Friday, February 25, 2011

Gestational Diabetes Dinner

Egitto - Piazza Tahir si riaccende e chiede un nuovo governo

Tahrir "The revolution is far from over, the current government is too close to Hosni Mubarak, are part and is driven by men old regime, which is why millions of people show today all over the country asking for the replacement "reached in the central Tahrir Square in Cairo, Fadi Awad - 'senior editor' of one of the most important publishing houses and Egyptian activist in the movement of the first hour - reports of an atmosphere changed compared to last Friday, when they went to the streets to celebrate the fall of Mubarak.
"Once again, millions of people are demonstrating peacefully asked why the change is real and not just a facade as the last government reshuffle showed leaving intact the key posts of the executive." The voice of Awad is covered by the music and the slogan that while the square throws against the government, asking once again for the army to assist the process of change.

to demonstrate and Cairo, while in many other cities in addition to demonstrations against the government multiply those promoted by the workers and other workers for higher wages and better working conditions. According to a report of the daily al-Masry al-Youm, thousands of people are protesting in Port Said, Beni Suef, Alexandria, Damietta in Mahalla al-Khubra, for Assu, Ismailia and other locations. "There is a whole country wants change - Awad claims - and says no to the police system on which you held the regime”.
E che non ci sia più tolleranza per i soprusi della polizia lo dimostra un fatto di cronaca avvenuto ieri: a Maadi, quartiere della periferia del Cairo, un alterco tra un poliziotto e un autista di microbus si è concluso con la morte di quest’ultimo ucciso con due colpi di pistola sparati dall’agente. La folla ha poi circondato il poliziotto, incendiato la sua auto e scatenato per tutta la notte una protesta contro la polizia appiccando il fuoco al locale commissariato che era rimasto indenne durante i giorni delle proteste antri-Mubarak. Il responsabile dell’omicidio, ricoverato per alcune ferite, dovrà risponderne alla giustizia ordinaria.
Tratto by: Misna


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