Thursday, February 24, 2011

Does Anyone Have The Answers For Ap Bio Lab 7

Grecia - Sciopero generale, manifestazioni e scontri

Tens of thousands of workers, students and pensioners took to the streets in Athens and other Greek cities in the 23febbraio to protest the austerity plan decreed to deal with the economic and financial crisis.

front of the Parliament Athens there were clashes, which lasted until the evening in the city.
Follow the update on Europa Zapatista

The strike has partially paralyzed air traffic and urban transport and completely as sea and rail, while hospitals have been closed (except in emergencies), government offices, schools, shops, banks, pharmacies.
The program also includes an information blackout for 24 hours. Participation was
altissima.Nei parades there were more people of the last events

In Syntagma Square in Athens then took place on the morning of 23 February, a real battle in front of the parliament, between demonstrators and police.
Some groups were singing the slogan "after Ben Ali and Mubarak, now it's up to Papandreou," other protesters began throwing stones, bottles and firecrackers against the agents.
The police deployed in force, responded with a heavy barrage of tear gas.


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