Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dolly Kumar Streaming

Sudan - Lo stupro come arma politica

Sudan - Donne 2 increasing number of cases of sexual abuse in Sudan from the Security against women and young people "guilty" of have participated in street demonstrations. In the event that Sudan first group democracy.
Rapes and sexual violence as instruments of political struggle and repression. This is what is happening at this time in Khartoum, Sudan. Violence against women and girls guilty only of having participated, in some cases not even that, in demonstrations against the regime that ruled the country since 1989.

The complaint, first appeared on some sites Sudanese and youtube was then taken up by a local organization to defend the civil and democratic rights, democracy Sudan first group, which prepared a document that cites many documents that at least six cases of sexual abuse, physical and verbal harassment against Sudanese women, took place between January 30 and February 16.
Security Crimes committed by the men of the ruling party, the Nationalist Congress Party. It has been made, mainly, in the offices of national intelligence (NISS) in Khartoum North.

Complaints referred back to after the event to the streets in Khartoum, January 30 - followed by that of February 2 - in the wake of the events Tunisian and Egyptian.
In the streets against the regime, accused for his historical and political responsibilities in relation to the secession of the South, for the widespread corruption e per il nepotismo; per la mancanza di giustizia; per l'incitamento all'odio e alla divisione; per aver continuato la guerra in Darfur; per la crescita della povertà, della disoccupazione e per una situazione economica disastrosa.

In seguito a queste proteste sono state arrestate numerose persone; il Niss ha preso di mira i movimenti studenteschi, le università e i giornali. E il rischio tortura era già stato paventato da Amnesty International .

Nell'atto di denuncia del Sudan democracy first group si cita il caso di S.E. arrestata la mattina del 13 febbraio in Al Jamhouria Street mentre stava acquistando alcuni fogli e materiale per l'ufficio. È stata accused of spreading leaflets and texts for inciting people to rebellion. They took over the offices of Security where they interrogated, beaten and raped. They wanted to prove his membership in political groups active in the days of the event. She fainted on several occasions. Also raped in its wake. In the medical report it says that it has undergone several abuses.

The same treatment of Samah Mohammed Adam, who was arrested Jan. 30. O Marwa al Tijani, February 3rd stop ('crying more and more they hit me and abused). O Asmaa Hassan Al Turabi February 16. Just to mention some of the names found in the report of the organization in Sudan.
which points out the crimes of sexual violence such as rape, harassment el 'sexual assault, not at all represent a new instrument in the hands of the party in power against those who fight for the rights, or to express ideas different from those of the regime, or to fight the war in defense of justice and democracy. "In the nineties, during the period of the" ghost house "many men were raped and subjected to harassment. And some of these cases were well documented. "

Tens of thousands of women and girls have been subjected to sexual violence in Darfur and South Sudan and the Nuba Mountains during the years of conflicts that erupted in these regions. Violence documented in local and international relations. The

Sudan democracy first group believes that "the crimes related to sexual violence in their various forms and wherever they occur, are the foundation of the decadence of oppression and cruelty on which it based its policy for over Png two decades. We also believe that these crimes are the worst offense in the fight for dignity and humanity of all people of Sudan. "

The organization is appealing to the international community to be watchful and do not close your eyes to these crimes.


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