Sunday, February 27, 2011

Funny Anniversary Ideas

Europa - La Croazia nel tempo della crisi

For a week the young Croatians to the streets to protest against corruption and economic crisis. Here too, the protest feeds on Facebook and runs on the network, but the real danger is the nationalist right

To explain what happens in Croatia should be very careful because you may not be able to understand who are the protagonists of these events are a week across the country, especially Zagreb. First we must understand the political and economic situation in Croatia. The country is governed by a center-right government, whose main party HDZ (the first President Tudjman) has been in power since 1991, but the range of 4 years, from 1999 to 2003 in which he ruled the left. At the top of the party are still the same men who were the protagonists on the political scene during the years of war that insaguinato throughout the Balkans with thousands of deaths. Today in Croatia reigns rampant corruption linked precisely to the people of HDZ. Former Prime Minister Sanader, who resigned over a year ago to give up her seat to Jadranka Kosor, which was the right arm of Tudjman in the nineties, is now in prison. E 'was arrested in Austria accused of corruption, money laundering and abuse of power. The entire leadership of the party is enriched at the expense of citizens by stealing millions of euro from the state coffers.

The economic situation is very difficult. Unemployment is at 18%, prices continue to rise, the wages of dipendenti pubblici sono stati tagliati e migliaia di persone vivono sulla soglia della povertà. I giovani non vedono prospettive per il loro futuro e cresce il malcontento per le condizioni di vita. Inoltre il paese si prepara ad entrare nell'Unione Europea e per molti cittadini questa è un ulteriore fonte di preoccupazione.
Nel 2009 migliaia di studenti si sono mobilitati nelle università e nelle piazze delle principali città chiedendo le dimissioni del ministro dell'istruzione, più risorse all'università e un istruzione gratuita per tutti. Sono state occupate molte facoltà, si sono svolti cortei spontanei e finalmente in Croazia una nuova generazione di giovani si è conquistata il diritto alla parola e un protagosimo politico e sociale mai visto prima di allora.

I primi a scendere in piazza quest'anno sono stati i pescatori che contestavano l'aumento del prezzo del gasolio, dell'eccessiva burocrazia e chiedevano le dimissioni del ministro.
La protesta che in questi giorni sta animando la Croazia è nata su Facebook. La rete dimostra così ancora una volta di essere uno strumento fondamentale per l'organizzazione e la diffusione di proteste popolari come in Egitto o in Tunisia. E i protagonisti sono per la maggior parte i giovani come nel Maghreb. Il portavoce di questo neonato movimento che stato batezzato "i ragazzi di Facebook" è Ivan Pernar uno studente di Zagabria di 25 anni che è già was stopped twice by police. Through Facebook, blogs and other social networks in a few days was able to widen the face of protests from a handful to thousands. A small event was first recorded in Zagreb on Tuesday when several hundred people demonstrated in Zagreb's central square to demand the resignation of the government and Kosor. Two days later, Thursday, February 24 took to the streets of the capital more than 2,000 people, who demanded the resignation of a government that now does not want anyone in the country, people shouted angry slogans against HDZ accusing them of being corrupt, thieves and have led the country in an untenable situation. On the banners read "We so young and already so poor "or the slogans shouted" Thieves thieves "Kosor resign" and so on. When the protesters arrived at the entrance of the square of Marko, the establishment of the government and parliament, they found dozens of seams in front police officers held antisomossa and barriers that prevented the passage. At that point I started fighting with police who charged several times and stopped eleven people including Ivan Perna.

Saturday 26 was instead called a manifestation of the war veterans against the persecution of their colleagues accused of crimes during the Balkan war. An event that had nothing to do then do with these young men took to the streets two days before calling for a radical change and better living conditions but which instead exhibited nationalist symbols and slogans. Then also came the ultra Dinamo Zagreb, Bad Blue Boys, known throughout Europe for the frequent clashes in the stadiums and the ultra-nationalist politics. There were also the guys led by Ivan facebbok Perna unfortunately in that square have been marginalized by ultra right-wing groups who wanted to manage the square. During the fighting there were several of which also wounded and arrested a journalist "guilty" of taking photographs of the violent police charges. Events were also held in other towns in Croatia.
To know what will happen in the coming days to wait for next week when they were announced more protests. It 's a very delicate situation because many Croats still can not get rid of rettaggi past and nationalism that threatens to overestimates in against the idle young men who want to instead look to the future and create a change in the country, leaving behind that past.


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