Monday, February 14, 2011

Sportcraft Basketball Arcade Hoops Game

Moviola 6^ Giornata Ritorno Serie A

Qualche contestazione per un fallo fischiato da Peruzzo al Bari a cui poi segue a gioco fermo il gol dei locali. Il fallo sembra dubbio ma non me la sento di colpevolizzare l'arbitro di Schio.
Il livello basso della gara ha rispettato le attese.

Il Brescia reclama due calci di rigore, a mio avviso a torto. Difficile ancora una volta capire la gestione disciplinare di Giannoccaro, quasi mai uniforme nei provvedimenti presi.

L'arbitro CAN B ottimamente coadiuvato da Comito Giachero wrong and not always on the edge of the goal offside. Missing a penalty kick for a foul on the Cagliari Cossu.


Romeo De Canio cries to Radio 1 for the mistakes made by Romeo .... I'm tired of hearing complain about anything. Romeo arbitrary decision with a match is not easy and while committing a mistake in my view, arbitrary diligently and is accurate from the point of specification.
some doubt on the punishment that leads to the decisive goal but if we speak of a venial error, Romeo is a few meters and I think he sees well.
Bravo in collaboration with Maggiani when giving a free kick from the edge and not a penalty kick for a foul on Gomez to Rispoli.
Giacomazzi end of the race was expelled for protesting against the race director.

easy race for the International Schio.

De Marco
game for granted, and without proper disciplinary action.

some doubt on a contact-Camporese Gilardino seems to me that the viola is in advance but doubts remain even with the slow motion.

easy game for the referee of Mantua

only the second time I've seen and what I saw I liked all Bergonzi. But I am told that in the first time the race was a bedlam, your turn. INTER-JUVENTUS

Excellent performance for the referee Roman has been shown to deserve full international badge in his first real classic leaves everyone speechless. Race
very good thanks to players who have always accepted the decisions of the referee.
only drawback of no warning of Cordoba for the deduction on Toni.


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