Monday, February 21, 2011

Tazorac, Moisturizer Before Or After??

Libia - Appoggiamo la protesta contro Gheddafi

Libia - scontri 2 Sono ore drammatiche in Libia dove nonostante la repressione violenta, non si ferma la rivolta contro il regime di Gheddafi.
Una protesta nata sull'onda di quanto sta avvenendo nel resto del mondo arabo, che assume un importanza particolare in un paese compresso dal regime del Colonello.
Sosteniamo protests in Libya.
Just in Italy to the streets to say that freedom is not bought and sold through bilateral and investments
During the night the second leader Gaddafi proununciato a speech on television in which he stated that "Libya is at a critical moment in its history. Already the next few hours, the People's Assembly will meet to discuss the reforms and that everyone wants a constitution for the country. But if the insurgency will not stop, will the civil war. Thousands of people are coming to defend Gaddafi in Tripoli and Libya. It will do so until the last man. " Meanwhile
Tripoi gunfire could be heard in different parts of the city. The news agencies speak of Libyan protesters al'attacco a construction site in Tripoli, which is managed by a company of South Korea

is also the highest number of confirmed dead in Benghazi. Meanwhile, some news agencies speak of the fact that Gaddafi may have left Libya last night. And 'what the Agence France Presse. The plant's workers
petroliefro al-Nafura in southern Libya, they decided to go on strike in protest against the regime of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. According to reports from the satellite TV 'al-Jazeera Mubasher' which opened a direct line to viewers dedicating a special about what is happening in the north African country, the oil rig in al-Nafura is completely stopped and the workers are refusing to continue the extraction of crude oil. The Libyan tribes Azaweya threatens to harm the flow of oil to Europe if the Member States will not intervene in support of the protesters that day protest leader Muammar Gaddafi. It 'a report in the website Libya Today.
This morning, the European Union member states will meet today in Brussels, will discuss where to vote on a document which "condemns the ongoing repression against peaceful demonstrators in Libya, and deplores the violence and civilian deaths.''" Freedom of expression and peaceful assembly, " prosegue la bozza, "sono diritti fondamentali di ogni essere umano, che come tali debbono essere rispettati e protetti" . Intanto la Ue sta considerando di evacuare i suoi cittadini dalla Libia, in particolare dalla città di Bengasi.
Mentre il prezzo del petrolio sta salendo nelle borse, la compagnia petrolifera britannica British Petroleum si sta preparando ad evacuare tutti i suoi dipendenti presenti in Libia. Lo ha reso noto la tv satellitare 'al-Arabiya'. La compagnia petrolifera ha già chiesto ai suoi lavoratori di prepararsi a lasciare il paese considerando la rivolta in corso contro il regime di Muammar Gheddafi.


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