Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Doujin De Bulma Online

Libia - Nel precipizio

Libia - Proteste 3 Angelo Del Boca

News are coming true war against civilians in revolt, and then to slaughter. What Qaddafi had always promised that he would never turned their guns against his people, this is an unfulfilled promise. It is time for him to leave, it's time that is barely visible over the bloodbath of a mediation solution that, as in Egypt and Tunisia, can not start that with the departure of Muammar Gaddafi to the absolute power to forty years. It is time that the West discovers the new process of democratization with the mass riots in the Middle East is not the danger of Islamic fundamentalism, but a resource for thinking and exciting entertainment that world together Our company armored.
Now that finally the United Nations raise their voices, those who loved the people and the country can not remain silent. How does the Italian government that hides behind the statements, the last time a European Union is more concerned with his business of the societies and peoples. Therefore, we must tell the truth to stop the blood flowing in Tripoli and Benghazi in Libya in the whole. First we must do what we did with the Italy-Libya treaty of 2008. We knew very well that he was a dictator Qaddafi, in Libya there is no respect for human rights. And then when we signed that treaty as Italy, have refused to ratify only a Agreement on economic, trade, able to stop the despair in new African immigration camps. But not political. We made a big mistake. One mistake that we are still dragging the government because our leaders have the courage to face the situation and say that's enough to ask to you: "You have led this country for 41 years, you've done your best, now leaves place to others. " This should be a specific request.
But the facts that crowd as we write, we are told that unfortunately there is already the precipice. Why Gaddafi is a sense in paying two fundamental errors of his policy. He forgot that part decisive Libya, Cyrenaica, is still imbued with the myth of Senussia and Omar el Mukhtar - hanged by the Italians and the protesters in hailing el Mukhtar. Even more serious, Gaddafi has, however, always minimized the importance of the tribes of the Jebel, the "mountain", which are 50 km from Tripoli. The Orfella, the Zintan, the Roseban, these large tribes of the mountains that are the same ones that put in trouble the Italians in 1911. Gaddafi has always downplayed the importance of these various components - the Orfella are 90 thousand people - in the struggle for liberation and reconstruction of the new Libya. So it is nurtured for decades a dull resentment which now sees them associated if not at the helm of the rebels, with whom, in these hours are marching towards Tripoli. In short, the entire history of Libya is that "rewind" and contradicts the regime of Colonel.
If we think only a few months ago, when Berlusconi and Gaddafi Caserón Roman presence in one of the policemen at a caravanserai, with jousting knights. Comes the question objectively, but as he did not realize that the world he had built was in dramatic crisis? He who aspired to present himself as the leader of the entire African continent, was not even feeling the limits of his government and the tragedy that was consumed in his homeland.
But Gaddafi was not just a puppet, as Ben Ali and Hosni Mubarak. When was the protagonist of the coup in '69 had before him a country full of small organizations, clan, and he helped make it a nation. In a year has driven the American and British military bases, expelled the 20 thousand Italians who were still a legacy of colonialism. In short, he tried to make a nation of Libya. And for many years Libya was regarded as a nation. It was only a presumption, now we know. Was reduced to a presumption that one man project that was truly belong to all the people - not just the "committees of the people" wanted by the regime. Here
failed. When you are self-representative as the one responsible of killing of colonialism and coping imperialism. By reducing a person Libyan institutions, the history of that country, common aspirations. When he came to Italy on the uniform picture of the hero and anti-Italian Omar el Mukhtar. But it was only a provocation subjective, as if to say "I do not forget." But the fact of having underestimated the importance of all the tribes of the mountain, that of political society that has produced the emergence of Libya, was the biggest mistake. Why are the fundamental components that had the resistance, liberation and then had grown over the country.
The situation now, sadly, is over. I think with sorrow that all appeals are now too delay. The very fact that the tribes of the mountains fall to Tripoli to free it, it gives me a measure of turning over the precipice. The group of elders and wise, said we have to kill Gaddafi. Exactly in these words: "We invite the fight against those who do not know how to govern," said the elders of Orfella, while leaders of the neighbors asked Zentani 'young people to fight and the military to defect and bring hell to Gaddafi. " This is the novelty of the Libyan crisis. The revolt of the older generation of historical generation of veterans. A confirmation is also from Cairo, where he represented the Arab League in the Libyan Abdel Moneim al-Honi has resigned to join rioters. It is a very important news, because it is one of the famous "11 officers" who made the revolt in '69 with Gaddafi. And together, the generation of children and young people. Those young people who have made the revolt for the sake of social despair, with a high unemployment at 30%. This figure reveals the tale of good energy Libyan redistribution of wealth. And the talk of a 'popular social "remained on paper of the" Green Book "of Colonel. The culmination of his thought that has served to minimize the political input of the other protagonists of the revolution. Finding him in a 1986 interview, he admitted that the "Green Book" had failed and che la Libia era ancora «nera» non verde. Ora è anche rossa del sangue del suo popolo che lui ha versato. Per l'ultima volta.

Tratto da:  Il Manifesto


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