Friday, February 25, 2011

Special Blend Lrg Jacket Centennial

Messico - Offensiva contro L’Altra Campagna

Logo CARZCC CARZCC and arrested members of the Centro Digna Ochoa

Hermann Bellinghausen
Third official offensive against the Other Campaign in Chiapas
With a new repressive operation started last Tuesday against members of the Other Campaign in Chiapas, is now in prison 16 members of the Autonomous Regional Council Area Coast of Chiapas (CARZCC). Among those arrested are three lawyers of Digna Ochoa Human Rights Center, farmers and fishermen of at least five communities, belonging to the Autonomous Regional Council. After six in the afternoon 13 of them were released, remain in prison, the young lawyers Nataniel Hernández, José María Martínez and Eduardo Cruz Alonso Martínez Silva. that would have been transferred to the El Amate prison or under house arrest in Tuxtla Gutiérrez.
is the third direct aggression against the Other Campaign beginning February, after the violent eviction of the San Sebastian Bachajón ejidatarios, the entrance to the waterfalls of Agua Azul (10 are still in jail on serious charges do not try) and the attack of the 'Ejército de Dios to Mitzitón, with the balance two seriously injured. Now, on the coast of the state; there, CARZCC is supporting a strong regional resistance against government abuses.

This afternoon, the Regional Council has marched in the city of Tonalá to the District Attorney's Office Istmo-Costa, demanding the release of those arrested. The event continued in the evening for a short time to block the Panamerican highway. As reported
the same advice, on February 22 "was blocked the international road in the town of Pijijiapan, at the Las Pilitas by a group of 300 CARZCC comrades who demonstrated against the attacks, evictions and arrests in their region and in solidarity with fellow San Sebastián and Bachajón Mitzitón, with whom they share a feeling of brotherhood. "
That day, around 16, "the lock was removed because he was setting up tones as a table for dialogue with representatives of the government."
An hour later, when the delegates return to their communities to dialogue, "the arrests took place da parte della PF aiutata dall’AFI, che durante il blocco, con l’aiuto di un elicottero della presunta Protezione Civile, aveva individuato i suoi obiettivi”.
Il consiglio riferisce che i fermi “sono stati indiscriminati ed hanno coinvolto perfino donne e minori, che più tardi sono stati fatti scendere dai camion a suon di spintoni e insulti”. Davanti a questi fatti, il direttore del Centro Digna Ochoa, Nataniel Hernández, insieme a Martínez Cruz e Martínez Silva, si sono presentati al blocco, “per scoprire che quelli del CARZCC erano stati circondati, impedendo loro di tornare a casa”. In quel momento gli agenti di polizia hanno fermato oltre 50 persone trasferendole su otto camion the Regional Prosecutor Costa Isthmus of tonality. Although route "let go women and children, arrived at the police station also has two children.
detention, settlers of La Central, Joaquín Amaro, El Carmen, Mapastepec and shades, were not complied with legal safeguards and the right of defense, continues CARZCC, "which gave rise to a defense" to demand their liberation. Nineteen of them were taken to police headquarters, and 16 remained in custody. After hours' wait and lack of information "has been known that the human rights lawyers, who were not released, were charged with: assault on the roads, ammutinamento e cospirazione.
Si vogliono criminalizzare i difensori del centro Digna Ochoa come “massimi rappresentanti del movimento”, quando la loro funzione, segnala il consiglio, “è stato proteggere le garanzie delle comunità nel corretto esercizio delle loro funzioni, che dovrebbe essere la regola visti i tempi che corrono, poiché il governo utilizza la vecchia politica di ‘ si el mensajero es malo, muerte al mensajero’” .

(Traduzione “Maribel” – Bergamo)


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