Sunday, October 31, 2010

Herpes Spots On Stomach

9 – L’inverno e poi la primavera

autumn of 2009, we find a church Gigliotti. Indeed, he was appointed Head of the gym.
Although the relationship between him and Anthony have always been marked by ups and downs, he is heartened by Jason. To give him courage is also moving to Milan to his girlfriend, Elisa, also table tennis, going to train and live in the apartment in San Donato in Pieve, paying rent to D'Ambrosio. As I said two, clean and bleached at our expense.

On September 21, 2009, after a tournament in the 2nd category in which Jason did not shine, D'Ambrosio comes in the gym, take away the boy and tells him that his future in the church is not insured, that to remain must demonstrate its value. It also informs that there will be no sparring for training but only the first Chinese team, Cheng Jia.
With this player, my son has a total incompatibility: Cheng Jia, does not love to train with who is under his level and, for each error Jason, picks it up heavily. Jason discourage you, it depressing.
With Zhilong there are no incompatibilities, but not particularly feeling. Gigliotti, however, probably for the same contrasts with Cheng Jia, is dedicated to the younger guys.
Jason feels a part of anything. He trains a lot, hours and hours, but things are getting worse. In the game never manages to get in, seems overwhelmed by a sense of inadequacy and fear. He lost his light in his eyes has no passion, play to finish the games.
to train more, is not attending school. That school is still waiting for the data of the Company, the program of events and training sessions and asked them to us, because the other side is not answered.
We find out in November, because it tells us Elisa, already tried that before parlare con Zhilong e il presidente, ma senza avere aiuto. Invano cerchiamo di intervenire.

Che la situazione è molto seria, lo scopriamo un venerdì sera. Siamo in camper, stiamo andando a Terni dove il giorno successivo arriverà Jason con il Pieve per un torneo. Siamo quasi a Genova quando suona il cellulare. È Jason, ci dice che a Terni non verrà, che Gigliotti gli ha comunicato che può restarsene a casa.
Aggiunge che la partita di campionato è andata malissimo, ha perso tutti gli incontri, che lui ne ce la fa più, di non chiamarlo e non cercarlo, se ne starà a casa da solo. E chiude.
Ci fermiamo a una stazione di servizio, Roberto lo richiama, sta un’ora al telefono, poi chiama Antonio Gigliotti, ma Jason non si sposta di un millimetro: a Terni non va. Giriamo il camper e rientriamo. Con che animo, lo potete immaginare.

Tutto continua a peggiorare, il Pieve in serie A2 sta andando bene, ma Jason – che è il terzo giocatore – è l’ombra di se stesso. Antonio non lo porta al 2° Categoria di Terni e poi perde nel girone all’Under 21 di Sermide.  
A gennaio, ci comunica che si ritira definitivamente dalla scuola. Vi risparmio la pantomima che è seguita, con noi stretti tra la preside e il presidente, con le rate che si dovevano comunque pagare e il ragazzo che un giorno poteva rientrare a scuola e sostenere la maturità e il giorno dopo non più, perché era tardi.
La sera, io e Roberto ci guardavamo in faccia e ci chiedevamo: ma la gente, oggi, è tutta così?

Andiamo avanti.
A marzo, D'Ambrosio comunica a Jason che non fa più parte dei progetti della squadra.
“Se vuoi puoi anche rimanere – gli dice – ma a spese tue, tranne per i tornei e i rimborsi”.
Jason e Antonio Gigliotti sit and talk and make a decision, which the Chairman gave its blessing: Antonio and will not Zhilong to train Jason in view of the Italian championship and sit in the corner during matches.
The situation changes completely, the boy takes strength and confidence.
Just before the national tournament in Castel Goffredo (2nd category) of 03/04/2010, D'Ambrosio is still talking to Jason, not confirming the interest of society. It expresses its deep regret and asks him to tell the team name that do have cleared. This is the very first time that D'Ambrosio is betrayed: Jason does not mind. Robi do not know, because the guy at that time, his father is ashamed of what feels like a failure.

But the turning point is imminent.
On April 3, 2009, at the national tournament in Castel Goffredo, Jason finished third.
in Terni, the Italian championships, won the Under 21 Mixed Doubles title with Lisa Ridolfi and the bronze medal in individual men.
16/05/2010 Jason becomes the regional champion in the Under 21 single men.
At this point approximates Jason D'Ambrosio. This time she invites him to remove the noise. Back to say "we, shall we say, we will sign," is back with its proposals, awards, internships, the same old things.
But Jason has completely changed, recent months have gained tremendous for him. He is thinking for the first time in its future, and D'Ambrosio, after five years, no longer believes. He does not want to hear about future premiums, when the president has not even given the 280 € tournament and won with Championships category. Do not even want to hear about another year to train with Cheng Jia, especially since this time the departure of Gigliotti's for sure.
So clearly says that the non intende rimanere a Pieve: del resto è tutto l’anno che sa – per bocca del presidente stesso – di non rientrare nei progetti della squadra.
La risposta di D’Ambrosio lo lascia di sasso: se te ne vuoi andare, mi devi dare 4.000 euro.
Rimaniamo di sasso anche noi, non riusciamo a capire come pensi di costringerci a pagare.
A questo punto, stabiliamo in via definitiva che nostro figlio da lì deve venire via.
Il 13/6/2010 - sempre con Lisa Ridolfi – Jason vince il titolo italiano doppio misto di 2° categoria e la medaglia di bronzo nel singolo maschile. E 'the last act of the season.
My husband - in his capacity as leader of TTAngera - called the Federation in Rome. In view of the exchange rate of the loan, would like some clarification on the timing and validity of the clearance.
's the end of June, and Roberto was told that the card belongs to Jason David Luini Pieve Emanuele.

Here I must make an aside important. The Article 13 paragraph 2 of the Regulations states:
13.2 Athletes under the age of 21 years are bound up in the season they become 21 years of age and no later than the end of the four Olympic events. An athlete, then, that on 30 June of the year in which you play the Olympics has gained under the age of 21 years must, in any case be considered released.

The Federation has advocated the whole procedure of the enrolled in 2008, Olympic year. In that year, sent to Rome TTAngera cleared. So, asking you to verify the documents, the clerk's confirmation that the practice of Jason is cleared of the TTA, completely useless because the property was the parish church.
Now Roberto wrote, asking the grounds that, arrival of his clearance, in the Olympic year, no one has called to verify the apparent anomaly. To date, there has been no response, despite the Federation itself has repeatedly called for by anything other trifles.

But Roberto, although angry at being duped and even made fun of, yet does not think he ended up in a quagmire. Do not ever, ever think that D'Ambrosio refuses to let go of the player. So, he went to talk to Pieve Emanuele, in absolute calm.

Friday, October 29, 2010

What Does A Wax Look Like

8 – A volte ritornano

In February, the Circles libertà si eclissano e si interrompono i finanziamenti. La cosa finisce sui giornali, perché a Roma i giocatori campioni d'Italia restano senza stipendio.

A Pieve Emanuele succede come al congresso di Vienna dopo Napoleone: ritorna al comando   Nicola D'Ambrosio. Il quale non gradisce assolutamente l'attaccamento che i ragazzi hanno sviluppato per Antonio Gigliotti. 
Perché? Non lo sappiamo. Io suppongo - But it is my personal idea - because it violates the principle of divide et impera so dear to absolute monarchs.
I see before me an e-mail sent to the chairman Roberto 6 February 2009. Gigliotti says that he created his own small clan into the club and that - quote - "in America that would be punishable by five years in prison."
Why write this strange given to my husband?
Simple: because Jason and Roberto have expressed their appreciation for the work of Antonio. The workouts are great now, and Jason is peaceful.
D'Ambrosio writes (I quote): "The money to financially support the growth of your child puts the company and not the coach and is always the company that has a chance to decide whether it is worth or not to continue to invest in a boy the coach simply the task of working to better the choices made by others for this latter purpose (managers). "
goes on to say that Mr. Gigliotti if they should go after this season and "if your child should feel particularly attached to him the only thing you can do is go with him."
then introduced the proposal, effective no later than February 6, 2009. "If by then I receive an official response to my proposal will be withdrawn and your son will have to find a system other than the Pieve Emanuele.

Here is the proposal (and I always literally):
"1 - The coach will Zhilong Jiang
2 - Your child will play in Series A2 (unless your son and his fellow relegation appposta)
3 - Your child, in addition to the contract already in your hands, will be paid by the company this summer for three weeks / one month in China
4 - We had talked about added to the contract already in your hands € 1,000 in prizes, which confirm here. Lineup prizes to be agreed. "

of all this, it happened that Zhilong became coach and Jason played the season in A2. China and premiums, once Jason has agreed to remain, there has never even spoken.

A separate deserves the contract.
D'Ambrosio talks about "contract already in your hands." Robert received 15 January a draft deed, on letterhead of such a PingPong Pievesi ASD, which we never had to do neither we nor our son. The opening sentence is: "I signed Francesco Franzese, President of the Amateur Sports Pingpong Pievesi ..."
asked my husband what the hell it means, the Chairman replied that it is only a facsimile, to give the 'idea of \u200b\u200bthe proposal. Maybe, but there is the name of our son over there. Among other things, at the end, the voice signatures, there is the name of Jason, as it were to sign him, which is still a minor. However, after the mail on 6 February, the contract ends in the same place in China and 1000 €, that is, in many of the waste paper basket this story.
In April we will get another contract, on the letterhead of the Pieve Emanuele time. And that too, passes and goes into the usual place.
And you get to May 5, 2009.

On May 5, 2009 Jason has just returned from the Championships Italian Terni, where orphaned Tatum, could not defend his title in the doubles but still won a silver in the junior mixed doubles. Nicola D'Ambrosio appears in a gym with a contract.
This .

When gives him the paper and asked him to sign it, Jason at the outset that it has not yet 18 years: the president replied that there 'is no problem, so it's just a proforma. The boy then looks at him and sees the header. Reads a few lines. And then wonders why there is the name of another team and another president: D'Ambrosio answers can not be done with the church because the leadership is changing and everything is locked, not to worry, everything's okay.
Jason signature.
note, for absolute clarity, that Jason has never played for the ADS PingPong Pievesi, nor have we ever had to do, neither the team nor with the President. On the contrary: we know nothing about this team and are completely unfamiliar with Mr. Francesco Franzese, who affixed his signature to the contract at a different time and following that in which it was affixed to my son.

A month later, we call our son in tears and begs her father to take him away from church.
The group that was born around Gigliotti is unraveling, as expected. His great friend Shi goes to Messina, the first-team players - they are not paid, it seems - much less than before attending the gym, Denis has been ready to pack and so Gigliotti. Jason has lost all short references.
Roberto convinces him to take time until after the European championships. There is much at stake, including the change of new school. So Jason leaves for Prague, without a shred of serenity. And yet, despite a reservation in Prague, is able to "team" with his companions, to be crucial - if not for the numerical results - at least for the morale and eventually finished seventh, the best result of the national youth forever.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Bearded Dragon Cage Plans

7 –I molti misteri della stagione 2008-2009

In this episode I'll have to use several times the conditional. Between June 2008 and June 2009 captain in fact some things that we can interpret with certainty.

summer of 2008, the first event nebulous. The so-called Freedom Circles Dell'Utri invest in some Italian table tennis teams, including AS Pieve Emanuele. So are reported to be the father of Jason D'Ambrosio himself, who tells him also that from that moment he is no longer the president of the church. Instead his successor as representative Mr. Fenini.
Fenini And it is in fact to make the proposal to Robert Jason should be transferred in Pieve Emanuele, in a house made available society. The same company will pay a private school (Jason has nearly 17 years, goes to the 4th high school) and 200 € monthly. With him he should move Frizzo Tatum, his teammate, but - from what we know - the family is opposed. After all, the guy lives 10 minutes by road from church.
For Jason is a different matter. In our "career" as parents we have always followed a philosophy: to help our children to see the pros and cons of each situation, but then let them choose for themselves. And once you have chosen, support them.
Jason then takes nine months and 16 years and even made to leave his home, his school, we. The bought a desk, a chair, a TV, we help to pack up and accompany him in his new life.

I would be able to describe the house. I do not think of power. Imagine a neighborhood far from the village, lost in the fog between tangential and state. At the entrance of the neighborhood, squalid buildings started and never finished. The apartment itself is also beautiful, spacious terrace with a pretty good. But living there for years players Parish, who comes and who goes, all boys. It has never been cleaned. say never. What's in the kitchen, behind the refrigerator, under cabinets, is described and do not find him immediately. That day I see swimming in the limit of decency, and the toilet seat will buy it then Jason. Around in the closet, bathroom, terrace, there are shoes abandoned by those he left, sacks of used clothes from who knows ... well, before my son pretend to anything, but just in car blast into tears.
no longer speak to the apartment, so I add that Roberto has blanched at our expense and that we clean from top to bottom. I would also add that, since after the summer of 2009, Jason has found a honeycomb on the balcony. There was no way to convince the leadership to call pest control for which my son took up the issue by only running a serious risk. And in autumn 2009, will remain long without heating.

School. I thought, silly I am, there were specific agreements between the school and society. That collaboration was tested. That they were behind the many problems we had with the old school. Instead, Roberto is forced to go in person to talk to the principal several times and find a wall. No elasticity of time for the sporting commitment, no question programmed, no help for the absence of commitments at the national team (although in class are only 7!). On the other hand, claim that the boys attend in the afternoon, tuition paid by the teachers themselves. Like all other students, not because he had need. Beyond the obvious ethical considerations (I imbufalita), Jason had not moved to church to go to school full time. We found ourselves looking for another school and found one in downtown Milan. On this return, speaking of the terrible winter of 2010.

Now we are still autumn 2008. And the tension is high in the gym. The reason remains a mystery. Boboc Party, who moved to France to coach Denis and Patrick were Antonio Gigliotti.
Rumors of a big fight broke out in June in the year-end pizza party, including coaches and president, but we do not know if this is true even today.
After the initial trip to Treviso, another event still shrouded in mystery. Mate Jason, Frizzo Tatum, disappears. No longer appears to training or matches. Jason loses contact. What has happened, do not know. But Frizzo the Pieve Emanuele closed forever.
Antonio Gigliotti takes its place in the team of A2.
It begins a period that is unbelievable. Relationships with Jason Antonio enhance and binds of friendship to another teammate, Chinese Shi Xiauoyu. But he trains with the strong Stoyanov and the other of the first team.
These kids are isolated in some way from the stresses of leadership and play, play and still play.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Does Wella Have Semi Color?

6 – Dall'agosto 2006 al settembre 2008

I'll tell you in this chapter the following two years.
that the problems have remained the same, it is clear from the first meetings after the holidays.
Jason always goes to church once a week, always accompanied by his father, leaving the first school to be there more. But once in the gym, Frizzo is called by some, to work with the best players of Italy (Mondello and Piacentini), Jason should be the other, with the second lines. Even at one stage, are made to travel separately.
Jason suffers heavily this unequal treatment. Has 15 plus years, many problems in school where teachers do not accept his absences for the national team open and his early exits. It is increasingly closed and angry. In exchange for many sacrifices and many problems, not only the stimuli are given, allowing some time to play with the samples, but it happens to be constrained by new coach Antonio Gigliotti to play with boys much less strong and invited him to get dressed and leave if you do not "train well." If we think that it was first released from school and he and his father had done 80 km on a hellish road (Ring Road Autolaghi and Milan), it makes sense? And above all what it means to train well in these conditions?
I have always stubbornly kept my children away from the victim and the black chick Calimero syndrome. Indeed, when they came home from school complaining that this or that teacher will target them, or when blamed others for their mistakes, he gets double punishment.
But at certain moments in this story was really hard for me not to give in, not see the persecution (also unexplained) in certain behaviors.

Roberto tackling the issue with the president only asked to invest a bit 'more about Jason, however, since the results are good, without taking away anything to anyone. D'Ambrosio gives two answers.
The first is that Denise does not want to train a boy who sees only once a week, is not his method.
The second, that's incredible, is as follows: - Jason is on loan, I can invest with a bond so precarious.
Roberto non può immaginare di essere preso in giro. E come potrebbe? Pensate che è il Tennis Tavolo Angera a far fare a Jason tutte le visite mediche necessarie per l'attività!  
Quindi il padre insonsapevole assicura il presidente che se la società si fosse comportata correttamente Jason ci sarebbe sempre stato, come del resto è accaduto per cinque anni.
E prende la decisione di portare Jason due volte, con enormi difficoltà. Immaginatevi come la prendono a scuola!
L'allenatore Bobocica, che da tempo ha intuito le potenzialità di Jason, propone al presidente di farlo venire ad abitare Pieve Emanuele since September 2007, one of the guest quarters of society. But the president drops, has no money, is not interested, there is no place .
But already we are heartened, because when the season starts to take Denis to heart Jason and gradually insert it in the best group. Gigliotti also improve the relationship. There is also good to see that our son is very used to do sparring with what they see as the new young emerging from their nursery, we believe it is the right thing, to do for another what is being done for him. Sport must also educate, no?
Only D'Ambrosio are still problems. In all these months, the attitude of the President in respect of my son (and our) does not change: when he needs the courts, promises " we do, we build, we will sign ..." (and we never signed anything) and just got the result it aside. Continued, and will continue until the end, not to pay the fees for him to tournaments. The pay us, and I feel like paying the duffer because of his son go to camp . whereas my son to success of his team colors!

Jason disputa tutti i tornei regionali, non solo quelli più prestigiosi, o solo i nazionali: gli abbiamo insegnato che è una questione di rispetto verso la sua squadra e verso coloro che lavorano per organizzare questi eventi. E anche verso se stesso: più gioca, più cresce.
E difatti cresce, i risultati sono lì a dimostrarlo.

Ma è inutile chiedere, parlare, cercare un dialogo. Orrmai noi abbiamo capito come lavora D'Ambrosio. Imprenditore capable and visionary, we can admit this, but in his philosophy the company he and only he, the rest are extras. Until such time as he needs you: then you talk, you own storyteller, the company magically transforms in the Family, with a capital "F, and appeals to your loyalty.
Now, after hearing this.
E 'winter, are the Malpensa airport. The national youth is leaving for Hungary. I somehow doubt that the Federation had done everything right, because Jason does not have a passport. But Roberto reassured me: they will have a town permit, no?
not have it, no one We thought Jason and Frizzo, only have an identity card, are blocked for boarding. Since I was very unexpected, I brought my passport, which they appear on my children. In other words: if I get on the plane too, Jason can go. The place is, they are on vacation, no problem.
But the problem is: Frizzo, the friend and companion, who will remain on the ground. We consult, but the decision is obvious: Jason will be home with her partner.
So for those who the company is a family?

Results for Jason in the past two years:

Italian Champion in the Junior Men's Doubles
Silver Junior Men's Doubles
Silver 3 rd Category Men's Doubles
Silver Mixed Doubles 3 rd Category
3rd in National Championship Series B2

Italian Champion in the Junior Men's Doubles
Italian Champion Junior Team Men
Bronze Junior Mixed Doubles Bronze
Under 21 Mixed Doubles
5th in the National Championship Series B1
7 th European Championships in Prague
Tournament 3 to Nat. Under 21 Terni
Tournament 3 to Nat. 3rd-Cat Dual M. Cortemaggiore
2 to Naz Tournament. 3rd-Cat Dual M. La Spezia
Tournament 3 to Nat. Junior Este (PD)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Small Sand Rail Plans

5 – Per il bene della squadra

No, the league B2 is not going at all well.
If this continues, the goal of B1 is unattainable. Indeed, the team may not even enter in the playoffs. The young Frizzo Tatum wins, is in a period of great form, but his teammate, the one adult, one who has been sacrificed Jason, has lost all the matches.
With impeccable timing, admittedly, the President called Jason D'Ambrosio. After all it took to make the team that will be B1, no? So my son finds himself in what must have been from the beginning his place, with some responsibility in the highest load shoulders.
Jason leaves all the disappointments behind him and enter into Frizzo team and won a place in Terni.
not enough: April 16, 2006 - Easter Sunday - Jason resoundingly won the national tournament for the fourth category. Beside him, in the gymnasium of the cones, that day there are only his parents. On the bench, while playing, there is no one of Pieve Emanuele, but his friend Simon Leto, friend from the Iron Crown of Monza . Registration for the tournament we have paid us, as we have paid all subscriptions to all tournaments, snow shoes, tires, frames, and travel. And the sparring partner that his father pays to train the boy personally.
But Jason wins. The weekly training with Boboc, in addition to those with Vili and the sparring, are bearing fruit.

And after this victory comes the first international call-up for an open in Spain. His first major international commitment.
Jason finally returns to smile, we can say that it is crazy to the happiness, and who would not be at her age? Too bad that this tournament is in conjunction with the playoffs in Terni.
The company is opposed to his departure, he needs him to win promotion to the B1, but no player can reject a call in the National Assembly.
How was really, who telephoned Who, what channels were activated, we do not know for sure.
What is certain is that Jason's father got a telephone call by the coach of the national team, Stefan Stefanov, who asked him "please" by declining the request, which was required for this high office directly from the Federation and that Jason it would acquire a "credit".
For the sake of Pieve Emanuele, Jason, 14 years and some months, he refused his first international call-up, his first trip abroad alone. Imagine yourself with that spirit.
telling this because what is important today, Mr. D'Ambrosio, and Jason accuses us of being ungrateful. A party that is not true, because we have always recognized the merits of the company and its coaches on the results of Jason, but we have also returned. Jason, as well as us.

Jason then goes to the playoffs and is contributing to the team that wins B1.
Not only the Italian championships, he and Tatum Frizzo students to win the title and third place teams in the junior men's doubles. And Jason, in single, became regional champion and junior students.
Roberto, who is grinding km going anywhere, he had to accompany the team to the playoffs in Terni, asks for a reimbursement of expenses to D'Ambrosio.
- Cercatevi another team - is the answer.
But offers to pay for a pizza for the whole family to celebrate the victory. We declined the offer.
So ends the 2005-2006 season. Jason, who in July 2005 was the absolute number 1004 in the national rankings, is now number 477.

The following year, the season starts just below the usual desirable: Pieve Emanuele dispute the championship of B1, but Jason is still with the team in less than B2. In front of his disappointment, his father and I try to make him mind, convincing him that is very young, that's another year of paying dues will be useful.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Anime Mmorpg Like Trickster

4 - I primi mesi a Pieve Emanuele

Jason then goes to Pieve Emanuele. You away 80 km from our house, but will travel to train with the team initially once a week, accompanied by his father (never a delay, with all the weather, including snow) and - as before, the other 4 days he will train with Vili Angera. is an important step in its growth as a player. A church, will team up with a boy her own age who plays in the same category. Will train together, along with the double play in national tournaments together will form the team championship B2.
Questi, almeno, sono gli accordi verbali tra il presidente del TT Pieve Nicola D'Ambrosio e Roberto Luini, nella sua duplice veste di rappresentante del TTA e padre del ragazzo.

Che qualcosa non va, lo scopriamo quasi subito.
La società fornisce a Jason una tuta, due magliette e una borsa usata, abbandonata da un ex giocatore, e diversa da quella in dotazione ai suoi compagni. Nemmeno un paio di pantaloncini. Stringe il cuore vedere la squadra arrivare in palestra, tutti vestiti uguali, con la stessa borsa, tranne Jason. Una sciocchezza, pensiamo noi, ma  Jason ha 14 anni, Jason si vergognava, di quella borsa.
Anche l'allenamento non è quello che si aspettava. Appena arrivato, nel primissimo pomeriggio, Jason gioca con il suo compagno Frizzo Tatulli. Ma quando Patrizio Deniso, l'allenatore della prima squadra, si prende Tatulli.
Solo Tatulli.
E Jason spesso rimane ad allenarsi con le seconde linee.
Come se non bastasse, niente campionato di B2. Ma come, non l’hanno voluto proprio per questo, nostro figlio? Per fare la squadra con Tatulli e conquistare il passaggio in B1? Cosa è successo?
È successo che siamo in Italia. C’è un giocatore adulto che pretende di giocare e, secondo le voci non controllate che circulation, is a financier of the company. Say no, is to miss his contributions. Jason then was confined to C1, where he was needed and where the owners (all adults) do not want it between your feet.

So, Jason finds himself isolated, set aside. The light that has always been in the eye, often coming back to church by car is off. His father notices, but encourages it. The talk of the good stuff.
Because there are, of course. Pieve Emanuele is to train the Romanian Boboc, which saw its potential and takes him under his wing. A beautiful person, Boboc, I have known and appreciated, and more a trainer of high level, which will then be asked to coach a European team.
And there is her boyfriend, Frizzo Tatum. These two boys, despite the leadership of the team do its utmost to make enemies with an impressive treatment of a difference, can sneak away and have fun together. Wonderful capacity of youth.

But if the child tries to throw water on the fire, some explanation for the self Roberto claim. Nicola D'Ambrosio directly address, because it is clear that the directives come from him: Denise is an official training those who tell him to train. Roberto asked why that had been guaranteed at the time the loan is not respected.
- You know, he is on loan, the bond is precarious, we can not invest in him - the answers.
He knew even before, you say, and that's what I told myself.

But here I must introduce a twist: Jason is no longer on loan!
Angera The TTA does not know, we parents even less, but Jason is already the Pieve Emanuele. Because when Robert gave the Nulla Osta did not know - did not understood, did not read, who cares now? - Of having to also pass.
Nicola D'Ambrosio probably when he cleared out of the hands of Robert, was unaware that the TTA had not proceeded to the membership. But then he discovered, of course. As well as chairman of the Parish was also on the board of Fitet Lombardia. And what did he do?
He affiliated himself. Taking, in fact, the actual card. Without saying anything to the TTA, let alone his parents - the parents of a minor! - Indeed with all the supporting comedy to the effect that Jason was on loan. Jason actually tying up to 21 years, linking choice and move to its own discretion.
What should I think about this?
The law does not allow ignorance, of course, Roberto and the TTA have the wrong procedure. But there is something called fairness.

Jason Pieve Emanuele is then in effect, but - who knows why - is taken away by the first team. Meanwhile, the League of B2 is not going well ...

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Reverse Algorithm Generator

3- Il vincolo sportivo: un’anomalia italiana

Before getting to the heart of this story, I must mention the so-called "bond sport."
The Sports constraint exists only in Italy. It consists of an unbreakable bond, a time limit or variously given, but always unreasonable, between the athlete and the company affiliation, with the power of dissolution granted only to the latter. As a result of such lien, transfer to another company is impossible. If you no longer want to play for that team, in short, you can just stop playing.
constraint sports violates the following rules:
L ' Article 1 of Law No March 23, 1981 91 which reads:
" the pursuit of sport, whether carried out individually or collectively, whether professional or amateur is free .
L ' Article 18 of the Constitution which reads
"I Citizens have the right to associate freely without permission for purposes which are not forbidden to individuals by criminal law ... "
The Section 2 of ' Article 24 of the Civil Code which reads:
" The member can always withdraw from' Association [1373 cc] if he has not given an undertaking to make aside for a permanent ... "
L'' Article 20 of the Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 states that :
" No one may be compelled to belong to an association ..." [ Cassaz.Civ. , Sec. 1, 14, 1997, n. 4244 in Mass. egal. lav. 1998.18]

For years it comes to destroy, but in fact has been abolished only for professionals, that is restricted to the privileged class who derive their livelihoods from racing. It was felt, in short, that the only right of the player is to choose their own interest statement. Everything else - peace of mind, enthusiasm, satisfaction - do not count anything for the sports law.
The FIGC (Italian Football Federation) on 14 May 2002 deleted the bond for life, limiting the age of 25 years of age. In the release, the FGIC speaks openly of how this rule has unfortunately led to situations outside the law, with conflicts of interest especially for regional and complaints of attempted extortion.
Other federations have followed. Regulation of FITET (Italian Table Tennis Federation) now limits the sport to the completion bond of 21 years of age.
Until then, a child or a boy (because they're talking about, do not ever forget it) can go play for a team only and only if the team that holds his card - that 's was rationed - the signature cleared.

Then in the summer of 2005, the Tennis Angera - who had recently changed corporate structure, detected and dad raised five enthusiastic and passionate but still a bit 'lost in the maze of Federal Regulations - signing the required document to loan you the annual Luini player Jason David, aged 14.
E 'Jason's father, Robert, in his capacity as secretary of the TTA, a ship that no impediment to Fitet Texas (cardholders who ran until 2007) and personally deliver a copy to Mr Nicholas D 'Ambrosio, president of the TT Pieve Emanuele, and then counselor in the same Fitet Lombardia.
Roberto never imagined at the time of the procedure was wrong.
No one tells them and no one will tell him.

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Saturday, October 23, 2010

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2 - Come si finisce nel rullo compressore dello sport agonistico?

I remember very well that night. We are sitting on the sidelines of a building on Lake Iseo. The regional championships are played in the field there and my eldest son. Jason has five and a half years and is sitting in our midst. Since he discovered the gym. with his father and his brother, took the game.
Approaches Lisa Piantanida, then president of the TTA (Table Tennis Anger).
– Vorrei parlarvi di Jason – dice.
A me passa un brivido gelato nella schiena. Lei continua. – Non so spiegarvelo meglio, ma lui ha un talento naturale. Sente la pallina. Io vorrei seguirlo.
Accettammo, e da quel momento Jason divenne la speranza del TTA.
Non avrebbe giocato in tornei e campionati fino agli 8 anni, come da regolamento, ma si allenava come se dovesse andare in campo. Non arrivava al tavolo, ma era incredibile quel che riusciva a fare anche grazie alla sua allenatrice, Velislava Veleva (Vili).  E a casa, davanti the table of the room, felt the jokes without bats and without the ball.
can only play in small tournaments, social, and here he is on his first award (the youngest).

Then, just 8 years old, he began.
was 1999 and played in the TTA until 2002. In those years, and several tournaments, won two silver medals at the Italian Championships, the men's doubles young.
On the occasion of the second success in Terni, his father was approached by the president of the company Iron Crown of Monza, Robert Savoy, and by the coach Stefan Stefanov that Jason asked to borrow for a year.
accepted, and Jason began a new phase.
Monza, from our house, is about an hour and a half drive. Jason went there once a week, fresh out of school. The other four days of the week, continued to train with Vili in the gymnasium of the TTA. A Monza 2005 and remained until the dispute Championship D2, D1 and C2. 2005. Won a bronze medal at the Italian Championships, star kids and other tournaments, but also makes the transition from childhood to adolescence that for an athlete is even more delicate.
In 2005, at Terni, during the Italian championships, my husband was contacted by TT Pieve Emanuele, one of the most successful club in Italy, which have borrowed the boy.

Once again, we said yes.

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1 - Jason

But that vile little story I have to tell, so trivial as usual and many
That does not even deserve two columns in a newspaper, or a music , or words a bit 'rhymed
(Frank Sinatra)

The child with bright eyes that you see above is Jason. My son.
Luini Jason David will be 19 , Dec. 10. In the photo above, had not yet 5. It 'was taken in the gym of the club tennis top Angera. How and why he started this sport, and who saw his talent, I tell you in this blog. So how do you tell the abuse, tainted by arrogance, conflict of interest and inability to make decisions that for months prevents him from playing with the real nightmare of never being able to compete.
Ve I will tell this story. This will document with copies of emails, contracts, letters of recommendations.
I, his mother. Who are they and what do I do in life, is easy to find out: I'm here with my name. Just type it on Google. I could have told before, this story, but I did not want. So far I've watched, listened.
Now I understand that trust is useless. That justice does not prevail. The storia di mio figlio è una piccola storia, perché lui per fortuna è vivo e fisicamente sta bene. Ma resta una storia di sopruso e di arroganza, in cui chi non detiene il potere viene schiacciato senza pietà. Anche se è un ragazzo di diciotto anni, a cui hanno tolto la luce dagli occhi.
Io non ho armi, tranne le parole. Le parole fanno paura, dice Saviano.
Proverò a rompere questo muro. Almeno un mattone.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

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Gisele, 15 years in fashion with

gisele, bundchen sheathed in a sexy black corset that accentuates her curves, Gisele Bundchen celebrates 15 years in the fashion world on the cover of Vogue Brazil, his native country, which devotes a highly ... intimate. In the other picture it as the beautiful supermodel sexy lingerie, corsets and two pieces that showcase his undeniable perfection, not at all spoiled by motherhood.
Gisele, who, after the birth of her first child, Benjamin, last winter, had announced its intention to withdraw from the catwalk, no more parades, but it also shoots stunning, especially in lingerie. Gisele photographed by Jacques Dequeker provocative and seductive pose in underwear and jewelry for a service in Portuguese is "This Body" and that in English can be translated as "The Body". And his body is the translation. In the shots of

Gui Pagannini instead the model is as sporty and casual. The flip side of this attractive model, which was discovered just 15 years ago by a modeling agency in a McDonald's in São Paulo (Brazil), and a few months later he won a modeling contest in Paris Elite Model Look emerging.

icon of the models of all time is not new on the covers of Vogue. E 'already appeared in the July, November and December 1999 and January 2000 and December 2009. Not to mention the countless fashion magazines that have devoted more than a cover for Harper's Bazaar, Elle, Allure, GQ ...

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Deneuve nude gay magazine

A Catherine Deneuve appears in bold and seductive cover of the November issue of French gay magazine " Tetua . The actress posing in a leopard-print dress, her blond hair slightly disheveled, next to a young nude model . One way to break up with his image as a woman of ice. ''I do not care to be considered a cold woman, what really matters is quello che vivo e come lo vivo''.
La Deneuve. protagonista dell'ultimo film di Francois Ozon, "Potiche", moltiplica le confidenze al giornale in una lunga intervista. Parla anche della nascita del figlio Christian Vadim, al di fuori dal matrimonio, nel 1963: ''Non è coraggio rompere i tabù. Penso - ha detto - che nella vita privata non si possa imporre nulla. E' il nostro più grande spazio di libertà. Non ne approfittiamo abbastanza''.

L'attrice confida anche di preferire le cenette tranquille ai grandi cocktail: ''Non ho nessuna voglia di perdere tempo in queste cose. Preferisco vivere più normalmente'', assicura.

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Belen is always the number one

Belen Rodriguez Belen on the crest of the wave: a line of costumes that bears his signature, a film shot in Africa and the rapprochement with Fabrizio Corona. The Argentine model also reveals an unsuspected passion for writing: "I keep a diary but I do not I ever read."
Belen Rodriguez has designed a line of costumes for "Pin Up" because what you wear to the sea "is to enhance the feminine beauty." The ad was she, of course, that gives users a backstage Tgcom breathtaking. A natural beauty because, he says: "Fewer and more beautiful you dare." Its corpo dice di non amare qualcosa in particolare ma di apprezzare la proporzione armoniosa.

Ma con tutti gli impegni che ha dove trova il tempo di disegnare? "In aereo dove passo decine di ore. Lì, sopra le nuvole mi piace anche scrivere parole al vento". Un vero e proprio diario, dove Belen annota gli stati d'animo delle sue intense giornate trascrivendo l'altalena del suo umore: "Se leggi questo diario ti sembro una pazza". Però il contenuto è top secret, la soubrette lo fa leggere solo a suo padre.

Tra le pagine tante sono dedicate agli amori ma…loro non lo sanno. Solo a Fabrizio ha concesso di leggere qualche pagina. Perché riscoprire la lentezza della carta, per la romantica Belen, vuol dire rediscover a more intimate than sending of the sms.Ma Rodriguez has no intention to publish his thoughts hidden collecting them in a book. "Even if - say - now that I do everything I could even become a writer."

Soon cinema screen, Belen talks about his experience as an actress: "There's the hunchback as on TV, you have to study really." He adds: "With Panariello fine but I found myself acting in plays is not easy because you have to have the perception of comic timing."

Belen speaking of his colleague Elizabeth Hurley says he is not envious but shows her beautiful smile mischievously when he refers Corona: "He's not Clooney." The shapely mannequin is admitted, is deeply in love again because she "love must never become routine and Fabrizio is the man for me."

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Aida and Lisandra

aida, yespica, lisandra, silva A deliberately provocative dancing, back to back , a lesbian-chic game, as defined by the magazine News who has immortalized in exclusive shots. The protagonists are Aida Yespica and Lisandra Silva, Mother Nature "Hello Darwin 6. At the disco in Milan two beautiful girls are cast in a lesbian curtain, which slipped in between hands and eyes twinkling.
Blood caliente one of the two South American showgirl, a Venezuelan and one Colombian, who scatenatissime at "The Club" Milan enact a real lesbian show.

Before you rub dancing sinuously back to back, then slips his hand Lisandra naughty under the miniabitino Aida, who, laughing stops before it reaches the destination, but is happy to oblige.
Not even the intervention of a brave young man with a drink to take your mind off.

Aida, after the brief love affair with Mammucari Teo is currently single and has nothing to lose by trying new experiences, but it seems Lisandra fidanzatissima with Marco Ferri, former tronista of "Men and Women" and in this case there is no doubt ... is just a game ...