Sunday, February 27, 2011

Train In Japan Where Chikan Is Legal

Serie A Sampdoria-Inter

If the description of Gervasoni I was more surprising after Sampdoria-Inter I must say that Braschi was rewarded with a great performance at almost excellent.
remarkable from the standpoint of personality proves to be always present and some attitudes "growling" in respect of the players I enjoyed greatly. Brave the technical aspect, showed uniformity of opinion throughout the race by selecting only do this when you really need for this assistance Fouled have been few and was able to give to the spectacular game. Disciplinary action for the first time using the "sleeves" Gastaldello no warning for a foul on Snejder net in the first minutes of play, is perhaps the only mistake in this respect. Excellent collaboration with assistants especially Ghiandai that assists in various game situations, less work for Jordan.


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