Friday, February 25, 2011

Sailboat One Persom Operatrion

Burkina Faso - Koudougou:violenti scontri dopo misterioso decesso di un giovane

Bourkina Faso "Beyond sympathy for the death penalty in all circumstances to be clarified by the young Justin Zongo, behind the violent clashes Koudougou c ' is the anger of the people for the use of excessive force by police officers but also a feeling of injustice. The population wants the fight against impunity is put to the fore in Burkina Faso "says the father Isidore MISNA Traogo, secretary general of Caritas Burkina Faso, during two days of protests and clashes in west-central location.
origin of the discontent of young university students and is discordant version of the cause of death of Zongo: according to medical sources the young man was a victim of meningitis while the family and some witnesses would have been beaten to death by agents of the national police.
In the clashes between students, supported by local people, and police at least two people were killed, another 80 were injured, two seriously. The Burkinabe press reports of a city in revolt, a real battlefield with checkpoints everywhere and enormous material destruction, the seat of government region was set on fire as well as several vehicles. Some Evidence from the country's third largest city, 100 km west of Ouagadougou, the capital, denounced the brutality of the repression by the police who have also fired on protesters firearms.

"In the same city in 1998 was killed the well-known journalist Norbert Zongo investigating crimes and corruption of the ruling class," recalls Father Isidore, noting that "the murder remained unpunished." On the other hand, the secretary of Caritas reports of a difficult environment for the country that is concerned about the crisis in neighboring Cote d'Ivoire as well as the uprising in Libya. "At the economic level already feel the immediate consequences in terms of food prices in addition to the impact of the global crisis. The social divide is deeper and there are many who feel excluded from development, "concluded Father Isidore.


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