Monday, February 28, 2011

What Are The Rules Of Frustration The Card Game



Baracani 34
Candusso, CIAMPI 32
DUTIES, Thomas 29
Calvarese 23
Gallion 21
Velotte 19
CERVELLERA, Ostinelli 15
BARATTA, 13 Merchiori
Bagalini 12, 10 RUINI

already clear The driving position is now secure promoted to the CAN-A, in my opinion Candussio, Duties, and Pinzani Tozzi play each other or other free places, thinking that I dot on younger students. Massa say it is still too young and that I would not do everything too quickly.



A mio avviso in testa sulle promozioni ci sono PRETI,VUOTO e GIALLATINI anche se quest'ultimo è in leggero declino considerato che non esce in Serie On the last day of the first round. The seats will certainly be more than three in my opinion considering the divestment from the CAN-A.

My Mouth Tastes Like Metal


MILAN-NAPOLI is unlocked by a penalty kick awarded to Milan for a hand ball in the penalty area Aronica.
In my opinion perfect decision Rocchi.
Some doubt live on an alleged foul on Ibra Cannavaro looking to hit the ball head and Ibra and maybe pushes up the leg towards the ball. Situation much to the limit.
On the rest of the race can see that two other situations in the penalty area before on Ibra and then there is no foul on Van Bommel. Measures disciplinari tutti congrui forse in avvio ha rischiato Gattuso che protesta in maniera plateale nei confronti di Rocchi per un fallo laterale invertito.
Per MAGGIANI e DI LIBERATORE un errore a testa, ma entrambi gli episodi erano difficili.

South Park Episodes French

Win Serie B - Design 8 8 ^ ^ Back

MELI (Parma) – CONCA (Roma 1)

NASCA (Bari)
BAGNOLI (Teramo) – CUCCHIARINI (Città di Castello)
OA: CATANIA (Roma 1)

Calvarese (Teramo)
RATE (La Spezia) - Ranghetti (Chiari)

Grosseto - Padova (Coeff.1)
BARATTA (Salerno)
IORI (Reggio Emilia) - Vivenza (Brescia)
OA: ANDREOZZI (Frosinone)

MASS (Imperia)
COSTA (Palermo) - Paganessi (Bergamo)
IV: Ruin (Reggio Emilia)
OA: SICILIANO (Brindisi)

Piacenza - Empoli (Coeff.2)
BROODER (Foligno) - COSTANZO (Orvieto)
OT: IVALDI (Genova)

REGGINA - Frosinone (Coeff.2)
Velotte (Grosseto)
Mellon (Modena) - Fortarezza (Bari)
OA: Anfuso (Barcelona pd Gotto)

Baracani (Florence)
Franz (Verbania) - WHITE (Cosenza)
IV: Pairetto
OA: Ceccarini (Pesaro)

SIENA - Triestina (Coeff.2)
TOZZI (Ostia Lido)
Ponza (Avezzano) - CRISP (Genova)
IV: GUIDE (Torre Annunziata)
OA: Sagrestani (Rome 1)

Torino - Atalanta (Coeff.3)
DUTIES (Rome 1)
NEAR (Albenga) - CARRETTA (Padova)
IV: Gallion (Alexandria)
OA: Troccoli (Sapri)

VARESE - Crotone (Coeff.1)
Candusso (Cevignano del Friuli)
MARK ( Roma 1) - MANNA (Isernia)
IV: Manganiello
OA: RED (Torino)

Nominations were announced at 18:53 on Sunday.
now in the field assistant MELI after errors in Catania-Genoa with Giannoccaro certainly has not been declared "guilty." I lifted the coefficients on this day, several head-tail that are creating many problems with "large".
Big-match in Dover that you could also win him a safe place for the CAN-A.

Crest White Strips White Gums

Moviola Day Return

error of too few in this day of the championship, some avoidable. In

BRESCIA-LECCE MORGANTI wrong when her third in the last minute to cancel the 2 of Brescia fact Caracciolo received the ball directly from a touch of Oliveira (Lecce), then Alessandroni can not understand the dynamics action indicates the position of Caracciolo which is actually the penultimate over but defending MORGANTI had to intervene in this situation indicate that the touch and he was a defender. Difficult situation because the action is very messy. In
-GENOA CATANIA unfortunate assistant MELI in the first two goals because of offside Floro Flores and Maxi Lopez are also really hard on the dynamics of the shares. Wrong
the disciplinary action that leads to the expulsion of Criscito, at first Giannoccaro seems to put his hand into his right pocket (yellow card) but then came the point of foul draws a red card means the attacker has possession balloon. The measure also wrong because the technical foul is beyond the line of the penalty area, the collaboration is missing here MELI of as a mitigating factor that was well positioned to evaluate the offside. Just
rigor granted to Genoa and just the disciplinary decision.
PERUZZO in PALERMO-UDINESE does not move from the result and apply the letter of the regulation. Just the two yellow cards for two fouls in Bacinovic tactical and just the expulsion of Armero Darmian that holds the shirt a clear chance from interrupting network. From the pictures, however, appear Peruzzo not aware of the foul now because its course is aimed towards the midfield, most likely signaling Rossomando.
Just give the penalty against the ROMA PARMA , Taddei is overwhelmed by Lucarelli who takes the ball and player, uncoordinated intervention, BRIGHI is attentive. Roma have protested for a penalty in the opening race but the images do not clarify if Totti is actually touched by Paletta that seems ahead of the ball.
VALERI severe at the decisive penalty awarded in -Cesena Chievo , although there are several deductions Mandelli not look at all the ball. The images here do not explain. Grave error GRILLI in the first half, which stops Pellissier launched a network for a non-existent offside.
ROMEO directs English BOLOGNA-JUVENTUS using the same yardstick. The only drawback from red at the end of the intervention PEPE on a player of Bologna, without intervention from behind can catch the ball, Romeo opts for yellow but wrong in my opinion.

The other races did not provide episodes of discussion.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Funny Anniversary Ideas

Europa - La Croazia nel tempo della crisi

For a week the young Croatians to the streets to protest against corruption and economic crisis. Here too, the protest feeds on Facebook and runs on the network, but the real danger is the nationalist right

To explain what happens in Croatia should be very careful because you may not be able to understand who are the protagonists of these events are a week across the country, especially Zagreb. First we must understand the political and economic situation in Croatia. The country is governed by a center-right government, whose main party HDZ (the first President Tudjman) has been in power since 1991, but the range of 4 years, from 1999 to 2003 in which he ruled the left. At the top of the party are still the same men who were the protagonists on the political scene during the years of war that insaguinato throughout the Balkans with thousands of deaths. Today in Croatia reigns rampant corruption linked precisely to the people of HDZ. Former Prime Minister Sanader, who resigned over a year ago to give up her seat to Jadranka Kosor, which was the right arm of Tudjman in the nineties, is now in prison. E 'was arrested in Austria accused of corruption, money laundering and abuse of power. The entire leadership of the party is enriched at the expense of citizens by stealing millions of euro from the state coffers.

The economic situation is very difficult. Unemployment is at 18%, prices continue to rise, the wages of dipendenti pubblici sono stati tagliati e migliaia di persone vivono sulla soglia della povertà. I giovani non vedono prospettive per il loro futuro e cresce il malcontento per le condizioni di vita. Inoltre il paese si prepara ad entrare nell'Unione Europea e per molti cittadini questa è un ulteriore fonte di preoccupazione.
Nel 2009 migliaia di studenti si sono mobilitati nelle università e nelle piazze delle principali città chiedendo le dimissioni del ministro dell'istruzione, più risorse all'università e un istruzione gratuita per tutti. Sono state occupate molte facoltà, si sono svolti cortei spontanei e finalmente in Croazia una nuova generazione di giovani si è conquistata il diritto alla parola e un protagosimo politico e sociale mai visto prima di allora.

I primi a scendere in piazza quest'anno sono stati i pescatori che contestavano l'aumento del prezzo del gasolio, dell'eccessiva burocrazia e chiedevano le dimissioni del ministro.
La protesta che in questi giorni sta animando la Croazia è nata su Facebook. La rete dimostra così ancora una volta di essere uno strumento fondamentale per l'organizzazione e la diffusione di proteste popolari come in Egitto o in Tunisia. E i protagonisti sono per la maggior parte i giovani come nel Maghreb. Il portavoce di questo neonato movimento che stato batezzato "i ragazzi di Facebook" è Ivan Pernar uno studente di Zagabria di 25 anni che è già was stopped twice by police. Through Facebook, blogs and other social networks in a few days was able to widen the face of protests from a handful to thousands. A small event was first recorded in Zagreb on Tuesday when several hundred people demonstrated in Zagreb's central square to demand the resignation of the government and Kosor. Two days later, Thursday, February 24 took to the streets of the capital more than 2,000 people, who demanded the resignation of a government that now does not want anyone in the country, people shouted angry slogans against HDZ accusing them of being corrupt, thieves and have led the country in an untenable situation. On the banners read "We so young and already so poor "or the slogans shouted" Thieves thieves "Kosor resign" and so on. When the protesters arrived at the entrance of the square of Marko, the establishment of the government and parliament, they found dozens of seams in front police officers held antisomossa and barriers that prevented the passage. At that point I started fighting with police who charged several times and stopped eleven people including Ivan Perna.

Saturday 26 was instead called a manifestation of the war veterans against the persecution of their colleagues accused of crimes during the Balkan war. An event that had nothing to do then do with these young men took to the streets two days before calling for a radical change and better living conditions but which instead exhibited nationalist symbols and slogans. Then also came the ultra Dinamo Zagreb, Bad Blue Boys, known throughout Europe for the frequent clashes in the stadiums and the ultra-nationalist politics. There were also the guys led by Ivan facebbok Perna unfortunately in that square have been marginalized by ultra right-wing groups who wanted to manage the square. During the fighting there were several of which also wounded and arrested a journalist "guilty" of taking photographs of the violent police charges. Events were also held in other towns in Croatia.
To know what will happen in the coming days to wait for next week when they were announced more protests. It 's a very delicate situation because many Croats still can not get rid of rettaggi past and nationalism that threatens to overestimates in against the idle young men who want to instead look to the future and create a change in the country, leaving behind that past.

Train In Japan Where Chikan Is Legal

Serie A Sampdoria-Inter

If the description of Gervasoni I was more surprising after Sampdoria-Inter I must say that Braschi was rewarded with a great performance at almost excellent.
remarkable from the standpoint of personality proves to be always present and some attitudes "growling" in respect of the players I enjoyed greatly. Brave the technical aspect, showed uniformity of opinion throughout the race by selecting only do this when you really need for this assistance Fouled have been few and was able to give to the spectacular game. Disciplinary action for the first time using the "sleeves" Gastaldello no warning for a foul on Snejder net in the first minutes of play, is perhaps the only mistake in this respect. Excellent collaboration with assistants especially Ghiandai that assists in various game situations, less work for Jordan.

Does Cf Affect Certain Races>

"Facebook Revolutions". Dalla Tunisia all’Egitto, le nuove ribellioni nate con la Rete

Foto manifestazione a Rabat il 20 febbraio 2011 Raffaella Cosentino, journalist and blogger, tells us about the use of the network as an active tool of the riots that are involving i paesi arabi del sud del Mediterraneo

Ascolta l'intervista

Twitter, Facebook e YouTube non sono il movimento, ma gli strumenti del movimento. Hanno permesso di abbattere un regime pluridecennale, feroce e liberticida. Nelle piazze, gli attivisti avevano in una mano la bandiera, nell’altra il cellulare. Foto, post e tweet hanno incendiato gli animi e sconfitto la censura. Un pirata informatico è diventato ministro. Un rapper ha cantato la rivoluzione da YouTube. Niente sarà più come prima. E non solo nel mondo arabo.
Raffaella Cosentino ci racconta, in questo eBook pubblicato da, un Arab world in the south of the Mediterranean that has made prorpio network utilization and the media are not controlled and not controllable.
Where large bodies of newspapers and informations Western and Arab people have for years to renounce his post in the capital cities of countries like Tunisia and Libya, for accepting good and truthful news filtered by information regime, the use of the network is became the means of dissent.

An idea of \u200b\u200bfreedom and a desire to reclaim the future in this online: migrants landing on Lampedusa by mobile phone already connected and ready to give information to request information, newspapers are "forced" use of sources dirette, le uniche credibili, le uniche che bucano la rete della censura.
Egitto, Tunisia, e ora Libia, stanno accadendo, il processo non è concluso; i profughi scappano dalla Libia verso Tunisia ed Egitto, i dittatori sono abbattuti ma chi detiene il potere è sempre la nomenklatura; tutti hanno visto, tutti sanno, e molto era già conosciuto ma il cambiamento è cominciato e coinvolge anche noi.
Un processo aperto che cambierà e coinvolgerà non solo il mondo arabo ma anche l'occidente europeo pervaso nelle sue metropoli e nei suoi territori da migliaia di persone che da quelle terre in rivolta provengono o hanno origine. Uomini e donne che vorranno esercitare, anche nei nostri territori il proprio diritto to choose a fututro better prepared to fight for their rights. And all that is happening between the north and south shores of the Mediterranean does not seem that the beginning ...

Friday, February 25, 2011

Special Blend Lrg Jacket Centennial

Messico - Offensiva contro L’Altra Campagna

Logo CARZCC CARZCC and arrested members of the Centro Digna Ochoa

Hermann Bellinghausen
Third official offensive against the Other Campaign in Chiapas
With a new repressive operation started last Tuesday against members of the Other Campaign in Chiapas, is now in prison 16 members of the Autonomous Regional Council Area Coast of Chiapas (CARZCC). Among those arrested are three lawyers of Digna Ochoa Human Rights Center, farmers and fishermen of at least five communities, belonging to the Autonomous Regional Council. After six in the afternoon 13 of them were released, remain in prison, the young lawyers Nataniel Hernández, José María Martínez and Eduardo Cruz Alonso Martínez Silva. that would have been transferred to the El Amate prison or under house arrest in Tuxtla Gutiérrez.
is the third direct aggression against the Other Campaign beginning February, after the violent eviction of the San Sebastian Bachajón ejidatarios, the entrance to the waterfalls of Agua Azul (10 are still in jail on serious charges do not try) and the attack of the 'Ejército de Dios to Mitzitón, with the balance two seriously injured. Now, on the coast of the state; there, CARZCC is supporting a strong regional resistance against government abuses.

This afternoon, the Regional Council has marched in the city of Tonalá to the District Attorney's Office Istmo-Costa, demanding the release of those arrested. The event continued in the evening for a short time to block the Panamerican highway. As reported
the same advice, on February 22 "was blocked the international road in the town of Pijijiapan, at the Las Pilitas by a group of 300 CARZCC comrades who demonstrated against the attacks, evictions and arrests in their region and in solidarity with fellow San Sebastián and Bachajón Mitzitón, with whom they share a feeling of brotherhood. "
That day, around 16, "the lock was removed because he was setting up tones as a table for dialogue with representatives of the government."
An hour later, when the delegates return to their communities to dialogue, "the arrests took place da parte della PF aiutata dall’AFI, che durante il blocco, con l’aiuto di un elicottero della presunta Protezione Civile, aveva individuato i suoi obiettivi”.
Il consiglio riferisce che i fermi “sono stati indiscriminati ed hanno coinvolto perfino donne e minori, che più tardi sono stati fatti scendere dai camion a suon di spintoni e insulti”. Davanti a questi fatti, il direttore del Centro Digna Ochoa, Nataniel Hernández, insieme a Martínez Cruz e Martínez Silva, si sono presentati al blocco, “per scoprire che quelli del CARZCC erano stati circondati, impedendo loro di tornare a casa”. In quel momento gli agenti di polizia hanno fermato oltre 50 persone trasferendole su otto camion the Regional Prosecutor Costa Isthmus of tonality. Although route "let go women and children, arrived at the police station also has two children.
detention, settlers of La Central, Joaquín Amaro, El Carmen, Mapastepec and shades, were not complied with legal safeguards and the right of defense, continues CARZCC, "which gave rise to a defense" to demand their liberation. Nineteen of them were taken to police headquarters, and 16 remained in custody. After hours' wait and lack of information "has been known that the human rights lawyers, who were not released, were charged with: assault on the roads, ammutinamento e cospirazione.
Si vogliono criminalizzare i difensori del centro Digna Ochoa come “massimi rappresentanti del movimento”, quando la loro funzione, segnala il consiglio, “è stato proteggere le garanzie delle comunità nel corretto esercizio delle loro funzioni, che dovrebbe essere la regola visti i tempi che corrono, poiché il governo utilizza la vecchia politica di ‘ si el mensajero es malo, muerte al mensajero’” .

(Traduzione “Maribel” – Bergamo)

Sailboat One Persom Operatrion

Burkina Faso - Koudougou:violenti scontri dopo misterioso decesso di un giovane

Bourkina Faso "Beyond sympathy for the death penalty in all circumstances to be clarified by the young Justin Zongo, behind the violent clashes Koudougou c ' is the anger of the people for the use of excessive force by police officers but also a feeling of injustice. The population wants the fight against impunity is put to the fore in Burkina Faso "says the father Isidore MISNA Traogo, secretary general of Caritas Burkina Faso, during two days of protests and clashes in west-central location.
origin of the discontent of young university students and is discordant version of the cause of death of Zongo: according to medical sources the young man was a victim of meningitis while the family and some witnesses would have been beaten to death by agents of the national police.
In the clashes between students, supported by local people, and police at least two people were killed, another 80 were injured, two seriously. The Burkinabe press reports of a city in revolt, a real battlefield with checkpoints everywhere and enormous material destruction, the seat of government region was set on fire as well as several vehicles. Some Evidence from the country's third largest city, 100 km west of Ouagadougou, the capital, denounced the brutality of the repression by the police who have also fired on protesters firearms.

"In the same city in 1998 was killed the well-known journalist Norbert Zongo investigating crimes and corruption of the ruling class," recalls Father Isidore, noting that "the murder remained unpunished." On the other hand, the secretary of Caritas reports of a difficult environment for the country that is concerned about the crisis in neighboring Cote d'Ivoire as well as the uprising in Libya. "At the economic level already feel the immediate consequences in terms of food prices in addition to the impact of the global crisis. The social divide is deeper and there are many who feel excluded from development, "concluded Father Isidore.

Gestational Diabetes Dinner

Egitto - Piazza Tahir si riaccende e chiede un nuovo governo

Tahrir "The revolution is far from over, the current government is too close to Hosni Mubarak, are part and is driven by men old regime, which is why millions of people show today all over the country asking for the replacement "reached in the central Tahrir Square in Cairo, Fadi Awad - 'senior editor' of one of the most important publishing houses and Egyptian activist in the movement of the first hour - reports of an atmosphere changed compared to last Friday, when they went to the streets to celebrate the fall of Mubarak.
"Once again, millions of people are demonstrating peacefully asked why the change is real and not just a facade as the last government reshuffle showed leaving intact the key posts of the executive." The voice of Awad is covered by the music and the slogan that while the square throws against the government, asking once again for the army to assist the process of change.

to demonstrate and Cairo, while in many other cities in addition to demonstrations against the government multiply those promoted by the workers and other workers for higher wages and better working conditions. According to a report of the daily al-Masry al-Youm, thousands of people are protesting in Port Said, Beni Suef, Alexandria, Damietta in Mahalla al-Khubra, for Assu, Ismailia and other locations. "There is a whole country wants change - Awad claims - and says no to the police system on which you held the regime”.
E che non ci sia più tolleranza per i soprusi della polizia lo dimostra un fatto di cronaca avvenuto ieri: a Maadi, quartiere della periferia del Cairo, un alterco tra un poliziotto e un autista di microbus si è concluso con la morte di quest’ultimo ucciso con due colpi di pistola sparati dall’agente. La folla ha poi circondato il poliziotto, incendiato la sua auto e scatenato per tutta la notte una protesta contro la polizia appiccando il fuoco al locale commissariato che era rimasto indenne durante i giorni delle proteste antri-Mubarak. Il responsabile dell’omicidio, ricoverato per alcune ferite, dovrà risponderne alla giustizia ordinaria.
Tratto by: Misna

Baby Congrats In 2010

Costa d'Avorio - Nuovi scontri nel paese dei due presidenti

Dozens of deaths, the lack of interest internationally, including in Côte d'Ivoire. For more than 24 hours to battle Abobo, working-class neighborhood on the northern outskirts of Abidjan. Abobo is the bastion in the city 'of Alassane Ouattara , the former presidential candidate winner recognized by the UN in the run-off on November 28 last year against the outgoing Gbagbo, who did not, however, has never left power. On the night of Tuesday, troops loyal to Gbagbo had attacked a district opponents who responded to the fire. The result is thus a real battle between the houses, cut down to heavy artillery fire, which continues to this day.
Shockwave Radio interviewed Laura Mezzanotte, editor of Nigrizia

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Does Anyone Have The Answers For Ap Bio Lab 7

Grecia - Sciopero generale, manifestazioni e scontri

Tens of thousands of workers, students and pensioners took to the streets in Athens and other Greek cities in the 23febbraio to protest the austerity plan decreed to deal with the economic and financial crisis.

front of the Parliament Athens there were clashes, which lasted until the evening in the city.
Follow the update on Europa Zapatista

The strike has partially paralyzed air traffic and urban transport and completely as sea and rail, while hospitals have been closed (except in emergencies), government offices, schools, shops, banks, pharmacies.
The program also includes an information blackout for 24 hours. Participation was
altissima.Nei parades there were more people of the last events

In Syntagma Square in Athens then took place on the morning of 23 February, a real battle in front of the parliament, between demonstrators and police.
Some groups were singing the slogan "after Ben Ali and Mubarak, now it's up to Papandreou," other protesters began throwing stones, bottles and firecrackers against the agents.
The police deployed in force, responded with a heavy barrage of tear gas.

Sears Folding Trailer

Serie A - Design 8 ^ Back

GUIDE (Torre Annunziata)
HEEL (Nicholls) - Musolino (Taranto)
IV: GAVA (Con.Veneto)

MORGANTI (Ascoli Piceno)
ROMAGNOLI ( Macerata) - Alessandroni (Rome 1)
IV: Orsato (Schio)

Cagliari - Lazio (Coeff.3)
Russo (Nola)
Giachero (Pinerolo) - CRISP (Genova)
IV: DE MARCO ( Chiavari)

Giannoccaro (Lecce)
COMITO (Torino) – MELI (Parma)

VALERI (Roma 2)
GRILLI (Gubbio) – ROSI (Gubbio)
IV: DAMATO (Barletta)

ROMEO (Verona)
PADOVAN (Con.Veneto) – DE LUCA (Pescara)
IV: MASSA (Imperia)

MILAN – NAPOLI (Coeff.5)
ROCCHI (Firenze)

Palermo - Udinese (Coeff.4)
Rossomando (Salerno) - Angrisani (Salerno)
IV: Mazzoleni (Bergamo)

ROME - PARMA (Coeff.3)
BRIGHI (Cesena)
GALLONS (Lodi) - Barbirato (Ferrara)
IV: CELI (Bari)

Sampdoria - Inter (Coeff.4)
Gervasoni (Mantua)
Ghiandai (Arezzo) - Jordan (Caltanissetta)
IV: Rizzoli (Bologna)

Let's go back in order ... A Guide to its fourth presence, the race card has only to see the interest until the Bari is able to stay in the wake of the A.
Morgan Brescia, hard race and salvation, where they must battle in search of victory. Congratulations to Andrew Crispo
section of Genoa who makes his debut in Serie A after 15 appearances for the Cadets, will assist Russian to Cagliari where Lazio can not afford to lose ground with the big ones. Catania Cesena and fighting for relegation are two teams that have practically safe place, and Valeri Giannoccaro for these races. A second race for Filippo Meli.
Romeo in Turin for a game more important now for Juventus who can not afford missteps. Brighi race in Rome on map not prohibitive for the Parma team Montella but can not afford defeat. We're going to
two surprises of the day:
Peruzzo after troubled for the whole season is designated for the clash between Palermo and Udinese Europe, we'll see, certainly not allowed missteps but since the races so far conducted by the youth of Schio seems like a gamble.
Gervasoni in Genoa Inter Milan is the other surprise, certainly an increase over last season but still lacks continuity of performance. Given the past and the former Pazzini on duty will be all to follow.
Gianluca Rocchi designated for the big match between Milan and Naples on Monday, I fully agree with the arbitrator's choice of Florence in this period seems in a good state of form.
Good luck to all ....

Hoppe's Ar15 Cleaning Kit

Win Serie B - Design 7 ^ Back

ATALANTA - Sassuolo (Coeff.2)
SCHENONE (Genova) - Fittante (Cosenza)
IV: Barbers
OA : CAVANNA (Rome 1)

CROTONE - Triestina (Coeff.2)
Ciampi (Rome 1)
GIALLATINI (Roma 2) - Zonneveld (Bari)
OA: Comito (Crotone)

Empoli - Cittadella (Coeff.1)
BUILDING (Ciampino)
Franz (Verbania) - Posada (Bari)
IV: TOZZI (Ostia Lido)
OA: Ceccarini (Pesaro)

Frosinone - Grosseto (Coeff.1)
Corley (Castelfranco Veneto)
Near (Albenga) - STALLONE (Foggia)
OA: Troccoli (Sapri)

Livorno - Ascoli (Coeff.1)
DUTIES (Rome 1)
MASOTTI (Bologna) - ITALIAN (L 'Aquila)
IV: Irratia
OA: ANDREOZZI (Frosinone)

MODENA - SIENA (Coeff.2)
Tommasi (Bassano del Grappa)
PRIESTS (Genova) - CARRETTA (Padova)

PINZANI (Empoli)
VACUUM (Livorno) - Ciancaleoni (Foligno)
IV: Merchiori (Ferrara)
OT: Messina (Bergamo)

Ostinelli (Como)
MARRAZZO (Tivoli) - Paganessi (Bergamo)
IV: Cafaro
OA: RED (Torino)

PESCARA - Albinoleffe (Coeff.1)
Bagalini (Fermo)
LA ROCCA (Herculaneum) - EVANGELISTA (Avellino)
IV: Valles
OA: Massaron (Frattamaggiore)

Stefanini (Prato)
RUBY (Salerno) - Long (Paola)
IV: NASCA (Bari)
OA: CAMPANER (San Donà di Piave)

VICENZA - Reggina (Coeff.2)
Gallion (Alexandria)
DE PINTO (Bari) - Argient (Frattamaggiore)
OT: IVALDI (Genova)

Rosetti si affida alla bravura tecnica di Pinzani per il big-match di giornata che si gioca a Novara.
Esperienza a Crotone con Ciampi che dirige uno scontro salvezza ad alta tensione, Stefanini dirige il Torino fuori casa per una gara non facilissima.
Tra gli arbitri segnalo l'assenza da tre turni di Giancola dopo l'infortunio che l'ha costretto ad abbandonare il terreno di gioco tre settimane fa.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pinnacle Tvcenter Pro Not Free

E' chiaro che Banti con i falli di mano questo periodo non va d'accordo.
Braschi si è fatto sentire subito nel dopo gara (era anche in tribuna) dicendo che l'arbitro di Livorno ha fatto bene a non ammonire De Rossi because the handball was voluntary, but did not interrupt an important action of the game.
I do not agree at all, De Rossi extends his arm to stop the action and the voluntary and I have done with malice, in my opinion missing second yellow card. For the rest of the race did not offer special episodes: the first time Banti rightly dismissed by a judge involuntary arm of a defender of Rome, let it go a bit too much in certain situations but does not affect the race (apart from the mistake of study) on performance.
on servers, but only one serious error in the first half when Smith does not see the return of an offside Borriello then pulls into port.

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Sudan - Lo stupro come arma politica

Sudan - Donne 2 increasing number of cases of sexual abuse in Sudan from the Security against women and young people "guilty" of have participated in street demonstrations. In the event that Sudan first group democracy.
Rapes and sexual violence as instruments of political struggle and repression. This is what is happening at this time in Khartoum, Sudan. Violence against women and girls guilty only of having participated, in some cases not even that, in demonstrations against the regime that ruled the country since 1989.

The complaint, first appeared on some sites Sudanese and youtube was then taken up by a local organization to defend the civil and democratic rights, democracy Sudan first group, which prepared a document that cites many documents that at least six cases of sexual abuse, physical and verbal harassment against Sudanese women, took place between January 30 and February 16.
Security Crimes committed by the men of the ruling party, the Nationalist Congress Party. It has been made, mainly, in the offices of national intelligence (NISS) in Khartoum North.

Complaints referred back to after the event to the streets in Khartoum, January 30 - followed by that of February 2 - in the wake of the events Tunisian and Egyptian.
In the streets against the regime, accused for his historical and political responsibilities in relation to the secession of the South, for the widespread corruption e per il nepotismo; per la mancanza di giustizia; per l'incitamento all'odio e alla divisione; per aver continuato la guerra in Darfur; per la crescita della povertà, della disoccupazione e per una situazione economica disastrosa.

In seguito a queste proteste sono state arrestate numerose persone; il Niss ha preso di mira i movimenti studenteschi, le università e i giornali. E il rischio tortura era già stato paventato da Amnesty International .

Nell'atto di denuncia del Sudan democracy first group si cita il caso di S.E. arrestata la mattina del 13 febbraio in Al Jamhouria Street mentre stava acquistando alcuni fogli e materiale per l'ufficio. È stata accused of spreading leaflets and texts for inciting people to rebellion. They took over the offices of Security where they interrogated, beaten and raped. They wanted to prove his membership in political groups active in the days of the event. She fainted on several occasions. Also raped in its wake. In the medical report it says that it has undergone several abuses.

The same treatment of Samah Mohammed Adam, who was arrested Jan. 30. O Marwa al Tijani, February 3rd stop ('crying more and more they hit me and abused). O Asmaa Hassan Al Turabi February 16. Just to mention some of the names found in the report of the organization in Sudan.
which points out the crimes of sexual violence such as rape, harassment el 'sexual assault, not at all represent a new instrument in the hands of the party in power against those who fight for the rights, or to express ideas different from those of the regime, or to fight the war in defense of justice and democracy. "In the nineties, during the period of the" ghost house "many men were raped and subjected to harassment. And some of these cases were well documented. "

Tens of thousands of women and girls have been subjected to sexual violence in Darfur and South Sudan and the Nuba Mountains during the years of conflicts that erupted in these regions. Violence documented in local and international relations. The

Sudan democracy first group believes that "the crimes related to sexual violence in their various forms and wherever they occur, are the foundation of the decadence of oppression and cruelty on which it based its policy for over Png two decades. We also believe that these crimes are the worst offense in the fight for dignity and humanity of all people of Sudan. "

The organization is appealing to the international community to be watchful and do not close your eyes to these crimes.

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Libia - Terra bruciata

di Marina Nebbiolo

I rapporti politici, diplomatici, economici e gli accordi dell'Italia con la Libia sulla gestione degli arrivi e dei respingimenti degli immigrati appaiono in tutta la loro ambiguità  sulle prime pagine dei quotidiani internazionali. L'Italia questa volta è in prima fila da sola e in silenzio di fronte al bagno di sangue di Bengasi e di Tripoli, sue ex-colonie. L'aspetto più inquietante per i principali media è l'intensificarsi degli scambi economici in seguito al trattato di amicizia firmato nel 2008, affari che hanno raggiunto gli 11 miliardi di euro for which Mr Berlusconi and Colonel Gaddafi met 11 times during the same period.
The Italian industrial groups are all present in Libya (ENI-oils, Impregilo-construction works great, Ansaldo infrastructure, Finmeccanica to assemble civil aviation and military), and Libyan interests are in a long list of Italian companies and banks such as Unicredit, which collapsed the Milan Stock Exchange, Monday 21 February. In connection with the massacre of opponents to the military regime perpretati Praetorians clan of Gaddafi.

eyes international condemnation that explains the modest result of the mediation of the Minister Italian Foreign diplomatic and ineffective Frattini and his accomplice cynicism of the prime minister without hesitation that preceded it saying that they want to "disturb" the friend Muammar. The Italian government, moving away and then putting a halt to the common European opinion wherever designated to be responsible for having justified the brutal repression in Libya. The assessment shared by the various nuances without analysts is that this position rather than static and tied, while clinging to strategic interests, both loser and goes against the interests of the country. Is not justified even by the arrival of migrants, however, represent a number of people well below what is potentially referred to as "emergency" secondo gli organismi che registrano la mobilità europea ed extra-europea.
Per concludere, i nostri osservatori si chiedono come sia possibile che oggi i parlamentari che hanno ratificato, alla quasi unaminità, il patto di amicizia con Gheddafi non abbiano dato segni di cambiamento, cioé non lo rimettano in discussione sospendendolo visto che ci sono tutte le condizioni per farlo e per non continuare ad essere 'compari' di un regime sanguinario. 
Suhayr Belhassen, presidente della Federazione internazionale dei diritti umani (FIDH) facendo il punto sulla situazione in Libia in un'intervista a RFI (Radio France International) insiste sulla defezione dei militari e il peso della presenza dei mercenari contro la resistenza of the Libyan population.
According to eyewitness accounts, the military guard, the militia, security forces and mercenaries for Gaddafi are concentrated in the capital while the air strikes and armed robbery are designed roads that converge within 200 km. This show of force instead of annihilating the opposition movement has shrunk in revolt (Islamic, royalist followers of Nasser, ...) that have formed a committee of Liberation. The appeal is to demonstrate in Tripoli are determined to knock out Gaddafi and his personal army.
Protesters face the mercenaries that have always existed in Libya but have become much more numerous in recent months and these days come from the South-Sahara - The regions from which migrants too - to replace soldiers who have left Gaddafi refused to suppress the riots in the streets. The drama, says Suhayr Belhassen, would be to confuse the mercenaries with the one million three hundred thousand immigrants who are currently in Libya.
Except in Tripoli and Sirte, in the other cities the army has allied with the protesters that designate the centers won by opponents as "open cities" are in fact semi-abandoned and considered unsafe, the residents organized the funeral of their dead and homes are looted. The population of Libya is living in a state of war and is traumatized.
adds, "Gaddafi last but not satisfied because it is completely unrealistic. All that is happening is a sign that is trying to play the last card. 'S ready to drag the people with him in his fall, do not want to give up and stiffens. Attacks to defend themselves and defend his 'entourage'. Even one of his sons, Saif Al-Islam, who in his speeches is as open to reforms, threatens the "bloodbath" because he feels he openly threatened. "

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Doujin De Bulma Online

Libia - Nel precipizio

Libia - Proteste 3 Angelo Del Boca

News are coming true war against civilians in revolt, and then to slaughter. What Qaddafi had always promised that he would never turned their guns against his people, this is an unfulfilled promise. It is time for him to leave, it's time that is barely visible over the bloodbath of a mediation solution that, as in Egypt and Tunisia, can not start that with the departure of Muammar Gaddafi to the absolute power to forty years. It is time that the West discovers the new process of democratization with the mass riots in the Middle East is not the danger of Islamic fundamentalism, but a resource for thinking and exciting entertainment that world together Our company armored.
Now that finally the United Nations raise their voices, those who loved the people and the country can not remain silent. How does the Italian government that hides behind the statements, the last time a European Union is more concerned with his business of the societies and peoples. Therefore, we must tell the truth to stop the blood flowing in Tripoli and Benghazi in Libya in the whole. First we must do what we did with the Italy-Libya treaty of 2008. We knew very well that he was a dictator Qaddafi, in Libya there is no respect for human rights. And then when we signed that treaty as Italy, have refused to ratify only a Agreement on economic, trade, able to stop the despair in new African immigration camps. But not political. We made a big mistake. One mistake that we are still dragging the government because our leaders have the courage to face the situation and say that's enough to ask to you: "You have led this country for 41 years, you've done your best, now leaves place to others. " This should be a specific request.
But the facts that crowd as we write, we are told that unfortunately there is already the precipice. Why Gaddafi is a sense in paying two fundamental errors of his policy. He forgot that part decisive Libya, Cyrenaica, is still imbued with the myth of Senussia and Omar el Mukhtar - hanged by the Italians and the protesters in hailing el Mukhtar. Even more serious, Gaddafi has, however, always minimized the importance of the tribes of the Jebel, the "mountain", which are 50 km from Tripoli. The Orfella, the Zintan, the Roseban, these large tribes of the mountains that are the same ones that put in trouble the Italians in 1911. Gaddafi has always downplayed the importance of these various components - the Orfella are 90 thousand people - in the struggle for liberation and reconstruction of the new Libya. So it is nurtured for decades a dull resentment which now sees them associated if not at the helm of the rebels, with whom, in these hours are marching towards Tripoli. In short, the entire history of Libya is that "rewind" and contradicts the regime of Colonel.
If we think only a few months ago, when Berlusconi and Gaddafi Caserón Roman presence in one of the policemen at a caravanserai, with jousting knights. Comes the question objectively, but as he did not realize that the world he had built was in dramatic crisis? He who aspired to present himself as the leader of the entire African continent, was not even feeling the limits of his government and the tragedy that was consumed in his homeland.
But Gaddafi was not just a puppet, as Ben Ali and Hosni Mubarak. When was the protagonist of the coup in '69 had before him a country full of small organizations, clan, and he helped make it a nation. In a year has driven the American and British military bases, expelled the 20 thousand Italians who were still a legacy of colonialism. In short, he tried to make a nation of Libya. And for many years Libya was regarded as a nation. It was only a presumption, now we know. Was reduced to a presumption that one man project that was truly belong to all the people - not just the "committees of the people" wanted by the regime. Here
failed. When you are self-representative as the one responsible of killing of colonialism and coping imperialism. By reducing a person Libyan institutions, the history of that country, common aspirations. When he came to Italy on the uniform picture of the hero and anti-Italian Omar el Mukhtar. But it was only a provocation subjective, as if to say "I do not forget." But the fact of having underestimated the importance of all the tribes of the mountain, that of political society that has produced the emergence of Libya, was the biggest mistake. Why are the fundamental components that had the resistance, liberation and then had grown over the country.
The situation now, sadly, is over. I think with sorrow that all appeals are now too delay. The very fact that the tribes of the mountains fall to Tripoli to free it, it gives me a measure of turning over the precipice. The group of elders and wise, said we have to kill Gaddafi. Exactly in these words: "We invite the fight against those who do not know how to govern," said the elders of Orfella, while leaders of the neighbors asked Zentani 'young people to fight and the military to defect and bring hell to Gaddafi. " This is the novelty of the Libyan crisis. The revolt of the older generation of historical generation of veterans. A confirmation is also from Cairo, where he represented the Arab League in the Libyan Abdel Moneim al-Honi has resigned to join rioters. It is a very important news, because it is one of the famous "11 officers" who made the revolt in '69 with Gaddafi. And together, the generation of children and young people. Those young people who have made the revolt for the sake of social despair, with a high unemployment at 30%. This figure reveals the tale of good energy Libyan redistribution of wealth. And the talk of a 'popular social "remained on paper of the" Green Book "of Colonel. The culmination of his thought that has served to minimize the political input of the other protagonists of the revolution. Finding him in a 1986 interview, he admitted that the "Green Book" had failed and che la Libia era ancora «nera» non verde. Ora è anche rossa del sangue del suo popolo che lui ha versato. Per l'ultima volta.

Tratto da:  Il Manifesto

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Gare di Ritorno

22 Febbraio

Laurent Duhamel (FRA) AA Duhamel-Capelli IV Ledentu

23 Febbraio

Howard Webb (ENG) AA Kirkup-Child IV Attwell

24 Febbraio

SPORTING LISBONA-RANGERS Paolo Tagliavento-Cristiano Copelli-Massimiliano Grilli
IV Antonio Damato Ass.Agg.Brighi-Morganti
Milorad Mazic (SER) AA Ristic-Jovanovic IV Grujic
Cristian Balaj (ROM) AA Nagy-Gheorghe IV Kovacs
Kristinn Jakobsson (SWE) AA Thorleifsson-Gudmunsson IV Eiriksson
Eduardo Iturralde Gonzalez (SPA) AA Perez del Palomar-Nunez Fernandez IV Turienzo Alvarez
William Collum (SCO) AA Drummond-Andrews IV Allan
Cuneyt Cakir (CSK) AA Duran-Ongun IV Abay
Mike Dean (ENG) AA Mullarkey-Richardson IV Probert
Kevin Blom (NED) AA Siebert-Langkamp IV Nijhuis
Pavel Kralovec (SER) AA Zlamal-Wilczek IV Kovarik
Marcin Borski (POL) Rostkowski AA-IV Sokolnicki Stefanski
Martin Hansson (SWE) AA Nilsson Sjoblom-IV Strombergson
Strombergsson Markus (SWE) AA Andren-Martinsson IV Eriksson
Tony Chapron ( FRA) Boisdenghien AA-IV Annonier Fautrel

Races Round (GIA 'PLAYED)


UNDI Mallenco Alberto (SPA)-Ibanez-Martin Fertin JCYuste Jimenez-Romero JLParadas
Schorgenhofer Robert (AUT)-Alain Hoxha-Mario-Gerhard Strudl Grobelnik
Gumienny Serge (BEL)-Danny-Mark Simons Huens-Christof Virant
Mark Clattenburg (ENG)-Michael Mullarkey, Darren Cann, Mike Dean
Gianluca Rocchi, Cristiano Copelli-Gianluca Cariolato-Paolo Valeri-C. Brighi-G.Gava
Benfica Stoccarda
Eric Braamhaar (NED)-Arend Brink Rob Ven-Pol Van Boekel
BATE Borisov-PSG
Alon Yefet (ISR)-Danny-Krasikow Shabtai Nahmias, Eitan Shemeulevitch
Bezborodov Vladislav (RUS)-Nikolai-Dmitriy Golubev, Stanislav Mosyakin Sukhina
Besiktas Dinamo-KYEV
Pedro Proença (POR) Venable-Thomas, Ricardo Santos-Batista PJLourenco
Basel-Spartak Mosca
Stavreva Aleksandar (MKD)-Ljubomir Krstevski-Marjan-Kirovsk Petar kept
Young Boys-ZENIT
Anastassios kaka (GRE)-Saraidaris-Christos Dimitrios Ilias Akrivos-Späth
Salonicco PAOK-CSKA Mosca
Andre Marriner (ENG)-Stephen Simon Child-Long-Stuart Attwell
Craig Thomson ( SCO), Graham Chambers, Francis Andrews, Iain Robertson Brin
Rangers-Sporting Lisbon
Manuel Graf (GER)-Detlef Markus Schepp-Hacker-Jochen Drees
Florian Meyer (GER)-Holger Henschel-Peter-Christoph Bornhorst Gagelmann
Alexandre Dan Tudor (ROM)-Cristian Constantin Nica-Aurel Onita-Radu Petrescu

Monday, February 21, 2011

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Series B-final win - Design 2 ^ Return-RECOVERY

PESCARA - Empoli (Coeff.2)
Velotte (Grosseto)
COSTA (Palermo) - Ranghetti (Chiari)
IV: coconut
OA: Massaron ( Frattamaggiore)

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Libia - Appoggiamo la protesta contro Gheddafi

Libia - scontri 2 Sono ore drammatiche in Libia dove nonostante la repressione violenta, non si ferma la rivolta contro il regime di Gheddafi.
Una protesta nata sull'onda di quanto sta avvenendo nel resto del mondo arabo, che assume un importanza particolare in un paese compresso dal regime del Colonello.
Sosteniamo protests in Libya.
Just in Italy to the streets to say that freedom is not bought and sold through bilateral and investments
During the night the second leader Gaddafi proununciato a speech on television in which he stated that "Libya is at a critical moment in its history. Already the next few hours, the People's Assembly will meet to discuss the reforms and that everyone wants a constitution for the country. But if the insurgency will not stop, will the civil war. Thousands of people are coming to defend Gaddafi in Tripoli and Libya. It will do so until the last man. " Meanwhile
Tripoi gunfire could be heard in different parts of the city. The news agencies speak of Libyan protesters al'attacco a construction site in Tripoli, which is managed by a company of South Korea

is also the highest number of confirmed dead in Benghazi. Meanwhile, some news agencies speak of the fact that Gaddafi may have left Libya last night. And 'what the Agence France Presse. The plant's workers
petroliefro al-Nafura in southern Libya, they decided to go on strike in protest against the regime of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. According to reports from the satellite TV 'al-Jazeera Mubasher' which opened a direct line to viewers dedicating a special about what is happening in the north African country, the oil rig in al-Nafura is completely stopped and the workers are refusing to continue the extraction of crude oil. The Libyan tribes Azaweya threatens to harm the flow of oil to Europe if the Member States will not intervene in support of the protesters that day protest leader Muammar Gaddafi. It 'a report in the website Libya Today.
This morning, the European Union member states will meet today in Brussels, will discuss where to vote on a document which "condemns the ongoing repression against peaceful demonstrators in Libya, and deplores the violence and civilian deaths.''" Freedom of expression and peaceful assembly, " prosegue la bozza, "sono diritti fondamentali di ogni essere umano, che come tali debbono essere rispettati e protetti" . Intanto la Ue sta considerando di evacuare i suoi cittadini dalla Libia, in particolare dalla città di Bengasi.
Mentre il prezzo del petrolio sta salendo nelle borse, la compagnia petrolifera britannica British Petroleum si sta preparando ad evacuare tutti i suoi dipendenti presenti in Libia. Lo ha reso noto la tv satellitare 'al-Arabiya'. La compagnia petrolifera ha già chiesto ai suoi lavoratori di prepararsi a lasciare il paese considerando la rivolta in corso contro il regime di Muammar Gheddafi.

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Champions League - ROUND 7 ^

Races February 22

AE: Bjorn Kuipers (NED)
AA1: Sander van Roekel
AA2: Berry Simons
4°: Richard Liesvelt
Ass.Agg.: Danny Desmond Makkelie-Ed Janssen

AE: Wolfgang Stark (GER)
AA1: Jan Hendrick Salver
AA2: Mike Pickel
4°: Thorsten Kinhofer
Ass.Agg.:Tobias Welz-Christian Dingert

Gare del 23 Febbraio

AE: Felix Brich (GER)
AA1: Thorsten Schiffner
Aa2: Mark Borsch
4 °: Knut Kircher
Ass.Agg.: News Archive-Babak Rafati

AE: Viktor Kassai (UNG)
AA1: Gabor Eros
Aa2: Gyorgy Call
4 °: Sandor Szabo
Ass.Agg.: Mihaly Fabian, Tamas Bogner

Gare gia disputate


AE : Stephane Lannoy (FRA)
AA1: Eric Dansault
Aa2: Laurent Ugo
4 °: Clement Turpin
Ass.Agg.:Antony Gautier-Ruddy Buquet

AE: Aleksei Nikolaev (RUS)
AA1: Tikhon Kalugin
AA2: Anton Averianov
4°: Maksim Layushkin
Ass.Agg.: Sergey Karasev-Vladimir Pettay

AE: Olegario Benquerenca (POR)
AA1: Bertino Miranda
AA2: Joao Santos
4°: Joao Capela
Ass.Agg.: Carlos Xistra-Artur Soares Dias


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De Marco (Voto 7)
Mi ha convinto soprattutto sotto l'aspetto disciplinare per una condotta lineare e uniforme. Attento a punire sin da subito il gioco duro e a qualche situazione dubbia in area di rigore. E' in crescita e credo che ora sia anche giusto vederlo in gare più impegnative.

Banti (Voto 4)
Come hanno sottolineato molti giornali, l'arbitro di Livorno è in un periodo di poca serenità e l'unico errore della gara è decisivo e grave perchè decide il risultato finale.
Lo stop di Robinho con il braccio è nettissimo e Banti pur posizionato in una zona di campo sgombra da giocatori ha la visuale libera e non è vicinissimo cosi come ha fatto intendere Braschi, forse per dare una giustificazione. Completo dicendo che l'errore è al 100% di Banti perchè l'assistente Di Fiore non poteva vedere essendo dall'altra parte del campo.

Rizzoli (Voto 6)
Gara molto facile per Rizzoli con nessun episodio da analizzare.

Orsato (Voto 6,5)
In una gara incredibile l'arbitro Schio is not noted for serious errors, even guarantees the regularity of the race with the help of two assistants Tonolini excellent performance and Petrella are never wrong about episodes at the limit of offside. Some doubt
for 1 to 3 of Genoa for a touch of the arm of Palladino Orsato fact for a moment put his whistle in his mouth but then you realize that you're all set.

Celi (Score 5.5)
After two minutes Celi wrong not to grant a penalty as Inter Astori trattiente conspicuously Thiago Motta preventing the detachment of the head. The goal of Inter
little to say, Pugiotto error in my opinion serious who has not seen the double for offside by Thiago Motta e Ranocchia che poi mette in rete. Nel contesto della gara Celi sbaglia qualche valutazione tecnica al limite e non convince appieno.

Pierpaoli (Voto 6)
Nessun episodio da moviola per l'arbitro di Firenze..ed è già buono visto il periodo che sta attraversando.

Mazzoleni (Voto 7)
Sin dall'inizio l'arbitro di Bergamo dimostra di essere in forma. Vede bene su qualche trattenuta di troppo di Toni e poi espelle giustamente Buffon per aver parato con le mani fuori dall'area di rigore su tiro di Di Michele, ottima in questo caso la collaborazione dell'assistente Manganelli che è attento anche sul vantaggio del Lecce perchè Chiellini tiene in gioco Mesbah.

Gava (Score 6.5)
difficult to manage but still uniform disciplinary arbitrator of Conegliano Veneto showing good pulse in all situations called to judge. Excellent
Ayroldi clearly helps in the first half when the referee signaled the retention of Mr Marquis Sosa on the penalty kick that misses and Cavani.

Tagliavento (Score 7)
perfect performance of the referee called Terni to conduct a race on the card is not easy.
No doubt at the penalty kick awarded to Parma, Amauri is undermined by Felipe.

Bergonzi (Score 6)
Bergonzi that tarnished the second time allows Udinese a penalty kick seeing a touch of the arm that is not of Bega, which is significantly affected in the face by ball. Niccolai draws the attention of Bergonzi who apologizes and takes with its own garage in the penalty area.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

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Serie A Serie A - Design 7 ^ Back

De Marco (Chiavari)
Viazza (Imperia) - LIBERTI (Genova)
IV: Corley (Castelfranco Veneto)

CHIEVO - MILAN (Coeff .4)
BANTI (Livorno)
FLOWER (Aosta) - Cope (Mantova)
IV: Gervasoni (Mantua)

Fiorentina - Sampdoria (Coeff.3)
RIZZOLI (Bologna)
BIANCHI R. (Lucca) – VUOTO (Livorno)
IV: TOZZI (Ostia Lido)

GENOA – ROMA (Coeff.4)
ORSATO (Schio)
TONOLINI (Milano) – PETRELLA (Termoli)
IV: ROCCHI (Firenze)

CELI (Bari)
CARRER (Con.Veneto) – PUGIOTTO (Chioggia)
IV: BRIGHI (Cesena)

LAZIO – BARI (Coeff.2)
NICOLETTI (Macerata) – LONGO (Paola)
IV: GALLIONE (Alessandria)

Mazzoleni (Bergamo)
MANGANELLI (SGValdarno) - Carioli (Legnago)
IV: Russo (Nola)

GAVA (Con.Veneto)
IANNELLI (Novi Ligure) - Ayroldi (Molfetta)
IV: Peruzzi (Schio)

PARMA - Cesena (Coeff.3)
Tagliaventi (Terni)
DOBOSZ (Roma 2) - PASSERI (Gubbio)
IV: BUILDING (Ciampino)

Bergonzi (Genoa)
NICCOLAI (Livorno) - PAPI (Prato)

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Win Series B - ^ Back Design 6

RUINI (Reggio Emilia)
Cucchiarini (Città di Castello) - MANNA (Isernia)
OA: PADOVAN (Gorizia)

PINZANI (Empoli)
RATE (La Spezia) - CRISP (Genova)
IV: De Benedictis
OA: CATANIA (Rome 1)

BARATTA (Salerno)
MANZINI (Verona) - STALLONE (Foggia)
IV: De Faveri
OT: IVALDI (Genova)

Grosseto - Empoli (Coeff.2)
Calvarese (Teramo)
MARK (Rome 1) - EVANGELISTA (Avellino)
IV: Gavillucci
OA: GUN PUPILS (Foligno)

LIVORNO - Novara (Coeff.3)
GUIDE (Torre Annunziata)
IORI (Reggio Emilia) - Pontine (Avezzano)
IV: Bagalini (Fermo)
OA: Massaron (Frattamaggiore)

Reggina - Atalanta (Coeff.3)
Candusso (Cervignano del Friuli)
BASIN (Rome 1) - BROODER ( Foligno)
OA: Anfuso (Barcelona p.di Gotto)

SASSUOLO - Crotone (Coeff.1)
Merchiori (Ferrara)
BAGNOLI (Teramo) - Vivenza (Brescia)
IV: Pairetto
OA: ANDREOZZI (Frosinone)

Velotte (Grosseto)
WHITE (Cosenza) - Ranghetti (Chiari)

MASS (Imperia)
MARRAZZO (Tivoli) - Mellon (Modena)
IV: Santonocito
OA: Sagrestani (Rome 1)

Fortarezza (Foggia) - COSTA (Palermo)
IV: Stefanini (Prato)
OA: SICILIANO (Brindisi)

VARESE - Frosinone (Coeff.1)
Baracani (Florence)
Meli (Parma) - Constance (Orvieto)
IV: Ostinelli (Como)
OA: RED (Torino)