido)

RIZZOLI (Bologna)
CALCAGNO (Nichelino) – ROSSOMANDO (Salerno)
IV: GAVA (Con.Veneto)

IV: ORSATO (Schio)

DE MARCO (Chiavari)
GIACHERO (Pinerolo) – COMITO (Torino)

ROMEO (Verona)
PUGIOTTO (Chioggia) – PETRELLA (Termoli)
IV: MASSA (Imperia)

Barbirato (Ferrara) - GALLONS (Lodi)
IV: NASCA (Bari)

MILAN - BARI (Coeff.3)
BRIGHI (Cesena)
ROMAGNOLI ( Macerata) - NICOLETTI (Macerata)
IV: PINZANI (Empoli)

PARMA - NAPOLI (Coeff.4)
MORGANTI (Ascoli Piceno)
GRILLI (Gubbio) - ROSI (Gubbio)
IV: Valeri (Rome 2)

ROME - LAZIO (Coeff.5)
Tagliaventi (Terni)
NICCOLAI (Livorno) - PAPI (Prato)
IV: DAmato (Barletta)

Lcd White White Splotches

Win - Designazioni10 ^ Back

Albinoleffe - Vicenza (Coeff.1)
Corley (Castelfranco Veneto)
Fittante (Cosenza) - CRISP (Genova)
OT: IVALDI (Genova)

Ascoli - ATALANTA (Coeff.2)
Stefanini (Prato)
Meli (Parma) - Constance (Orvieto)
IV: BUILDING (Ciampino)
OA: Massaron (Frattamaggiore)

Velotte (Grosseto)
COSTA (Palermo) - SIGN (Rome 1)
IV: Merlin
OA: RED (Torino)

Merchiori (Ferrara)
BASIN (Rome 1) - MANNA (Isernia)
OA: Troccoli (Sapri)

Modena - Frosinone (Coeff.2)
DUTIES (Rome 1)
Ranghetti (Clear) - Vivenza ( Brescia)
OA: PADOVAN (Gorizia)

Novara - Sassuolo (Coeff.1)
Ostinelli (Como)
MARRAZZO (Tivoli) - Cucchiarini (Città di Castello)
IV: Barben

PIACENZA - Crotone (Coeff.1)
BARATTA (Salerno)
Franz (Verbania) - Fortarezza (Foggia)
OT: Rosetta (Torino)

CARRETTA (Padova) – STALLONE (Foggia)
OA: ANFUSO (Barcellona p.d.Gotto)

SIENA – EMPOLI (Coeff.2)
GALLIONE (Alessandria)
RUBINO (Salerno) – TASSO (La Spezia)
IV: RUINI (Reggio Emilia)
OA: ANDREOZZI (Frosinone)

CANDUSSIO (Cervignano del Friuli)
GIALLATINI (Roma 2)– BIANCHI (Cosenza)

VICINANZA (Albenga) – EVANGELISTA (Avellino)

Da segnalare lo scontro diretto tra Torino e Livorno chi perde può dire addio a sogni promozione, gara affidata a Candussio in leggera flessione in questa parte di stagione. Gare interessanti per Merchiori e Giacomelli che si devono guadagnare l'esordio nella massima serie.

Australian Standard For Knife Gate Valve

Sorry for the absence

Mi scuso a tutti per l'assenza, ma a causa di problemi di salute non ho potuto aggiornare il sito.
Stanotte provvederò a recuperare iniziando con le designazioni di Serie A e B di questa settimana.

Grazie a tutti sempre per la partecipazione that make it alive

Letter Congrat Engaged

Libya - Speak clearly

Rossana Rossanda

the poster fails to say that Libya's Gaddafi is neither a democracy nor a progressive state, and that the attempt to ongoing insurgency opposes a family clan which hopes the fall. I do not think much to our correspondent, perfect person, sent in an embarrassing situation in Tripoli and that it could go - and wrote - only in areas which allowed the government, could not see anything or Cyrenaica, either in combat zones between Tripoli and Benghazi.
Why such caution on the part of a newspaper that has not hesitated to marry, to date, anche le cause più minoritarie, ma degne? Non è degno che la gente si rivolti contro un potere che da quarant'anni, per avere nel 1969 abbattuto una monarchia fantoccio, le nega ogni forma di preoccupazione e di controllo? Non sono finite le illusioni progressiste che molti di noi, io inclusa, abbiamo nutrito negli anni sessanta e settanta? Non è evidente che sono degenerate in poteri autoritari? Pensiamo ancora che la gestione del petrolio e della collocazione internazionale del paese possa restare nelle mani di una parvenza di stato, che non possiede neanche una elementare divisione dei poteri e si identifica in una famiglia? Ho proposto queste domande sul manifesto del 24 febbraio, senza ottenere risposta. Non è una Reply nostalgia for an era of some of us hoped that a neutrality in the narrows of the Cold War. Neither nostalgia is inexorable fate of the elderly: who is older is also seen as those most in changing the political and social power relations and is bound to be fewer illusions. And if more is commonly said, guided by its principles in their balance and fall when interest.
that not only we, poster, do not know how to get on in front of the movement of the southern Mediterranean. The French government has done worse. The Italian government gave Libya immigrants trying to land on Lampedusa and for which there is no trace. Europe, convinced until recently that meant to say say the Arab Islamist terrorist then, before he supported some alleged secular despots - Gaddafi still plays this card - then it was reassured to see the streets of Tunis and Cairo full of crazy non-violent, has welcomed support the same by the Tunisian and Egyptian army, and only feared an invasion of refugees.
But Libya is neither Egypt or Tunisia. The army remained on the side of power and the situation has run suddenly made dramatic. But who, if not the stupidity of Gaddafi, is responsible if the opposition has become fierce, separates the Cyrenaica, find weapons and the conflict became a civil war? Between forces and clearly disproportionate to weapons? And who but we should complain? Who if not us, should you leave or break away from the dilemma of whether to bomb or to call a third "humanitarian war", since the U.S. would not want anything else? It seems that the ability to reason has failed us. The left can not
much. The manifesto, as we are reduced to a flicker, can do nothing if not raise your voice clearly and unequivocally. There is a huge area that is struggling in his hard, bitter liberation, who needs to give itself a project - I'm not saying that we should organize the International Brigade, but impresses me that no one wants to offer these people help. Remember the race of the youth sixty and seventy years in Paris, Lisbon, Madrid and Barcelona? Across the Mediterranean in no hurry to go no one, except the tour operators eager to end soon. At least on those who give sympathy and encouragement, we should not hesitate. Not us.

Taken from: The Manifesto

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Whitehall Rowing & Sail

Italy - No all'election day, prior consultation

logo 2 sì per l'acqua Alberto Lucarelli and Ugo Mattei

The debate on the scandalous refusal to election day has had the effect to bring out for a day on the main national media that the referendum will be celebrated. Such was the silence that has accompanied so far our battle last week that even an experiment on a university class of 200 students in law told us that only ten of them knew that it would be voted on 'water. The path towards the quorum is really difficult, even if the campaign is starting to take off. The Committee "means 2 to water the common good," for example, has created a beautiful 'activist kit "can be downloaded from the web and contains essential information and materials to spread our message.
flags will also be available soon referendum to be hung from balconies, a form of spreading the message very important in the deafening silence of the media. From this point of view, it seems that even a little 'ambiguous' Encroachment' Di Pietro, who still enjoys a media profile as a movement that we have not, however, have the honor to say that referendums are there, Perhaps most useful, at this stage, compared to claim authorship.
should continue to govern the election campaign accepting contributions of all on a journey that must be transformed into a march that involves people of all backgrounds and political beliefs. The debate sull'election day and the money squandered in order to skip the quorum has shown us that the sovereign people is still capable of outrage. We can not be satisfied with having raised the issue politically. The challenge is to give jurisdiction to an instance of reasonableness that involves everyone and which can not bind the government. What to do? Perhaps once again that great national common good that is our fundamental law can show us the way. In fact, the waste can not be part of a political and administrative discretion. Those 300 million could be used to repair the shores of rivers, avoiding future disasters (with damage priceless). This shows that good governance has a potential value of the multiplier public money that, like the 300 million coming from general tax revenues belong to all citizens and not the Minister pro tempore. L 'art. 97 of the Constitution establishes the principle of "good conduct and impartiality" of the public amministrazioine. In this light, wasting 300 million is constitutionally permissible? Then to waste them for a drawing of a party, to make the referendum invalid, it is even more serious and shows the total bias of the administration. Eligibility against the government had in fact already existed before the Constitutional Court, exercising its own prerogatives. And we defeated. The Court said that referendums are eligible giving justice to us. The government can not now take revenge extra ordinem, squandering public money just to ensure that the sovereign people speak second Constitution. There is a gross violation of Article structure. 75, which contains a positive view of direct expression of popular sovereignty. In short, the politico-administrative discretion does not go directly to the arbitrary and contrary to existing constitutional choices.
We ask Napolitano to intervene, but too many times to pull the jacket on the Presidency of the Republic is not wise policy in a logic of constitutional responsibility. But we are not without remedies. The referendum committee is in fact a constitutional organ of the State throughout the duration of the referendum process. It can then pull up in front of the Constitutional Court a jurisdictional dispute between state powers. We are studying the issue. 300 million of public money valgon well the danger of this match, however that would make it even clearer to all the irresponsibility of those who govern us. We are ready to go in front of the Consulta, but because it is written water law democracy.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Does Wearing Sauna Suits Burn More Calories

Ivory Coast - In the chaos

The situation of civil war. The clashes between the forces do not stop the former president and those of Ouattara, the president recognized by the community International. Hundreds dead. The inertia of the international community. The warning of UNHCR: 200,000 displaced persons in Abidjan, over 70,000 Ivorians fled to Liberia.

Thursday, March 3, six women were killed hit by gunfire ( shooting a machine gun), and many more injured, in the now famous and populous district in the north-west of the city, Abobo, a fief of Alassane Ouattara, President of the recognized by the international community as the winner of the Nov. 28 runoff and so far confined to the Hotel du Golf, protected and nurtured by the forces dell'Onu dell'operazione Onuci . Le donne manifestavano in favore di Ouattara.

L'Onu si sta seriamente preoccupando della situazione nel paese. Ormai i morti negli scontri tra le forze di polizia di Laurent Gagbo e i sostenitori di Ouattara si contano a centinaia. Il Consiglio di sicurezza dell'Onu si è riunito a porte chiuse e un comunicato (scontato) è stato letto al termine dell'incontro presieduto dall'ambasciatore cinese Li Baodong, in cui ci si dice «profondamente preoccupati dal crescente numero di rifugiati e sfollati interni a causa delle violenze». Viene espressa inquietudine su una probabile ripresa della guerra civile.

Alle due parti in conflitto viene chiesto di dar prova di ritegno e di trovare una soluzione pacifica alla contesa. Vengono condannati le minacce, le restrizioni e gli atti di violenza commessi da parte delle forze di sicurezza di Ggagbo contro il personale dell'Onu e si condannano tutte le violenze contro i civili commesse da ambo le parti.

«Con il rapido deteriorarsi delle condizioni d'insicurezza, si riducono sempre di più i margini di manovra delle operazioni umanitarie ad Abidjan e in altre aree della Costa d'Avorio», il monito lanciato oggi dall'Alto commissariato delle Nazioni Unite per i rifugiati (Acnur).

«Ad Abidjan - continua il comunicato - gli sfollati ora sono più di duecentomila, per la maggior parte persone fuggite from fighting in the area of \u200b\u200bAbobo. Many have been accommodated by relatives or friends, but many others found accommodations at the outskirts of luck. Churches, for example, or other public places. And in urgent need of humanitarian assistance. "

In eastern Liberia since the elections last November, the UN agency has registered 40 thousand refugees. To these, from 24 February, were added 32,800 new arrivals, who have placed considerable pressure on local communities and authorities Liberian border. Now, both refugee and host communities that they need food, but the difficulties of access due to road conditions continue to make very difficult to deliver aid.

UN (this is our opinion) is to give itself the means to intervene not only to defend itself, but the civilians! Mention of "moral bankruptcy" of Gbagbo, as the U.S. State Department spokesman, does not solve anything. An international community unable to enforce the election results, works in favor of Gbagbo. This must be said, not illusions. As for the

panel of five heads of state appointed by the African Union to present compelling proposals to the two contenders, the risk is to let things rot in favor of Gbagbo. One more month for a decision is too much! The violence is carried out mainly by Gbagbo's men: they must be stopped! If, in Africa, is not respected even more women's lives, the worst is just a machine gun ....

Original Aunt Jemima Cookie Jar Worth

Colombia - Death and destruction in their weight in gold

A multinational company wants to turn mine in an ecosystem typical of Latin America, which holds the entire water supply of two million people. Who oppose the project.
The Páramo is a neotropical ecosystem , located in the high seas, the forests that form more than three thousand meters above sea level and the snowy peaks of five thousand meters. To constitute are valleys and plains with lots of lakes, bogs and wet grasslands, dotted with shrubs and patches of forest. About 57 percent of this ecosystem is particularly concentrated in Colombia. Among these, there is Páramo of Santurbán , which produces and regulates water supply for two million human beings urban areas of Bucaramanga and Cucuta and other 21 municipalities, all located in the departments of Santander and Norte de Santander. A true ecological treasure , on which he is laying his claws a multinational mining is already looking forward to extract the huge hiding wealth, beginning with gold. This is the Greystar Resources, which has already been approved by the government Santos for his mining project Angostura. But the thousands of people who will suffer the devastating consequences are there, and took to the streets in Bogota , opposite the Ministry of Environment to scream in the face of their rulers dissent.
"The Páramo is un'ecoregione very strategic not only for the department of Santander, but the government has decided to continue to perpetrate the policy to convert Colombia into a country- mine," the complaint para la Corporación Autónoma Defensa de la Meseta de Bucaramanga (Cdmb). In Narino Palace only affects attract foreign capital by providing them with huge benefits through tax exemptions, contracts, legal stability, free zones and special regime of investment culminating in the payment of gratuities that even come close to repairing the adverse environmental damage, economic and social caused by opencast mining .
exemptions reserved for mining companies in 2009 are the 51 percent of the rent paid to the State , a figure that rises to 86 percent when it comes to gold. As the blame Greystar Resources? It is estimated that recoverable reserves of gold in that heavenly ecosystem was estimated at 9 million ounces (255 tonnes), while the silver talking about 59 million ounces (1835 tonnes). And if you think that the gifts that the multinational be paid to the country amounted to 14.9 million dollars a year, for a total of 224milioni in 15 years, while the sale of gold and silver at the current price the will pocket the beauty of 14.252 million, the accounts are taken facts. Who cares if it comes out páramo or destroyed, without water and looted of its minerals. And who cares if work the mine will produce 1200 tons of sodium cyanide per month for almeno 180 mesi. Si tratta di veleno che verrà deposto in piscine di lisciavizione, le quali - a quanto dichiarato dalla medesima Greystar nella documentazione sull'impatto ambientale presentato a aprile 2010 -  non sono totalmente invulnerabili a contingenze sismiche o geologiche. E se questo succederà, rimediare i danni sarà impossibile". 

E gli incidenti capitano e anche di frequente. Nel mondo , nel 2010 , si sono registrate enormi catastrofi ambientali legate all' attività minerario-energetica : da quanto accaduto sul Danubio in Ungheria, al golfo del Messico, al mar Giallo in Cina, fino ai minatori cileni. If these already high probability is the fact that the multinational in question has no experience in mining country, fears of the inhabitants are more than plausible. and created the Committee for the Defence of Páramo de Santurbán , which includes trade unions, students, social organizations, professional associations and even political fields everywhere. The strong opposition to the project has created a petition that now has collected 50 thousand signatures and the response from the Attorney General, who called it "unworkable." A movement that will stop at nothing even stronger the support of the Colombian Red Frente a la Gran Minería Transnacional, that claim to prevent other projects just as harmful to the Colombians like La Coloso in Tolima, Caldas and marble Mandé Norte in Chocó.

Kitchen Wall Grease Removal

India - The BKU launches peasant protest

India Bhartiya Kisan Union (BKU) The Bhartiya Kisan Union (BKU) has threatened to launch a major offensive on March 9, blocking all roads in national Delhi to isolate from other states.
Rohtak: The simmering discontent among the Indian farmers against the policies of the government, is preparing to pour into the streets as the Bhartiya Kisan Union (BKU - Union of Agricolltori Indians) has threatened to launch a major offensive on March 9, blocking all roads to isolate domestic Delhi from other states.
The BKU is angry about the continued neglect of the agricultural sector by the central and state governments and the policies that have proved disastrous for the economic conditions of farmers. Farmers oppose acquisition of fertile land and demanded the implementation of the recommendations of the Swaminathan Committee report.

Farmers have planned roadblocks on seven national highways such as Delhi-Rohtak (NH 10) near the village of Jhajjar district Asaudha, Delhi-Chandigarh (NH1) near the Rai village in Sonipat, Delhi-Jaipur (NH8) near Gurgaon, Palwal-Delhi Highway (NH2), Delhi-Saharanpur (NH58) near the village of Mundola in UP, Delhi-Ghaziabad (NH24) highway and Delhi- Noida.
The head of the state of Haryana BKU Singhha Gurnam told the Times of India, "the central and state governments have developed policies anti-farmer. They ruined the agricultural economy. We are ready for a prolonged battle with government on our demands, "he threatened the peasant leader. He said that their block will continue until the government does not call for a high-level meeting to discuss their demands.
By listing their demands, Singh ha affermato che il governo non dovrebbe acquisire terreno fertile per le Zone Economiche Speciali (ZES) e i progetti industriali, mentre la terra per le strade o altri servizi essenziali devono essere acquistati ad un premio del 50 per cento rispetto ai  tassi di mercato prevalenti. "Il MSP (Minimum Support Price – il prezzo pagato dagli operatori statali) per la produzione agricola deve essere fissato secondo le raccomandazioni della relazione della commissione Swaminathan. Agli agricoltori deve essere fornita assistenza sanitaria alla pari con quella per i dipendenti del governo. Ci dovrebbe essere una finanziaria separata per l'agricoltura come succede per il preventivo ferroviario e tutti i tipi di debiti degli agricoltori dovrebbero essere zero.

The BKU leader said it was unfortunate that the agricultural budget in the tenth five-year plan had been cut to below 10%. "Indiscriminate land acquisition has closed the farmers in the corner. The peasants have almost no support or otherwise from the government even if the agricultural land is shrinking. These policies have led to food shortages in the country. "
Rakesh Tikait, BKU spokesman said that farmers in Haryana, Punjab, UP, Rajasthan, Uttrakhand have participated in the mobilization 'Halla Bol' ('Make Noise') to since March 9. "If the government does not give ear to us, then we will call a mass rally in Delhi," he said.

Taken from: The Times of India

Vertigo While Driving At Night

USA - Nature Strikes Back: Amaranth Inca devours Monsanto's GM

Amaranto Inca plants invade the Incas Amaranth kiwicha Monsanto's transgenic soya plantations in the U.S. as in a crusade to stop these harmful agricultural enterprises and to pass a message to the world.

In what appears to be another example of the wisdom of nature, paving the way, the species known as amaranth Inca "kiwicha" has become a nightmare for Monsanto. Curiously, this company known for its evil ("Mondiablo") refers to this herb sacred to the Incas and Aztecs, as a weed or grass cursed. The phenomenon of expanding amaranth crops in over twenty U.S. states is not new, but deserves to be saved, perhaps even to celebrate the abilities and intelligence of this plant warrior who opposed the giant transgenic seeds. Since 2004, a farmer in Atlanta noted that the outbreaks of amaranth resist the powerful herbicide 'Roundup' glyphosate-based and ate GM soy fields, on its website, Monsanto recommends the farmers to mix with glyphosate herbicides such as 2,4-D, banned in Scandinavia because it related to cancer. It 'strange that the New York Times that more than 20 years ago wrote that Amaranth could be the future of food in the world now calls this plant a "superweed" or "pigweed", derogatory terms that reflect an understanding of amaranth as a plague. A group of British scientists of the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, has produced a gene transfer of genetically modified plants and some "undesirable" herbs like amaranth. This fact contradicts the statements of representatives of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), which state that the hybridization between a genetically modified plant and an unmodified system is simply "impossible." Amaranth has no less than soy protein and also contains vitamins A and C. Meanwhile in the United States are concerned about how to remove this plant hardy in excess of Monsanto Technology: When playing in almost all weather conditions, it is not infected by diseases or insects that do not need chemicals. Would not it be better to listen to the message of nature and try the food processing amaranth?
Cases such as the demonization of amaranth make us think that the food industry simply trying to keep the population in the worst possible form for devoured by dark corporations and political interests.

Adapted from Asociacion Civil devel

Friday, March 4, 2011

Sears Foldable Trailer

Mexico - Ten years after the march of the color of the Earth

The image of thousands of bases of support along the road to San Cristobal de Las Casas in the mist of dawn to greet the bus commanders to leave for the capital along with all of us "international" I think it's something that does not easily forget. Greetings behind which there was a collective bet: get in the game to talk to many, from their communities, from their own experience to deal with other worlds and other realities. To provide because its resistance around and beyond it we could build something bigger, something common.

The march of the color of the earth for all of us in 2001 was deeply connected with the movement path of "no global" and that in a few months would be the appointment of the days of Genoa.
We chose to grow up in Mexico with our all-white to give shape to a path that would take us days in Genoa to build a common path to disobey a global order of department of earth and their summits and armored to address the violence that has killed our fellow Carlo Giuliani.
Since then passed 10 years of great change. We live in times of global crisis, a crisis that is both economic, environmental and social crisis without development. We live in a time of violence of a system that tries to use the crisis to play a system ensuring that those who already have more and more insecurity for all.
If I have to think about what the march of the color of the earth has left us for good now I think we should build on what the march was deep: the choice to play the game from its own specificity and consider the problem the need to address a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe company. The knowledge that non può esserci nessuna dimensione specifica o soluzione specifica che non costruisce un comune nuovo per tutti.
Dal Chiapas ogni tappa della marcia è stata il modo per incontrarsi e riflettersi e riflettere con altri, altri per colore, per collocazione, per storia di sfruttamento ma anche di ribellione. Tappa dopo tappa conoscevamo una storia del Messico dal basso che nessun libro di storia racconta.
Ed è quello che oggi ancora continuiamo a fare ed a ricercare nella convinzione che nessuno di noi è autosufficiente, che nessuna delle nostre storie da sola costruisce il grimaldello del cambiamento ma solo la forza della ricerca di un comune nuovo che sia resistenza e opposizione e contemporaneamente costruzione di alternativa, can give rise to different world that we must build.
The march there and we talked about the need to address the challenges, let go of our strongholds and new hands to tighten security with the desire to build thousands of men and women, a different future in Europe 'which looks to the Sea Mediterranean. Then in the morning fog from San Cristóbal to no one knew what happened but we started and this is done continually, not being afraid to get in the way because the road is made by walking.

Beach Bathing Suit Mishaps

Italy - Referendum for water and anti-nuclear - The government is afraid of the Italian vote

Il ministro Maroni vuole far votare i referendum il 12 giugno , a scuole chiuse, per evitare il quorum.

 Il ministro Maroni ha dichiarato oggi che al prossimo consiglio dei ministri proporrà il 12 giugno come giorno per lo svolgimento dei referendum.
Come è noto, si tratta dell’ultima data consentita dalla legge (che prevede che i referendum si svolgano tra il 15 aprile e il 15 giugno ), altrimenti avremmo potuto anche rischiare di dover andare a votare a ferragosto.
E’ chiaro infatti che la scelta is not random: the June 12 schools will be closed already and the beginning of the summer season will be an incentive for those who can afford to go out of town. At least, the wishes of the minister and the government to which it belongs, evidently Once the referendum is concerned that this may reach a quorum and you win.
The fears of the government are based - even if they do not justify the decision - as evidenced by the 1.4 million signatures collected to the questions on ripubblicizzazione water, a result never achieved before. For this
Maroni has chosen the path of the boycott, aware that the normal dialectic policy among supporters of Yes and no loser would see it.

Better then using other means, while making it difficult to free expression of the will of the people.
the minister should also be noted that it was on its proposal that local elections in 2009 were merged with the European Union. Then he was concerned that no public money is wasted unnecessarily (calculated a saving of € 400 million) with more than elections. Today, despite it being in the middle of the economic crisis, the concern is gone.
The organizing committee for the referendum ripubblicizzazione water and the anti-nuclear campaigners have long started a petition which has collected thousands of signatures to demand the unification of the dates of administrative and referendum. They requested a meeting to the minister to explain the reasons supporting the unification: economic reasons but also to guarantee greater participation.
The answer was that we learn from agencies: a comparison of the absolute closure to the arrogant indifference to the possibility that cities and citizens are put in the best position to exercise their right to vote.
Already in the past there were those who said "all at sea" and went badly. It will happen this time too.

Rome 3 March 2011


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Tingling Hands And Autism

Libya - Stall Somali

Foto deserto Giampaolo Casts Novati
basis of the finding - and its possible interpretation - that the unrest in North Africa reached a first milestone has been animated and basically decided by a coalition of young people and improper military , we can better understand why the mechanism in Libya is jammed. Both Tunisia and Egypt in the "square" has had its epicenter in the capital and good national and social cohesion has given itself to protest the youth of Tunis and Cairo a general representation. In Libya Tripoli and Benghazi first move is still seems in the hands of men and the forces of Gaddafi. The revolt is likely to be perceived or to become the "revolt of Cyrenaica, not of Libya. In Libya, the army does not have the same function of substitution at the institutional level because of the lack of a tradition embodied state or guaranteed by the armed forces. However, unlike the Tunisian and Egyptian armies that are differentiated by the leader as soon as possible in disgrace, the Libyan army, whose recruitment has followed the criteria in part of such clans, it was divided. The same ethos of the Italian resistance to the occupation is based on a guerrilla 'incorrect', focused once more among the people and landscape of Cyrenaica. Even in Algeria, the locus of power is derived from a war of liberation, but beyond the national dimension of the mobilization led by the FLN, the summit has set the framework of the General Staff who had not participated as such to the maquis and had in fact prepared in rear bases in Morocco and Tunisia to be independent of the army in Algeria.
The stalemate that has arisen create lends itself to all possible solutions. The revolt could turn into a civil war and civil war would be designed to consolidate and strengthen the differences not only between Tripolitania and Cyrenaica but also between the different components that is used to define the tribe until the dreaded "somalizzazione. The prolongation of the crisis, meanwhile, has certainly intensified the interference of the powers, which, if there have been in Tunis and Cairo, there were used to expedite a conclusion to the effect of stabilization by removing any remaining space to Ben Ali and Mubarak. At least formally, in the 'succession' in Tunis and Cairo, the military and civilians on the ground have maintained management responsibilities and continuing, especially in Tunis, a dynamic challenge that gives the impression of an ongoing process where the high and low have continued to confront. The UN sanctions imposed against Gaddafi and unanimously, with the most intense effects as already looming conflicting opinions, any military intervention differently motivated for "humanitarian" take their neutrality to external factors.
Even the no-fly zone which is spoken too lightly in Italy is an operation that heavy, even from the air, can affect the movements on the ground as the concentration of forces or the anti-aircraft equipment. Neither Italy nor Europe have the means should be suitable and ricorrere come minimo alla Nato. Sarebbe un epilogo ben miserevole per le «primavere» appena incominciate.

Tratto da:   Il Manifesto

Knockando Scotch Whisky

Serie A - Design 9 ^ Back

Ostinelli (Como)
CARRER (Con.Veneto) - MARRAZZO (Tivoli)
IV: MORGANTI (Ascoli Piceno)

CHIEVO - PARMA (Coeff.4)
Orsato (Schio)
IV: Tagliaventi (Terni)

CELI (Bari)
Angrisani (Salerno) - SCHENONE (Genova)
IV: Corley (Castelfranco Veneto)

INTER - GENOA (Coeff.3)
Russo (Nola)
PASSERI (Gubbio) - DOBOSZ (Roma 2) IV
: Velotte (Grosseto)

Rizzoli (Bologna)
Ghiandai (Arezzo) - Jordan (Caltanissetta )
IV: ROMEO (Verona)

GAVA (Con.Veneto)
Ayroldi (Molfetta) - Tonon (Milan)
IV: Calvarese (Teramo)

LECCE - ROME (Coeff.4)
DAmato (Barletta)
Viazza (Imperia) - LIBERTI (Genova)
IV: De Marco (Chiavari)

Mazzoleni (Bergamo)
Carioli (Legnago) - MANGANELLI (SGValdarno)
IV: Brig (Cesena)

SAMPDORIA - Cesena (Coeff.4)
PIERPAOLO (Florence)
FLOWER (Aosta) - ALTOMARE (Molfetta)
IV: DUTIES (Rome 1)

Udinese - Bari (Coeff.3)
MASS (Imperia)
Cope (Mantova) - Marzaloni (Rimini)
IV: Baracani (Florence)

Big-match went to Rizzoli hoping she can recover from that period of torpor it is always chasing in this league swinging a bit. Better recognition and right to Ghiandai Jordan and two assistants of considerable affidabilità.
Congratulazioni a Luca Ostinelli della Sezione di Como che dopo 13 gare di Serie B esordisce nella massima serie.
Rivediamo Massa e chissà se Braschi non lo voglia già dall'anno prossimo nel suo organico.
Gare tutte importantissime per la classifica per questo coefficienti quasi tutti alti.
Marrazzo e Schenone alla loro seconda apparizione stagionale in A.

Ringing Ears After Bar

Win Serie B - Designations 9 ^ Back

TOZZI (Ostia Lido)
PRETI (Mantova) – GIALLATINI (Roma 2)
IV: CANDUSSIO (Cervignano del Friuli)
OT: MESSINA (Bergamo)

TOMMASI (Bassano del Grappa)
EVANGELISTA (Avellino) – POSADO (Bari)
OA: COMITO (Crotone)

PONZIANI (Avezzano) – STALLONE (Foggia)
OA: CAVANNA (Roma 1)

PALAZZINO (Ciampino)
ITALIANI (L'Aquila) – MANZINI (Verona)
OA: MASSARONI (Frattamaggiore)

GALLIONE (Alessandria)
LA ROCCA (Ercolano) – BAGNOLI (Teramo)
OA: CATANIA (Roma 1)

PADOVA – SIENA (Coeff.2)
CIAMPI (Roma 1)
VUOTO (Livorno) – LONGO (Paola)
OA: SICILIANO (Brindisi)

BERNARDONI (Modena) – MASOTTI (Bologna)

PORTOGRUARO - Grosseto (Coeff.1)
NASCA (Bari)
Mellon (Modena) - Zonneveld (Bari)
OA: PADOVAN (Gorizia)

Sassuolo - Cittadella (Coeff.2)
PINZANI (Empoli)
BROODER (Foligno) - Paganessi (Bergamo)
OA: GUN PUPILS (Foligno)

RUINI (Reggio Emilia)
DE PINTO (Bari) - Argient (Frattamaggiore)
IV: Merlin

GUIDE (Torre Annunziata)
Ciancaleoni (Foligno) - IORI (Reggio Emilia)
IV: Merchiori (Ferrara)
OA: CAMPANER (San Donà di Piave)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

3 Letter Combination 0-9 Possibilities Lock

Palestine - On March 15, will be the day of reconciliation

I giovani palestinesi non sono insensibili al profumo di gelsomini che arriva dai paesi arabi in rivolta. Mentre negli altri paesi la mobilitazione è cominciata con i giorni della collera, in Palestina i giovani affidano la speranza di portare in piazza pacificamente la popolazione alla giornata della riconciliazione. La divisione tra il governo di Gaza gestito da Hamas e quello cisgiordano và avanti da ormai 4 anni, paralyzing every aspect of institutional life and delegitimizing all parties at the time of dealing with their Israeli counterparts. This situation is unacceptable in the eyes of Palestinians. While young Tunisians, Yemenis. Egyptians in Baherin paraded the slogan "Al Shaab iurid isqat the nizam" (the people want the end of the scheme), March 15 Palestinians in West Bank, Gaza and the diaspora will be under the government buildings and diplomatic missions with the Palestinians slogan "Al Shaab Yuridia at Inha inqisam" (the people want an end to divisions). We have reached by telephone Saftawy Assad, a young activist in Gaza between the promoters of the day of reconciliation:

the Palestinian street on March 15 will move to assert its will in the face to both parties, Hamas and Fatah, and then ask for an end to the divisions. Will move people from Hamas, Fatah, other political parties. Young independent or linked to any movement, together peacefully waving the Palestinian flag just to confirm my willingness to drive. It will be the first time after four years of division. On March 15, will begin a permanent garrison will not be dissolved until we get what we want. We call on all parties and sections of Palestinian society to take to the road and stay there if it were necessary to days or even weeks until the parties will not be granted for the end of the division in accordance with the will of the people. After all Palestinian citizens may spring up before the rulers and say "there is nothing without me," the Palestinian people as the only source of institutional legitimacy, the authorities are there to serve the citizens.

Q: What has changed in the lives of Palestinians in Gaza after the Egyptian Revolution?
The Egyptian revolution of young people has given hope to the children of Gaza, the 'enthusiasm needed to return to the streets after four years and ask for an immediate end to the divisions. Honestly, the Palestinians have always been an example of the revolutionary spirit of mobilization, commitment to national unity. After the apathy of recent years is time to return to the streets to say No to the division, no division, no divisions. This is our only demand, we have requested with regard to 'the PLO, with Fatah or Hamas or anyone else, there's only one simple request.

Q: The events of March 15, the day of reconciliation, not only will be held in the occupied Palestinian territories ...
Certainly, protests are planned in at least 22 countries including Europe, Africa, America and Asia. There will be manifestazioni di fronte alle rappresentanze dell’ OLP in tutti i paesi per annunciare presidi ad oltranza e la richiesta ai apesi che ospitano le rappresentanze diplomatiche palestinesi perchè possano fare pressione sulle parti per porre fine alla divisione nel più breve tempo possibile. Vorremmo vedere manifestazioni di solidarietà in ogni parte del mondo, anche perchè tra Gaza e la Cisgiordania vivono il 50% dei palestinesi, noi vorremmo che partecipassero tutti i palestinesi inclusi quelli della diaspora affianco alle persone solidali con la causa. Questo ci darebbe una grande carica per scendere in piazza un giorno, due tre e tutte le volte che serviranno, questa solidarietà sarà una esaltazione della volontà poplare e della Palestinian democracy, and that is what we want ottenenre to overcome divisions.

From: Amisnet

Connecting Old Lenses To Digital Camera

Honduras - Declaration of the peoples of the earth and sea

We men and women of indigenous peoples and blacks Honduras: Pech, Tawahka, Chort, Tolupanes, Lencas, Miskitu, Creoles and Garínagu, from land and sea \u200b\u200bAutoconvocate Durugubuti community of San Juan, Tela, Atlantida, on days 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24 February 2011 , to unite our thoughts, feelings, words, and installing our constituent assembly multinational and multicultural, issued the following statement:
1. We declare that we met in various events of our spirituality, to receive the energy and guidance from our ancestors and ancestors, to strengthen the resistance of our people for thousands of years the defense of life and mother earth.
2. declare that the regime continuer of the coup of June 28, 2009 , intensifies the invasion of indigenous territories and blacks, through the granting of the rivers to build private dams, as the project called PATUCA 1, 2 and 3, as the many dams built on rivers which claims the territories lencas, where he is leading a historic battle, such as mining, militarization of our territories, projects attractions such as the Bay of Tela, the implementation of city-model, enclaves that may undermine the sovereignty of Honduras as a country, to serve of international drug trafficking.
3. We declare our solidarity with the peoples who inhabit the Honduran Moskitia are affected by repression, militarization and looting of nature by the oligarchy and the multinationals , also express our support categorical all'autodemarcazione appeal of the area. Assume the statement of the peoples of Moskitia UPINH, and even now, Autoconvocate the following working sessions of our multi-national constituent assembly in multicultural Miskitu indigenous territory.
4. declare the urgency they Honduras as a state, his face the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, as part of the legal procedure.
5. declare our condemnation of the regime, which encourages the privatization of education, health, running evictions of indigenous communities as the people of Nueva Estanzuela Maya Chort that allows the murder of indigenous tolupanes, as well as leaders of other nations, crimes which remain unpunished.
6. declare our concern at the attacks and threats against the media community, which violate the right to free expression of thought and the right of our peoples to create their own alternative media, as established by the International Labour Organization ILO 169, and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and Blacks.
7. declare that this assembly will be permanent multinational multicultural constituent and will last until the enactment of a new constitution, which allows the re-establishment of Honduras.
8. We declare our support for Honduras' First Garifuna Hospital, functioning in the community Ciriboya, in Irion Hall, Colon, and denounce the poster sabotage by the regime. Nor does it require incorporation into the fund for public health.
9. Dichiariamo la nostra solidarietà con gli insegnanti honduregni in lotta per la difesa dell'educazione pubblica e la difesa dello Statuto del Docente, solidarizziamo col movimento contadino colpito dalla deroga del Decreto Legislativo 18-2008, solidarizziamo con le famiglie delle vittime assassinate dal regime golpista, esigiamo il ritorno incondizionato e sicuro degli esiliati, tra cui José Manuel Zelaya, Presidente dell’Honduras 2 006-2010 .
10.  Dichiariamo l'autoconvocazione della grande assemblea di donne indigene e nere dell’Honduras, che si realizzerà in Copan Galel nel prossimo mese di maggio.
11. We 1800 delegates from participating in the assembly constituent multicultural multinational, we express our gratitude to the community of San Juan Durugubuti, Canvas, Atlantis, the Garifuna people and its Black Fraternal Organization of Honduras OFRANEH , for the hospitality, brotherhood and joy with which we have accepted.

Issued in the community of San Juan Durugubuti, Canvas, Atlantis, February 23, 2011

Biological Interrelationships In The Wildlife

Oman - Six dead in protests against the sultanate

Do not stop the protests in the Sultanate of Oman to demand democratic reforms.

At least two thousand people took to the streets for the second time in a few days in the port city of Sohar. The protesters gait some offices of the Ministry of Labour and a police headquarters. According to some sources, the dead would be six. While authorities say there is only one victim.

Part of the Arabian Peninsula, Oman protests are rare. In the country applies the absolute power of the sultan, solid U.S. ally in the region.

Antennaweb For Canada

Libya - The drama in the drama: the African migrants in Libya

Deserto Libia There is a particular tragedy in the tragedy Libyan. It takes place in silence, away from the cameras and consumed by the political equations between the Western governments and the UN Security Council. It is the drama of thousands of African migrants stranded in the North African country since the collapse of the regime of Gaddafi. According to the pan-Arab broadcaster Al Jazeera, have killed dozens of migrants, both killed by opponents of the regime forces still tied to Colonel Gaddafi and his clan. The first suspect all non-Libyans alike to be part of the notorious mercenary units that were to be launched against anti-regime demonstrations. The forces associated with Gadhafi, however, abandon them or fire on migrants in the camps in the desert where they were stored, in some cases for years, because of the blockade of the coastal departures to Europe. Among migrants, the targeting by the two warring parties, there are thousands of workers employed in various productive sectors of the country, the oil industry to construction, abandoned by companies to sub-contractors who had brought them to arrive in Libya.
According to some estimates, foreign workers in Libya would be a million and a half. The fragmentary news coming from the border between Libya and Tunisia, for example, say there are hundreds of migrants, many of whom would be Egyptian, waiting to cross the border groped for a crazy ride home. Egypt has tried to organize an airlift to evacuate workers stranded in Libya, but the evacuation is proceeding very slowly. The chaos that reigns in Libya makes it difficult, if not impossible, to travel. So who got stuck trying to reach the nearest border crossing by land. The long border between Libya and Egypt, however, is still largely undermined by the Second World War and only the point of Sallum remains open. From there they passed a few days ago 14 Filipino workers, a small group, considering that, according to data from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Manila, at least 26,000 Filipinos working in Libya. Monday morning in Nairobi, Kenya, managed to get a plane with one hundred and fifty people, about ninety Kenyans and over sixty people from different African countries, from South Sudan to Uganda, Congo to South Africa. One of the passengers, told Reuters that there were many incidents of attacks on African migrants, who are suspected of being mercenaries paid by Gaddafi to quell the riots. The wounded were so terrified of giving medical care in hospitals already saturated. A death toll is now impossible, but it is feared that the dead can be tens if not hundreds. A further chapter of this drama is that of refugees from other African countries, especially Eritrea and other countries in East Africa, imprisoned in detention centers set up dalla polizia e dall’esercito libico in mezzo al deserto. Molti di loro si trovano in Libia solo di passaggio, nella speranza di trovare prima o poi un modo per raggiungere l’Europa. Sono vittime due volte: della situazione dei paesi da cui scappano e della collaborazione tra le autorità libiche e quelle europee (italiane innanzi tutto) nella politiche di controllo delle frontiere. I messaggi che riescono a filtrare lungo il tam tam dei contatti personali dicono che in alcuni campi le persone sono state semplicemente abbandonate, senza alcuna assistenza, dai reparti di polizia o dell’esercito che sono fuggiti. Per la loro vita, le equazioni diplomatiche rischiano di essere risolte fin troppo tardi.

Tratto by:

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Best Crossfirex Motherboard 2009

Con il popolo libico e contro il nucleare

Alfiero Department
What is happening in Libya is scary. Beyond thought. The Guns of Light Beccaris protesters seemed an incredible episode, part of another era. Now the planes of the bloodthirsty dictator Gaddafi bring the horror beyond the darkest imagination.
must deal with far too many opportunities and that there were mistakes in dealing with this and other dictatorial regimes. You must choose a decision to side with those who are fighting for end of this bloody regime paying a high price in human lives. Alleged economic advantages may not come before the rights and lives. Obviously, the Libyan
upheavals are coming home to roost, over Tunisia and Egypt, issues such as energy supply and as usual the dominant stupidario too often find new opportunities for expression, such as raising the opportunity for nuclear power as it did some right-wingers, new Dr. Strangelove.
What does the nuclear crisis with Libya? What remedy can never be, without any other consideration, be less than replace any oil or gas energy source with a Libyan come il nucleare che nell’ipotesi più ottimistica sarebbe pronta non prima di 10 anni ?
In questi 10 anni di attesa che facciamo ? Giriamo i pollici ? Sarebbe molto più serio fare un discorso di verità sulle risorse disponibili e semmai preparare un piano immediato di risparmio energetico con adeguati incentivi e preparare il superamento graduale delle fonti fossili da sostituire con le fonti da energie rinnovabili.
Non solo il risparmio energetico è potenzialmente l’energia “rinnovabile” più importante perché farebbe risparmiare molte centrali di produzione, ma è anche quella che può dare risultati più in fretta. Purtroppo questo è il Governo who tried to scuttle the tax incentive of 55% for energy saving in buildings.
also produces nuclear electricity is only about 20% of total energy consumption and is not able to replace the main power sources for vehicles or heating. For example, the power can and should be a source of energy used increasingly in transportation but to do so requires first investment and policy choices of which for now there is even a shadow.
the first signs of crisis in North Africa speculation in prices of petroleum products entered in the field immediately, even before you actually put an il problema. L’aumento improvviso del prezzo del petrolio e del gas si basa fondamentalmente sul timore che accada qualcosa nell’approvigionamento futuro, non su qualcosa che è già accaduto. E’ la solita storia. Sono i ben noti “futures” che sulla base di previsioni determinano i prezzi ora. La previsione serve per fare accadere effettivamente la previsione. Del resto la speculazione era da tempo a stecchetto e ora rilancia alla grande.
Anche in questo caso il Governo ha nulla da dire ? Ha convocato i fornitori principali, che proposte ha fatto ? Si è fatto un’idea sulle cose da fare, su cosa proporre a livello europeo ? O come al solito ascolta e annuisce ? Se l’aumento dei prezzi dell’energia would trigger an inflationary spiral in the lives of people and the Italian public debt would be serious trouble, very serious. Then you need to immediately combat the inflationary spiral-speculative. Otherwise, what the government called pompously economic recovery (point of GDP if all goes well) will end up before birth. At national level the Government can and must decide beyond a certain level of oil prices, such as $ 100 a barrel, operates a mechanism already defined by fixing a ceiling on the relationship between time and then excise duty and taxes so the Government would forego gain more tax revenues by increasing prices of petroleum products. A national and European level should be a mechanism to reintroduce control of prices of petroleum products (or other administered prices) because the public interest comes before the interests of oil companies, including that owned by the Italian State.
In fact, the Italian government is a specialist in the trailer. It should be a trailer of the events, and more. The rest is too busy trying to avoid the processes of the President of the Council to have time for other things and ideas.
What could we do? You may first raise an energy policy based on saving and renewable energy. No earthquake in other countries can block the sun, wind, water. This is the real field of action for achieve greater energy independence of our country. Nuclear power is like oil: it uses a fuel that will last for a limited period of years and makes us even more dependent on foreign, even more oil. But the wind is already competititvo with fossil energy sources. The solar heat as well. The PV according to the Germans will in a few years, provided the investments are multiplied to lower costs, seeking solutions diffuse into the country by mobilizing private investment and research and using the first installation on the roofs of buildings, from public ( schools, hospitals, etc.).. Just use the 10% of the roofs, without any influence on the areas to be met to achieve extraordinary results.
The government in energy policy is cross-eyed, as it was in cultivating alliances with bloodthirsty dictators like Qaddafi and now insists on the wrong line and the old nuclear power. Just when the jolt of northern Africa should rather spur us to redouble their efforts to invest in will save energy and renewable energy sources.

Monday, February 28, 2011

What Are The Rules Of Frustration The Card Game



Baracani 34
Candusso, CIAMPI 32
DUTIES, Thomas 29
Calvarese 23
Gallion 21
Velotte 19
CERVELLERA, Ostinelli 15
BARATTA, 13 Merchiori
Bagalini 12, 10 RUINI

already clear The driving position is now secure promoted to the CAN-A, in my opinion Candussio, Duties, and Pinzani Tozzi play each other or other free places, thinking that I dot on younger students. Massa say it is still too young and that I would not do everything too quickly.



A mio avviso in testa sulle promozioni ci sono PRETI,VUOTO e GIALLATINI anche se quest'ultimo è in leggero declino considerato che non esce in Serie On the last day of the first round. The seats will certainly be more than three in my opinion considering the divestment from the CAN-A.

My Mouth Tastes Like Metal


MILAN-NAPOLI is unlocked by a penalty kick awarded to Milan for a hand ball in the penalty area Aronica.
In my opinion perfect decision Rocchi.
Some doubt live on an alleged foul on Ibra Cannavaro looking to hit the ball head and Ibra and maybe pushes up the leg towards the ball. Situation much to the limit.
On the rest of the race can see that two other situations in the penalty area before on Ibra and then there is no foul on Van Bommel. Measures disciplinari tutti congrui forse in avvio ha rischiato Gattuso che protesta in maniera plateale nei confronti di Rocchi per un fallo laterale invertito.
Per MAGGIANI e DI LIBERATORE un errore a testa, ma entrambi gli episodi erano difficili.

South Park Episodes French

Win Serie B - Design 8 8 ^ ^ Back

MELI (Parma) – CONCA (Roma 1)

NASCA (Bari)
BAGNOLI (Teramo) – CUCCHIARINI (Città di Castello)
OA: CATANIA (Roma 1)

Calvarese (Teramo)
RATE (La Spezia) - Ranghetti (Chiari)

Grosseto - Padova (Coeff.1)
BARATTA (Salerno)
IORI (Reggio Emilia) - Vivenza (Brescia)
OA: ANDREOZZI (Frosinone)

MASS (Imperia)
COSTA (Palermo) - Paganessi (Bergamo)
IV: Ruin (Reggio Emilia)
OA: SICILIANO (Brindisi)

Piacenza - Empoli (Coeff.2)
BROODER (Foligno) - COSTANZO (Orvieto)
OT: IVALDI (Genova)

REGGINA - Frosinone (Coeff.2)
Velotte (Grosseto)
Mellon (Modena) - Fortarezza (Bari)
OA: Anfuso (Barcelona pd Gotto)

Baracani (Florence)
Franz (Verbania) - WHITE (Cosenza)
IV: Pairetto
OA: Ceccarini (Pesaro)

SIENA - Triestina (Coeff.2)
TOZZI (Ostia Lido)
Ponza (Avezzano) - CRISP (Genova)
IV: GUIDE (Torre Annunziata)
OA: Sagrestani (Rome 1)

Torino - Atalanta (Coeff.3)
DUTIES (Rome 1)
NEAR (Albenga) - CARRETTA (Padova)
IV: Gallion (Alexandria)
OA: Troccoli (Sapri)

VARESE - Crotone (Coeff.1)
Candusso (Cevignano del Friuli)
MARK ( Roma 1) - MANNA (Isernia)
IV: Manganiello
OA: RED (Torino)

Nominations were announced at 18:53 on Sunday.
now in the field assistant MELI after errors in Catania-Genoa with Giannoccaro certainly has not been declared "guilty." I lifted the coefficients on this day, several head-tail that are creating many problems with "large".
Big-match in Dover that you could also win him a safe place for the CAN-A.

Crest White Strips White Gums

Moviola Day Return

error of too few in this day of the championship, some avoidable. In

BRESCIA-LECCE MORGANTI wrong when her third in the last minute to cancel the 2 of Brescia fact Caracciolo received the ball directly from a touch of Oliveira (Lecce), then Alessandroni can not understand the dynamics action indicates the position of Caracciolo which is actually the penultimate over but defending MORGANTI had to intervene in this situation indicate that the touch and he was a defender. Difficult situation because the action is very messy. In
-GENOA CATANIA unfortunate assistant MELI in the first two goals because of offside Floro Flores and Maxi Lopez are also really hard on the dynamics of the shares. Wrong
the disciplinary action that leads to the expulsion of Criscito, at first Giannoccaro seems to put his hand into his right pocket (yellow card) but then came the point of foul draws a red card means the attacker has possession balloon. The measure also wrong because the technical foul is beyond the line of the penalty area, the collaboration is missing here MELI of as a mitigating factor that was well positioned to evaluate the offside. Just
rigor granted to Genoa and just the disciplinary decision.
PERUZZO in PALERMO-UDINESE does not move from the result and apply the letter of the regulation. Just the two yellow cards for two fouls in Bacinovic tactical and just the expulsion of Armero Darmian that holds the shirt a clear chance from interrupting network. From the pictures, however, appear Peruzzo not aware of the foul now because its course is aimed towards the midfield, most likely signaling Rossomando.
Just give the penalty against the ROMA PARMA , Taddei is overwhelmed by Lucarelli who takes the ball and player, uncoordinated intervention, BRIGHI is attentive. Roma have protested for a penalty in the opening race but the images do not clarify if Totti is actually touched by Paletta that seems ahead of the ball.
VALERI severe at the decisive penalty awarded in -Cesena Chievo , although there are several deductions Mandelli not look at all the ball. The images here do not explain. Grave error GRILLI in the first half, which stops Pellissier launched a network for a non-existent offside.
ROMEO directs English BOLOGNA-JUVENTUS using the same yardstick. The only drawback from red at the end of the intervention PEPE on a player of Bologna, without intervention from behind can catch the ball, Romeo opts for yellow but wrong in my opinion.

The other races did not provide episodes of discussion.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Funny Anniversary Ideas

Europa - La Croazia nel tempo della crisi

For a week the young Croatians to the streets to protest against corruption and economic crisis. Here too, the protest feeds on Facebook and runs on the network, but the real danger is the nationalist right

To explain what happens in Croatia should be very careful because you may not be able to understand who are the protagonists of these events are a week across the country, especially Zagreb. First we must understand the political and economic situation in Croatia. The country is governed by a center-right government, whose main party HDZ (the first President Tudjman) has been in power since 1991, but the range of 4 years, from 1999 to 2003 in which he ruled the left. At the top of the party are still the same men who were the protagonists on the political scene during the years of war that insaguinato throughout the Balkans with thousands of deaths. Today in Croatia reigns rampant corruption linked precisely to the people of HDZ. Former Prime Minister Sanader, who resigned over a year ago to give up her seat to Jadranka Kosor, which was the right arm of Tudjman in the nineties, is now in prison. E 'was arrested in Austria accused of corruption, money laundering and abuse of power. The entire leadership of the party is enriched at the expense of citizens by stealing millions of euro from the state coffers.

The economic situation is very difficult. Unemployment is at 18%, prices continue to rise, the wages of dipendenti pubblici sono stati tagliati e migliaia di persone vivono sulla soglia della povertà. I giovani non vedono prospettive per il loro futuro e cresce il malcontento per le condizioni di vita. Inoltre il paese si prepara ad entrare nell'Unione Europea e per molti cittadini questa è un ulteriore fonte di preoccupazione.
Nel 2009 migliaia di studenti si sono mobilitati nelle università e nelle piazze delle principali città chiedendo le dimissioni del ministro dell'istruzione, più risorse all'università e un istruzione gratuita per tutti. Sono state occupate molte facoltà, si sono svolti cortei spontanei e finalmente in Croazia una nuova generazione di giovani si è conquistata il diritto alla parola e un protagosimo politico e sociale mai visto prima di allora.

I primi a scendere in piazza quest'anno sono stati i pescatori che contestavano l'aumento del prezzo del gasolio, dell'eccessiva burocrazia e chiedevano le dimissioni del ministro.
La protesta che in questi giorni sta animando la Croazia è nata su Facebook. La rete dimostra così ancora una volta di essere uno strumento fondamentale per l'organizzazione e la diffusione di proteste popolari come in Egitto o in Tunisia. E i protagonisti sono per la maggior parte i giovani come nel Maghreb. Il portavoce di questo neonato movimento che stato batezzato "i ragazzi di Facebook" è Ivan Pernar uno studente di Zagabria di 25 anni che è già was stopped twice by police. Through Facebook, blogs and other social networks in a few days was able to widen the face of protests from a handful to thousands. A small event was first recorded in Zagreb on Tuesday when several hundred people demonstrated in Zagreb's central square to demand the resignation of the government and Kosor. Two days later, Thursday, February 24 took to the streets of the capital more than 2,000 people, who demanded the resignation of a government that now does not want anyone in the country, people shouted angry slogans against HDZ accusing them of being corrupt, thieves and have led the country in an untenable situation. On the banners read "We so young and already so poor "or the slogans shouted" Thieves thieves "Kosor resign" and so on. When the protesters arrived at the entrance of the square of Marko, the establishment of the government and parliament, they found dozens of seams in front police officers held antisomossa and barriers that prevented the passage. At that point I started fighting with police who charged several times and stopped eleven people including Ivan Perna.

Saturday 26 was instead called a manifestation of the war veterans against the persecution of their colleagues accused of crimes during the Balkan war. An event that had nothing to do then do with these young men took to the streets two days before calling for a radical change and better living conditions but which instead exhibited nationalist symbols and slogans. Then also came the ultra Dinamo Zagreb, Bad Blue Boys, known throughout Europe for the frequent clashes in the stadiums and the ultra-nationalist politics. There were also the guys led by Ivan facebbok Perna unfortunately in that square have been marginalized by ultra right-wing groups who wanted to manage the square. During the fighting there were several of which also wounded and arrested a journalist "guilty" of taking photographs of the violent police charges. Events were also held in other towns in Croatia.
To know what will happen in the coming days to wait for next week when they were announced more protests. It 's a very delicate situation because many Croats still can not get rid of rettaggi past and nationalism that threatens to overestimates in against the idle young men who want to instead look to the future and create a change in the country, leaving behind that past.