Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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Libia - Terra bruciata

di Marina Nebbiolo

I rapporti politici, diplomatici, economici e gli accordi dell'Italia con la Libia sulla gestione degli arrivi e dei respingimenti degli immigrati appaiono in tutta la loro ambiguità  sulle prime pagine dei quotidiani internazionali. L'Italia questa volta è in prima fila da sola e in silenzio di fronte al bagno di sangue di Bengasi e di Tripoli, sue ex-colonie. L'aspetto più inquietante per i principali media è l'intensificarsi degli scambi economici in seguito al trattato di amicizia firmato nel 2008, affari che hanno raggiunto gli 11 miliardi di euro for which Mr Berlusconi and Colonel Gaddafi met 11 times during the same period.
The Italian industrial groups are all present in Libya (ENI-oils, Impregilo-construction works great, Ansaldo infrastructure, Finmeccanica to assemble civil aviation and military), and Libyan interests are in a long list of Italian companies and banks such as Unicredit, which collapsed the Milan Stock Exchange, Monday 21 February. In connection with the massacre of opponents to the military regime perpretati Praetorians clan of Gaddafi.

eyes international condemnation that explains the modest result of the mediation of the Minister Italian Foreign diplomatic and ineffective Frattini and his accomplice cynicism of the prime minister without hesitation that preceded it saying that they want to "disturb" the friend Muammar. The Italian government, moving away and then putting a halt to the common European opinion wherever designated to be responsible for having justified the brutal repression in Libya. The assessment shared by the various nuances without analysts is that this position rather than static and tied, while clinging to strategic interests, both loser and goes against the interests of the country. Is not justified even by the arrival of migrants, however, represent a number of people well below what is potentially referred to as "emergency" secondo gli organismi che registrano la mobilità europea ed extra-europea.
Per concludere, i nostri osservatori si chiedono come sia possibile che oggi i parlamentari che hanno ratificato, alla quasi unaminità, il patto di amicizia con Gheddafi non abbiano dato segni di cambiamento, cioé non lo rimettano in discussione sospendendolo visto che ci sono tutte le condizioni per farlo e per non continuare ad essere 'compari' di un regime sanguinario. 
Suhayr Belhassen, presidente della Federazione internazionale dei diritti umani (FIDH) facendo il punto sulla situazione in Libia in un'intervista a RFI (Radio France International) insiste sulla defezione dei militari e il peso della presenza dei mercenari contro la resistenza of the Libyan population.
According to eyewitness accounts, the military guard, the militia, security forces and mercenaries for Gaddafi are concentrated in the capital while the air strikes and armed robbery are designed roads that converge within 200 km. This show of force instead of annihilating the opposition movement has shrunk in revolt (Islamic, royalist followers of Nasser, ...) that have formed a committee of Liberation. The appeal is to demonstrate in Tripoli are determined to knock out Gaddafi and his personal army.
Protesters face the mercenaries that have always existed in Libya but have become much more numerous in recent months and these days come from the South-Sahara - The regions from which migrants too - to replace soldiers who have left Gaddafi refused to suppress the riots in the streets. The drama, says Suhayr Belhassen, would be to confuse the mercenaries with the one million three hundred thousand immigrants who are currently in Libya.
Except in Tripoli and Sirte, in the other cities the army has allied with the protesters that designate the centers won by opponents as "open cities" are in fact semi-abandoned and considered unsafe, the residents organized the funeral of their dead and homes are looted. The population of Libya is living in a state of war and is traumatized.
adds, "Gaddafi last but not satisfied because it is completely unrealistic. All that is happening is a sign that is trying to play the last card. 'S ready to drag the people with him in his fall, do not want to give up and stiffens. Attacks to defend themselves and defend his 'entourage'. Even one of his sons, Saif Al-Islam, who in his speeches is as open to reforms, threatens the "bloodbath" because he feels he openly threatened. "


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