Friday, February 25, 2011

Baby Congrats In 2010

Costa d'Avorio - Nuovi scontri nel paese dei due presidenti

Dozens of deaths, the lack of interest internationally, including in Côte d'Ivoire. For more than 24 hours to battle Abobo, working-class neighborhood on the northern outskirts of Abidjan. Abobo is the bastion in the city 'of Alassane Ouattara , the former presidential candidate winner recognized by the UN in the run-off on November 28 last year against the outgoing Gbagbo, who did not, however, has never left power. On the night of Tuesday, troops loyal to Gbagbo had attacked a district opponents who responded to the fire. The result is thus a real battle between the houses, cut down to heavy artillery fire, which continues to this day.
Shockwave Radio interviewed Laura Mezzanotte, editor of Nigrizia


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