Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pinnacle Tvcenter Pro Not Free

E' chiaro che Banti con i falli di mano questo periodo non va d'accordo.
Braschi si è fatto sentire subito nel dopo gara (era anche in tribuna) dicendo che l'arbitro di Livorno ha fatto bene a non ammonire De Rossi because the handball was voluntary, but did not interrupt an important action of the game.
I do not agree at all, De Rossi extends his arm to stop the action and the voluntary and I have done with malice, in my opinion missing second yellow card. For the rest of the race did not offer special episodes: the first time Banti rightly dismissed by a judge involuntary arm of a defender of Rome, let it go a bit too much in certain situations but does not affect the race (apart from the mistake of study) on performance.
on servers, but only one serious error in the first half when Smith does not see the return of an offside Borriello then pulls into port.


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